October 30, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 951 ________________ ___ _____ ___ THE - Koppers’ Coke Oven has been proved to be the most successful on the market, as is evidenced by the fact that in the comparatively short period of ten years orders for over 11,000 Ovens have been placed with us, of which number over 4,500 are repeat orders. These orders represent a capital cost of over _ £8,500,000. — SIMILAR SUCCESS ATTENDS THE INTRODUCTION OF -__ KOPPERS NEW SYSTEM OF ___BYE-PRODUCT RECOVERY. In the New System the Scrubbing process is entirely dispensed with, and the Ammonia is recovered direct from the Gas in the form of Sulphate. ADVANTAGES OF NEW SYSTEM: Effluent Liquor reduced by 50 per cent, and upwards. Great Saving in Steam Consumption. Greater Yield of Sulphate and Benzol. Less Labour Cost. Consumption of Water is considerably Reduced. Plant is Simpler to Operate, and requires less supervision. Plants already at work and under construction to deal with the Gases evolved from upwards of 25,000,000 tons of coal per annum. Pull Particulars on Application to— The KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN and BYE-PRODUCT CO., Telephone Nos. 1935 & 1331 (two lines). 301, Glossop Road, SHEFFIELD. “ KOCHS,PSHEFFIELD.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ The CAMBRIDGE Patent BITUMINOUS SUCTION GAS PRODUCER For all kinds of Bituminous Fuels, Coal, Wood, Lignite, Peat, etc., etc. _____________ 50,000 H.P. ALREADY IN USE. _____ Absolute Freedom from Tar. _____ Operation of Gas Making Open to View. ______ Free Access to Air. ROTATING FIRE BARS FOR LOOSENING CLINKER WHEN NECESSARY. $ THE . rAMBRiocE Patent EITUMiNOUS-SUC*ir CAC PRODUCER ___________________ No Mechanical Tar Extractor Necessary. ________ No Risk. ________ No Hopper Slide Required^o Hermetically! Seal Producer. ______ FULL GUARANTEES GIVEN. _________ _________ Can be adapted to any existing engine from 25 h.p. and upwards. MADE AND SOLD BY THE LICENSEES— WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. KYNOCH Ltd., Witton, BIRMINGHAM