THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN _______ 459 August 28, 1914. IMPROVED HEADER A. C. or D. C. £ 255 - 0 - 0 Compressed Air £ 245 -0-0 CARRIAGE PAID Hugh Wood Co., Ltd. Sun Building, New-Castle-On-Tyne District Representatives: P. J, E. Kennedy, 21 Spring Gardens, Manchester Beckett Anderson 71 Lanark St., Glasgow Wew? Permitted Swale Powder. For Stone Work & Hard Coal. Faversham Powder No. 2. For Ripping and Coal. Melling Powder. AILround Work. Kent Powder. For Round Coal. Lofton 9ou)der *€o. $£td. 24, WALBR00K, LONDON.