October 2, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 701 Points of Superiority in ___ ____ ____ _ __ Hammer O Drills. MECO FLAP VALVE is the simplest on the market. It has the least wear of any, as it floats on air. Any wear does not affect the efficiency of the hammer drill owing to the valve’s self seating properties. We have never yet seen a broken valve, their life is practically un- limited. Freezing up is unknown with a flap valve, and it is very difficult to choke. It operates satisfactorily at any pressure from 20 to 120 lbs. per square inch. A valve which has stood the test of time and is still unapproached for reliability. MECO RECOIL COLLAR. One of the reasons why Meco Hammer Drills last longer than others is due to our fitting between the front end and the cylinder a recoil collar. This takes up all the shock from those blows of the piston which do not hit the drill steel instead of ' injuring the front • cylinder cover, with con- sequent longer life to the piston,_________ longer life to the front ei^d of the machine, and less vibration. With a patent arrangement on the recoil collar the amount of exhaust air available for flushing can be suitably regulated to suit any con- ditions. The use of the Recoil Collar shortens the length of the front cylinder cover, making the machine more rigid and reducing the vibration. PISTON. Made from one solid steel forging, so care- fully hardened and tempered that it will withstand the roughest use ____ - without un... due wear. We aban______ doned the use of bored out pistons some years ago owing to their inefficiency and short life. RATCHET. Made from a single solid steel forging, the teeth being ground to the correct angle _____ of contact with the pawls, thus ensuring positive rotation with practically no wear. CYLINDER. Forged out of solid steel, is tempered glass hard on the internal wearing surface, and is left soft on the exterior to prevent fracture when subjected to rough handling. All other parts thousandth part gauges. are ground to the of an inch to limit We have recently considerably strengthened up several parts of our machines without unduly increasing their weights. Let us send you, entirely at our own expense, one of these hammer drills for you to try. Our expert will accompany it, and his experience and services are at your disposal free of cost and obligation. ___ = Mining Engineering Co. Ld. . Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. . Telegrams : “ Meco, Sheffield.’ Telephone: 4530 Central, 2 lines.