September 11, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 565 LONGWALL Manchester h Wood Buildin, LTD., ’PHONES— 1 9 Chapel. 788 Museum, London. THE HERBERT FROOD CO CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. ---------------- AND - Upper Rathbone Place, LONDON, W. SEND FOR LIST H. TESTS OR SAMPLES. iHBEMEBl WIRES— “ Friction, Chapel.’ “ Frodobrake, Ox, London.” Type of Band Brake. 39, FABRIC LININGS FOR Type of Post Brake. BRAKES s CLUTCHES During the PRESENT CRISIS are YOU overhauling or repairing any Winding Engines, Haulages, or other Lifting Machinery ? IF SO, PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL URGENT OR BREAKDOWN ORDERS are executed on day of receipt. 600 SIZES IN STOCK.