710 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 2, 1914. “VALOR” OIL CABINETS. 1 . ■ You will obtain, by using the “ VALOR ” Oil Storage Cabinet, the most economical, cleanly, and the only perfect system of storing ALL KINDS of oil for daily use. The quantity of oil lost in leakage from barrels on tap is considerable, and greatly increases the risk of fire. The saving of this leakage will pay for the Cabinet in a short time and also obviate any danger. Taps in barrels or tanks are often left running, and measures overflow—any overflow runs back into the well of the Cabinet. Capacity 50 30 20 12 6 gallons. Price 491- 431- 401- 331- 281- each. TURNER’S FODDER PREPARING MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, etc. COMPLETE PLANTS SUPPLIED FOR PREPARING FODDER FOR ANY NUMBER OF HORSES. Price from 39/- to 120/- THE MONEY YOU WASTE every week through not filtering your dirty oil would soon pay for the “Valor” Patent Oil Filter —AND LEAVE A HANDSOME PROFIT BESIDES Full Descriptive Lists will be sent on application to THE VALOR CO. LTD., Rocky Lane, Aston Cross, BIRMINGHAM. Established 1800. — Telephone No. 577. BRASS TIME CHECKS JOHN LAWSON & SONS, Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, &c. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. SANDYCROFT LTD., Chester. | “ CASCADE ” MOTOR Driving Haulage Gear. xpvpjprt Turner’s Oat Crushing Mill, No. 12. MINE ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS ARE INVITED TO APPLY FOR ESTIMATES AND PLANS FOR PLANTS TO SUIT THEIR SPECIAL REQUIRE- MENTS. Catalog" es on application. 061 COPYRIGHT Turner’s Bean and Maize Kibbling Mill, No. 14. E. R. & F. TURNER, LTD(151) IPSWICH. Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC Cylinder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now.’fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automatic Drain Cock ever fixed on Com- pound Condensing Engines, most positive in action. Makers of High-class Gunmetal G and Taps. Wheel Valves, &c, Class B For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, APPLETON & HOWARD, Br“E'Xd:S'"d ST. HELENS, LANCS. Contractors to the War Office. PECKETT Speciality & SONS LTD., Bristol. TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for COLLIERIES, IRONWORKS, CONTRACTORS, &c., always in Stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations on application. Tel. Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. Established 1864. The “EXHALL” OVERWIND PREVENTER (Jackson & Staley’s Patent). Any Engineman can understand it after once seeing it in operation. (1.) Effectually prevents the Cage being dashed into the sump boards when men are being lowered. 6 I (2) . The Engineman cannot start in the wrong direction. (3) . The Engineman cannot exceed any predetermined speed in winding. (4) . Steam is shut off if winding at high speed continues too near the end of the wind. (5) . There are two independent mechanisms, either of which shut off steam and apply the brakes to prevent overwinding. (6) . After the action of the machine in preventing an over- wind it can be set ready for re-use by one man, and Winding can be Continued Within One Minute. Adopted by OVER 120 COLLIERIES, among ii'/iich are:— The Lilleshall Co. Ltd. ... ... ... ... ... 8 machines. The Weardale Steel, Coal & Coke Co. Ltd. ... 7 machines. The New Hucknall Colliery Co. Ltd. . 6 machines. &c Sole NORTONS (TIVIDALE) LTD. Hecla Works, Tipton, ENGLAND.