718 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 2, 1914. Concrete Pit Props and Beams. The use of concrete and reinforced concrete in mines has for some years been receiving the increased atten- tion of mining engineers. For underground purposes, the lining of shafts and galleries, and the construction of ventilating partitions, offer the principal occasions for the use of reinforced concrete, and some minor uses, such as the construction of underground stores for explosives and of tracks or guides for railways and cages have also been found. A further important use is for pit props and beams. 1 <0 * 6 - ,■ ' - = • -sgL---—__---------- Fig. 1. Gaagc Mre Spiral i^F/tch - o * : J d h // U // h // 'I \ p u // II ti 11 H " yz III—1L_ 1 ‘ 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 L J TJ ; Steel fihds-y ' J 1 - i 1 L 2-10* Slid tods Weight' her foot toi tft IO Gauge Wire) Spiral toteh ' * dta Steel Fads_j i i:--------4- _X_________- Weight frer FooF~ /8 ths - Fig. 2. » i * 11 ’ i 11 « >* 1 b ii// «i ii// ii <14 Weight her Foot - 28 tbs * 4 ^6* d>a Wtre Shira! Pthch 2’ ‘ /r—d-. - 2 dig Sfed todsR □===±: //'! ii .7 ii // ' '/ ” t 1 n // n 7 i ii ri [o Ii// h/Z i J*'__ti