October 2, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 703 CHEAP STEAM FOR COLLIERIES. * Burn your unmarketable fuels in Bennis machine-stokers. These machines are carefully designed and skilfully con- structed, for the perfect combustion of low-grade difficult fuels. Tip-rubbish, pond-settlings and pond-floatings, slats and bats, and material that is usually carted away as worthless, are easily converted into steam, by means of Bennis machines. Bennis independent bucket elevators, feeding the fuel to Bennis machine-stokers, are strong, simple, efficient and inexpensive. They reduce labour costs and save time. ED. BENNIS & CO., LTD., Little Hulton, Bolton. London Office: 28, Victoria St., S.W. Write for pamphlet, Collieries,” to Paying Steam- Raising for WALKER BROS. (Wigan) Ltd., A PAIR OF COMPOUND CORLISS TWO-STAGE AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES. L' Air Compressing and Blowing Engines, with LIGHT DISC VALVES to NEW PATENTS. TWIN TANDEM COMPOUND WINDING ENGINES. “INDESTRUCTIBLE” TYPE VENTILATING FANS for Steam or Electric Driving. WINDING. HAULING AND GENERAL MINING MACHINERY. PAGEFIELD IRONWORKS, WIGAN. NEW BROAD STREET HOUSE, E.C. WELDED TUBES up to 36 in. diameter, for ------- MINING, GAS AND WATER. ---------------------- EDWIN LEWIS & SON, Wolverhampton. WORKS : Telegrams—“Lewis, Wolverhampton.” Patent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. London Address—143, Cannon Street, E.C. Telephone—No. 15 Wolverhampton. Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. Liverpool Warehouse—58, South John St, BOILER HOUSE ECONOMY. The Heywood Patent Furnace Bars and Smoke Burner Combined. . , ^WOOD’S The illustration shows the Bars made in 5 ft. or 6 ft. lengths, with ribs cast on. This Bar has been designed to meet the requirements of Collieries, Steel Works, Forges, Locomotives, Steamers, and all other types of Furnaces that are very hard fired. Write for Catalogue and price to— The “HEYWOOD” AIRTIGHT DAMPER CO. LTD., Grove Foundry, Gomersal, LEEDS. in your small valves When your packing fails to give satisfactory service because the heat causes it to crumble TWO FORMS—PLAITED AND TWIST BUT THE SAME HIGH QUALITY. THEN WHY DON’T YOU TRY PALMETTO IN PLAITED FORM (either round or square) FOR YOUR LARGE RODS? Palmetto Twist has given satis faction away or harden—then try I kA FTTH1’ and you wil1 find ■ ■.TIL"!!? ■ ■ its heat resisting PACKING materials and abundant lubricant give it long satisfactory service. A free working sample will convince you. GREENE, TWEED & CO., Sole Manufacturers, 41, Tothill Street, Westminster, London, S.W.