August 14, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 385 WOOTTON BROS. LD., SCREENING & CONVEYING plants. COAL Te^aCo^e’ VJoo’ STEAM and ELECTRIC DRIVEN HAULING and PUMPING PLANTS. STRUCTURAL IRONWORK. General Castings and Smiths’ Work. it •WW 4 1 3 ■r -O RIVE I &, < " I hauling r Hk Haulage & Shaft Pulleys. Friction Clutches. Turntables. Tanks. PIT HEAD GEAR Pit-Head Pulleys, Cages, TIPPLERS, ENGINES, For Winding, Hauling, &c STEAM & HYDRAULIC LIFTS. Works: COALVILLE. CLAY WORKING PLANT. Brick Machinery. Grinding Pans. CHAIN & ROPE HAULAGE. STEAM and HAND Brick & Tile Presses. Ridge Tile & Sanitary Pipe Making Machines. GIRDERS. COLUMNS. ROOFS. BUILDINGS. LONDON OFFICE S, Masons Avenue, Basinghall Street. British Insulated & Helsby Cables Ld., ELECTRICAL CABLE MAKERS & ENGINEERS. REOD. TRADE MARK. Works: Prescot, Helsby, & Liverpool. SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT EVERY FOURTH WEEK. Merry weathers’ Patent “HATFIELD PUMP MERRYWEATKKB LONDON For Fire Protection, Boiler Feeding, Draining, &c. COMPACT. LIGHT. ECONOMICAL. AAlf E fllfERIC W,TH OR WITHOUT GUKe OVENS RECUPERATORS (SEMET - SOLVAY SYSTEM), AND ‘DIRECT’ SULPHATE RECOVERY PLANT. THE COKE OVEN CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD, SHEFFIELD. The “NUFLEX” WIRE ROPE is the most pliable rope on the market. Com- plete freedom from twist when running. Cannot be excelled as a BALANCE ROPE. Accelerates speed of winding and prevents shocks to Engine, Ropes and Headgear. Used in many cases without pulley in the sump. For SINKING without guides it is a “ safe ” rope, the load being unable to rotate to the danger of the workmen. “Nuflex” has a wide popularity for HOIST, ELEVATOR and CRANE work. GEO. CRADOCK & Co. Ltd., Wakefield. ’PHONE 466. PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciality—TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Can be driven by any motive power. An Engineer writesI am pleased to inform you that the * Hatfield ’ Pump is working splendidly. I have never had the least trouble with it in any way since it was fixed.’’ WRITE FOR PAMPHLET 193P. MERRYWEATHER & SONS, L3^°“RE' ESTABLISHED 1864. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors. Ac. always in stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi CATIONS ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds.