September 4, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 503 Anticipating the increased demand for steam that is ahead of your Industry we have taken measures to ensure prompt delivery from stock of our rapid steam-raising machine-stokers and self-cleaning compressed air furnaces. As it is highly probable that a strong flow of orders for the “Bennis” machines will shortly reach the Works, those Collieries likely to require more steam at short notice are invited to send in their orders immediately, as a strict sequence must necessarily be observed in supplying machines from stock. Write for pamphlet, “ More Steam for British Collieries,” to ED. BENNIS & CO. LTD., Little Hulton, Bolton, or 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Allens Stone Dust Making Plant has many advantages over other tybes. Write for full barticulars I ‘ Edgar Allen & Co. Limited, Imperial Steel Works, SHEFFIELD.