Novembek 6 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 955 GLOBE WORKS, LINCOLN. ROBEY ENGINES 79, Queen Victoria Street, r ■ 1 — if J'S AIR COMPRESSORS. WINDING ENGINES. FAN ENGINES. CRUSHING PLANT. less® RoaEyftc^ii"! Winding Engine, fitted with Drop Valve Reversing Gear and Overwinding and Overspeed Device. STONE DUST PLANT. Motor-Driven Two-Stage Air-Compressor with Disc Valves and Unloading Device. Mellings Patent Controller and Steam Brake. The most complete and reliable apparatus for the AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF WINDING ENGINES as required by the “NEW MINES ACT.” References to some of the most important Collieries in the Kingdom. SOLE MAKERS— WORSLEY MESNES IRONWORKS LTD., -------------------WIGAN,------------------------- Makers of WINDING, PUMPING, HAULING, and AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES, both steam and electrically driven, up to the largest sizes. Also makers of MELLINGS* PATENT STEAM REVERSER and PATENT AUTOMATIC EXPANSION GEAR. Telegrams—" ENGINES, WIGAN.” Telephone—No. 46 WIGAN. J J ft I M E O Q. ft ft Electrical Mining Plant Manufacturers, ■ fin IIULnlEd Ob UU.j NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE P f A Q M STEAM & POWER PUMPS In Jrw I I 11 From Stock or for Quick Delivery. Frank Pearn & Co. Ltd., Manchester, S.E. Write for Particulars. BELT PULLEYS, Spread Arms. Strong, Flat or Convex. Douglas FRASER & SONS Ltd, C. Dept., Westburn Foundry, ARBROATH. HAMMERED GAST IRON Premier Works, PISTON RINGS Don Road, SHEFFIELD THE STANDARD PISTON RING ENGINEERING CO. LTD., IN OUR Special Piston Ring Iron (by the Davy- Robertson Patent Process). All sizes from 2| in. to 72 in. QUICK DELIVERY. LOW PRICES. No? 2149. “Ocean, Sheffield.’ STANLEY ■■ Trade LONDON Cases of English Drawing Instruments, from 10s. to £30. The Largest Manufacturers of SURVEYING & DRAWING INSTRUMENTS in the World. Our Drawing Instruments are made throughout in our own factories, and if quality is considered, are cheaper than Qtrman ones. Please send far our “K.I2” Catalogue, and compare our prices with those of other first-class makers. W. F. STANLEY <& CO. LTD, Export Dept., Great Turnstile, High Holborn, W.C Head Offices and Showrooms—286, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. “BITUMASTIC” (BRAND) SOLUTION IS UNEQUALLED AS A PROTECTIVE COATING FOR STEELWORK. “BITUMASTIC” is supplied ready for use, and can be easily applied by unskilled labour. “ BITUMASTIC ” is unaffected by Chemical Fumes, Atmospheric Changes, &c. Write now for full particulars to sole manufacturers— WAILES, DOVE & GO. LTD, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Also at LONDON, LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, Telegrams— GLASGOW, CARDIFF. BIRMINGHAM. LEEDS. &c. “ Bitumastic.”