788 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 9, 1914. in the form of a solution of ammonium sulphocyanide of 25-30 per cent, strength; (2) the use of sulphuric acid of 70-80 per cent, strength for the ammonium sulphate satu- rator; (3) such a proportion of ammonia in the gas that if the acid in the saturator is to be equivalent to both this ammonia in a given volume of the gas, and that equiva- lent to the ammonium sulphocyanide produced from the cyanogen in that volume, the volume of acid (of the above strength) used to hydrolyse the sulphocyanide should bear the ratio to the volume of ammonium sulphocyanide solu- tion (of the above strength) of about 1'5 :1. (Four claims.) 29851 (1913). Improvements in Picks and other Similar Tools. J. Beveridge, 2, Hill-street, Dunfermline, Fife- shire.—Relates to a head or stock for a pick or other tool or implement of a like nature of the type in which the head or stock is recessed to receive and rigidly hold a removable and interchangeable point, or points, of any desired shape by means of a wedge or the like; and has for its object to improve and simplify the construction of the head or stock so that a through passage is formed in the under part of the recess, whereby the placing in position'or removal'of the point or points is facilitated. Figs. 1 and 2 show respectively a side elevation and a plan of the stock or head for a pick or other similar tool, as made according to. this invention; a a .are sockets preferably rectangular in section, into which any shape of point or tool may be inserted ; b is the socket for receiving the shaft or handle, which is held or fixed in the ordinary manner. Fig. 3 shows a pick fitted together ready for use; c is the stock or head, the one end of which is fitted, in this instance, with a diamond point d, and the other end with a pickaxe point e; f f are wedges for holding the points in position; g is the shaft or handle. Figs. 4 and 5 represent respectively mattock point and platelayer’s beater point, both suitable for use, with the stock or head, as made according to this invention, and as shown in figs. 1, 2, and 3. The handle or shaft or other element, by which the tool or implement is held or grasped, may be of the usual kind, and the handle or shaft may be fixed to the stock or head in the usual manner. (Two claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 20258. Utilisation of blastfurnace slag and recovery of pro- ducts therefrom. T. Twynam. 20260. Preserving wood. A. V. St. Armande and T. Reid. 20282. Miners’ lamps. J. Campbell. 20283. Shackles for use in coupling vehicles. J. Davies and F. J. Morgan. 20289. Manufacture of tin-plates and other like metal- coated plates or sheets. R. B. Thomas, H. S. Thomas, and W. R. Davies. 20296. Steelyard weighing apparatus. W. and T. Avery Limited, and R. R. Gibbs. 20297. Heading machine for stone, coal, and the like. R. Jackson. 20298. Compressed air pipes and other fixtures in pit shafts. R. Jackson. 20322. Control of electric motors. Igranic Electric Com- pany Limited. (Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Company Limited, U.S.A.) 20324. Process and apparatus for producing oil fuels. A. Philip. 20339. Hoisting apparatus. A. R. Mellander. 20342. System of and means for signalling electrically. H. Green and W. de M. Landon. 20353. Apparatus for distilling derivatives of petroleum, tar, and like under vacuum. R. Neumann. 20361. Treatment of subdivided ores for agglomerating or reducing them and apparatus therefor. G. Grondal and H. Nilsson. 20373. Steam turbines. Warwick Machinery Company (1908) Limited, and F. Samuelson. 20386. Miners’ safety lamps. J. Prestwich. 20391. Method of and means for utilising waste heat pro- ducts in chemical plant. C. F. Dyson. 20398. Luffing gear for gib cranes. J. Jardine. 20399. Internal combustion engine valve gear. A. E. L. Chorlton and F. H. Livens. 20402. Mine signalling apparatus. T. S. Dodds. 20408. Furnace for smelting ores. C. J. Beaver and E. A. Claremont. 20409. Insulating material for electrical purposes. H. Grossmann. 20410. Rotary bits for drilling wells. G- Gondos. 20420. Means for resetting or controlling indicators or con- trolling mechanism used in connection with the working of any engine or motor. J. P. Forster. 20457. Destructive distillation of coal and other carbona- ceous substances. S. N. Wellington. 20474. Draw bar yokes for railway cars and the like. T. Cantley. 20486. Mine signalling apparatus. W. Campbell. 20507. Apparatus for use on locomotive and like engines fitted with steam superheaters. J. G. Robinson. 20508. Steam superheaters for locomotive and other fire tube boilers. J. G. Robinson. 20511. Methods of preventing the formation of rust on metal articles. T. W. Coslett. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on October 22.) 1913. 21066. Apparatus for carrying the steel from the steel fur- nace to the roller mills, and for casting the ingots en route. F. W. Cooper, executor of A. H. Cooper, deceased. 21890. Apparatus relating to the withdrawal of air and water from steam condensers. Morison. 22045. Pipe couplings. Viola. 26753. Sifting, screening, and sorting apparatus. Murfet. 28191. Extraction or recovery of valuable products from clay and the employment of such products in the manu- facture of bricks and the like. Crowden. 29294. Centrifugal pumps. Watson and Billetop. 1914. 2642. Means for securing certain kinds of brake shoes to brake blocks. Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Company, and Squires. 2895. Boring, facing, milling, and like machine tooW. Pearn. 3681. Automatic coupling for colliery tubs or corves, and similar vehicles. Coles. 4294. Electric hoists, cranes, winches, and the like. Wilson. 7377. Tram to prevent coal dust in mines. Goodenough. 7529. Engine packing and the like. Redfern. 10415. Electric resistance furnaces. Davies, and A. Gallen - kamp and Company. 12752. Automatic tipping buckets. Perkins. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1913. 24337. Rotary converters with commutating poles. Akt.- Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 1914. 10157. Water purifying apparatus. Maschinenbau-Anstalt- Humboldt. 19511. Steam boilers, such as locomotive boilers and the like. Bildt. 19792. Concentration of nitric acid. Norsk Hydro Elek- trisk Kvaelslofaktieselskab. Applications to Avoid or Suspend Patents or Licences. No. and year of patent. Grantee. I Name and address of applicant. Date of hearing. 10859/01 24439/02 Goldschmidt. (Welding metals.) Goldschmidt. (Alumino- thermal process.) W. L. Turner, Purley Chase, Atherstone, Warwick, and H. A. Blackwell, The Albany, Old Hall-street, Liverpool. ■Oct. 21 8226 08 Griessmann (Balancing devices for centrifugal pumps.) Doherty and Bamber, 25, Vic- toria-street, Westminster, S.W. Oct. 28 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.—A general meeting will be held in the Wood Memorial Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, at two o’clock to-morrow (Saturday). The following paper will be open for discussion :—“ The Utilisation of Exhaust Steam for Collieries, Ironworks, etc., and the Cost of Electric Current Generated,” by Mr. W. C. Mountain; and the following papers will be read or taken as read “ A Portable Elec- trical Gas-detecting Device for Use with Miners’ Lamps,” by Mr. George J. Ralph (with experimental illustrations); “Notes on Coal Mining in the State of Illinois. United States of America,” by Mr. Samuel Dean; “Hydraulic Stowing in the Gold Mines of the Witwatersrand,” by Mr. B. C. Gullachsen. A firedamp indicator or methanometer will be exhibited, described, and demonstrated by Mr. Alfred Williams. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. “ All About Ozonair ” is the title of a pamphlet issued by Messrs. Ozonair Limited (96, Victoria-street, S.W.), which gives a brief oversight of the large field covered by their manufactures and processes. These comprise air purifica- tion, ventilation, air cooling, deodorisation, therapeutics, water purification, food preservation, and. the treatment of textile materials, fabrics, chemical preparations, etc., etc. The system is also well adapted for laboratory work. The Kent County Fencing Company (Crouch, Borough Green, Kent), who are- prepared, we understand, to supply mining props, make a speciality of the wire-bound chestnut fence, the “ spile ” fencing so popular in the Garden of England. In this type of fencing intermediate, posts are suspended instead of being driven into the ground. An illustrated list shows various designs of fencing, etc., made by the firm. We have received from the British Electric Plant Company Limited (Alloa) a pamphlet dealing with their patent self- balancing centrifugal pumps for high and low lifts. A feature of the impeller used in these pumps is the large bear- ing surface provided at the neck rings, thereby minimising leakage, preventing loss of efficiency, and lengthening the life of the pump. Illustrations are given of a motor-driven pump mounted on a carriage for working on an incline of 1 in 6; a single-stage motor-driven pump, capacity 1,000 galls, per minute to 75 ft. head; a multi-stage sinking pump coupled to direct current motor, capacity 300 galls, per minute to 720ft. head at 1,400 revolutions per minute; boiler feed pumps, etc. There are also some useful hints on the instal- lation of electrically-driven turbine pumps, and a table of friction loss in water pipes. Messrs. John Davis and Son (Derby) Limited have just issued a new section of their “ blasting ” catalogue. This deals with high and low tension magneto exploders of various types. The case of the “ Davis-Derby ” pocket exploder is constructed of aluminium, the body and base being one cast- ing, and the top is of tightly fitting cast aluminium. The magneto is actuated by a detachable handle, which fits into the case through a gland, so as to be flameproof. A press button is also fitted, or automatic internal switch may be fitted, dispensing with a push button. The handle actuates through a series of wheels, between which and the armature is a ratchet. The object of the ratchet between the arma- ture and the handle is to allow the armature still to revolve after, the handle has put it into motion. To fire a shot all that is required is a sharp half-turn of the hand, pressing the button at the same time, or contact is made, at the end of the stroke with the automatic internal switch. This exploder is made in two sizes both for high and low tensions. In the “ Davis-Derby Ironclad ” exploder, which is a more powerful appliance, the case is constructed wholly of an alloy of cast aluminium. The capacity of this machine through 50 yds. of cable is 10 shots in series. Other types are illustrated, including a low tension rack-bar exploder for pit sinking and quarries, with detachable handle and auto- matic internal switch making contact at the end of the stroke. The list also deals with galvanometers and other testers, detonators, cable reels, etc. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *#* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Consular, Trade Reports, etc., 1913 : Japan, 6Jd.; Italy. Agriculture and Industries of Piedmont, 23d. ; Wei-hai-Wei Report for 1913, 2Jd. Boiler Explosions Report for 1912-13, 3Jd. Census Returns, 1911 : Northampton and Rutland, Is.; Middlesex, Is.; Nottingham, 9d.; Lancaster, 2s. 9d.; Hert- ford, 8J-d. Unemployed Workmen, Return for 1913-14, 3Jd. Board of Education : Catalogue of the Mechanical Engi- neering Collection, Is. lid.; ditto, Supplement, Is. 7d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1914 : (1403), Articles of Commerce Proclamation, IJd.; (1410), Contraband of War. lid. Cardiff Railway Act, 1914, 9id. Pauperism Statement for August, 1914, l|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Proceedings of the Institution of Municipal Engineers.” 1914, Parts 1 and 2; “ Cassier’s Engineering Monthly” (Vol. 46, No. 4), October, price Is.; “ The Geological Magazine,” September (Vol. 1, No. 9), price 2s.; “ The National Physical Laboratory Report for the Year 1913-14”; “The Journal of State Medicine” (Vol. 22. No. 10), October, price 2s.; “ The Concrete Institution’s Transactions and Notes” (Vol. 5, Part 2); “Transac- tions of the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders ” (Vol. 30. Part 5), September, price 5s.; “ The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 19, No. 7), September, price 50c.; “ Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society ” (Part 14, No. 33.) THE “ PROTO ('“•) RESCUE APPARATUS. THE ALL-BRITISH APPARATUS -------------- is --- THE SAFEST APPARATUS IN THE WORLD No Injector employed Always under positive pressure, there- fore no danger of drawing poisonous air into breathing circuit. Our “BULLETIN” of actual work done in serious cases will be seat free on request. For further testimony as to the efficiency of the “ Proto,” please see FOR SAFETY LAMPS. LAMPROOM FITTINGS. Enamelled Notice Plates. - APPLY - PROTECTOR LAMr,cAHNTDINC CO. LTD., ECCLES. ALFRED ALLEN & SON Makers of LTD. ■COLLIERY AIR PIPES Mr J. R. ALLOTT’S paper read before the Institution of Mining Engineers on 5th June, 1913—copy sent free on request. SIEBE, GORMAN & GO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—’‘Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No—251 Hop. agent for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER 1140. Monadnoch Block, Chicaco. and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“ Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—,106 Dudley.