October 30, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. *s ^oviatjj8 905 SHAKER-CONVEYOR Stroke Regulator output of coal per shift, tremendously, and Is installed at several large collieries with very marked success. Write us for illustrated catalogue with list of questions. issssssswi There are no Springs to break or interfere with adjustment. Falls of Roof cannot injure the Engine, nor dust enter the Valve Gear. Let us send our expert to inspect your conditions and quote for a suitable installation. Will dispense with Trammers, Boys and Ponies, and enable the output to be concentrated to one point. = Mining Engineering Co. Ld Will increase considerably increase the output per man. itlOSIfi Screw Column Rocking Pin Cross Arm Connecting Rod Air Inlet Regulator Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams : “ Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4 5 30 Central, 2 lines.