October 23, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 859 Sullivan continuous reasons acts Work 3063 g machines. 30 in. x 7# f Sullivan Machinery I Salisbury House, London, E.1 Held up to face without props, iplest cutters, under by power. 15 minutes. gives Sullivan Ironclads the evenest devised,—not an intermittent motion, b feed reduces wear and tear and is Sullivan Ironclads cut the cost of holin maintain. • i . ■ •.'a' - 2OO-H.P. MAIN AND '■ <*, TAIL HAULAGE GEAR. AND M. B. WILD & CO. LTD., Birmingham. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—“Hauling, Birmingham.” LONDON Office : 37, Walbrook, E.C. Telephone—7476 City. Telegrams—“Clutching, Cannon, London.” Manufacturers of Hauling, Winding, and Pumping Plants, also Capstans, Winches, and Patent Dirt Tip.