382 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 14, 1914. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During July and the first seven months of 1912, 1913 and 1914 To July, 1914 July. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value {£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1912 i v1913 1 1914. 1912. 1913. 1914. Russia 126,487 79,940 30,575 19,468 713,323 506,949 648,018 880,066 ‘ 870,385 424,850 643,185 606,357 Sweden 107,652 59,656 33,954 20,582 281,743 184,970 472,276 402,713 423,349 281,071 274,123 265,208 Norway 46,384 21,140 5,133 3,265 120,851 80,036 224,229 180,898 ; 172,368 123,379 114,857 104,441 Denmark 41,933 23,413 60,568 38,492 126,399 82,760 287,886 227,245 i 228,900 169,330 153,212 144,665 Germany 322,671 169,027 402,917 234,759 196,500 128,813 1,0 0,068 86 7,036 ; 922,088 518,447 521,972 532,599 Netherlands 64,377 36,319 36,400 21,936 42,172 28,298 209,714 194,047 : 143,249 114,848 123,247 86,553 Belgium 51,727 25,354 28,382 16,510 47,783 30,554 179,548 162 492 I 127,892 84,810 97,043 72,418 France 476,393 247,619 269,619 160,755 344,147 257,178 1,047,511 1,161,473 ; 1,090,169 594,182 719,268 665,552 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 23,882 12,793 14.583 8,323 69,466 57,609 124,539 114,952 I 107,931 79,764 87,885 78,725 Spain and Canaries 48,185 26,106 06,925 66,048 146,808 118,387 337,096 304,505 301,918 220,573 217,454 210,541 Italy 153,567 69,510 202,424 123,659 525,730 438.803 967,491 965,225 881,721 1 629,552 704,173 631,972 Austria-Hungary 21 306 11,608 26,113 16,220 37,147 26,675 1 87,677 103,976 84,596 1 53,158 66,046 54,503 Greece 10,995 8,024 24,079 ' 13,868 31,925 26,915 60,821 72,022 1 66,999 35,029 50,663 48,807 Roumania .. 13,774 7,269 5,008 3,130 28,279 26,163 j 39,931 25,987 ! 47,061 25,960 19,796 36,562 Turkey 2,062 2,138 7,106 4,212 57,506 49,052 i 55,766 36,869 * 66,674 39,441 29,096 55,402 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 26,096 14,880 27,306 17,625 208,822 163,892 348,765 290,891 i 262,221 225,647 219,238 196,397 Algeria 25,783 14,315 32,203 19,514 43,733 34,605 : 99,233 '97,581 | 101,719 56,267 67,019 68,434 Portuguese West Africa — —— — — 2,456 1 940 1 48,332 18,937 ' 2,456 39,263 14,578 1,940 Chile 325 319 — — 32,101 27,053 52,131 44,626 32,426 43,365 35,983 27,372 Brazil 7,672 6,055 4,007 * 2,604 119,300 109,626 110,667 153,575 130,979 89,310 140,269 118,285 Uruguay 4,522 3,249* — — 27,423 ’ 24,855 64,59J 70,815 31,945 52,222 62,268 28,104 Argentine Republic 11,900 9,913 — — 273,522 236,206 322,833 360,119 285,422 253,855 302,884 246,119 Channel Islands 177 115 2,410 1,509 16,514 12,065 22,414 20,729 19,101 15,132 15,115 13,689 Gibraltar 4,211 2,202 5,215 3,410 19,160 15,615 26,843 22,923 28,586 16,601 16,039 21,227 Malta 2,088 985 6,050 4,244 27,179 23,464 39,721 54,319 : 35,317 24,617 39,950 28,693 Aden and Dependencies — — — — 11,156 10,170 12,169 14,229 11,156 10,137 12,683 10,170 British India 140 117 — — 5,451 4,546 10,251 1,379 5,591 7,909 995 4,663 Ceylon — — — — 27,141 23,530 31,759 14,032 27,141 25,395 11,928 23,530 Other countries 25,975 1 16,492 1,893 1,130 62,250 50,132 109,587 111,550 90,118 77,069 85,185 67,754 f* Anthracite 120,753 80,558 — — 134,947 103,405 304,022 295,993 255,700 238,141 234,154 183,963 | Steam 1,225,677 627,755 220,592 132,823 3,307,093 2,541,551 4,961,888 5,056,308 4,753,362 3,157,667 3,593,357 3,302,129 Total Gas 70,448 39,254 951,331 576,363 105,762 72,018 1,260,008 1,114,572 1,127,541 657,611 696,459 687,635 Household 48,308 29,002 4,362 2,790 95,204 61,645 161,813 168,061 147,874 91,695 112,336 93,437 t Other sorts 155,098 91,989 156,615 89,287 3,291 2,242 354,135 340,277 315,004 183,072 209,848 183,518 Total 1,620,284 868,558 1,332,930 801,263 3,646,297 2,780,861 7,041,866 6,975,211 6,599,481 4,331,186 4,846,154 4,450,682 Total (July 1913) 1,662,497 919,024 1,407,317 874,658 3,905,397 3,052,472 — — — — — —- Total (July 1912) 1,568,621 767,191 1,592,618 828,669 3,880,627 2,735,326 -- — — _ 1 — — Coke — — — — — — 85,978 99,605 107,954 75,280 97,848 87,360 Manufactured fuel — — — — — ,— 191.945 200,814 210,418 152,47 ■ J 175,831 181,797 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - - 7,319,789 7,275,630 6,917 853 4,558.936 5,119,833 4,719,839 First seven months of 1914. First seven months. Anthracite Steam Totals Gas Household Other sorts Total Total for seven months of 1913 ... Total for seven months of 1912 ... Coke Manufactured fuel Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel 785,762 7,425,140 422,270 280,019 866,274 i 526,945 3,743,6^5 k 37,341 172,417 518,250 1,809,212 5,808,158 5,248 1,069,816 1.113,116 3,612,654 3,279 638,235 830,180 20,613,822 636,958 605,047 28,513 718,678 15,954,005 442,154 406,109 20,694 1,278,215 23,682,055 5,747,845 802,268 1,704,806 1,703,090 31,090,553 6,624,980 1,023,436 2,059,387 1,615,942 29,848,174 6,867,386 890,314 1,964,603 | 1,012,608 15,262,028 3,011,161 474,296 906,795 1,353,130 22,018,631 4,017,636 666,628 1,275,539 1,245,623 20,810,806 4,292,149 581,805 1,177.179 9,779,465 10,036,363 7,467,912 5,198,638 5,717,355 3,628,373 8,692,434 8,597,080 7,229,073 5,367,284 5,220,843 3,794,211 22,714,520 23,868,003 18,518,204 17,541,640 18,393,366 13,244,204 33,215,189 474,086 827,228 42,501,446 599,275 1,223,046 41,186,419 625,563 1,254,778 20,666,888 376,981 641,581 29,331,564 584,375 1,043,14 > 28,107,562 532,495 1,091,238 — — — — 34,516,503 44,323,767 43,066,760 I 21,685,450 30,959,085 1 29,731,295 each) :—Harry Speakman, The Walmsleys, Leigh,, mining engineer; Fred Speakman, Church'street, Leigh, mining engineer; Ernest Speakman, Bedford House, Leigh, farmer; Jno. R. Speakman, Beech Dene, Leigh, solicitor; T. G. Speakman, Bedford House, Leigh, engineer; Egerton Speakman, Birchfield-road, Northampton, engi- neer. Qualification of directors, £1,000. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abbeyleix (Ireland), August 18.—10 tons best Orrell or Whitehaven coal for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. Michael Maher, clerk of Union, Workhouse. Bradford, August 21.—Coal to the various schools, for the Corporation. Forms, Education Office, Town Hall. Bradford, August 31.—Best gas coal, cobbles, nuts, and cannel for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Chas. Wood, Town Hall. Bury St. Edmunds, September 1.—Approximately 65 tons best cobbles and 35 tons coke for West Suffolk County Council; delivery at Shire Flail, Police Station, and County Sanatorium. Tenders to A. T. Cobbold, clerk, Shire Hall. Castlebar (Ireland), August 21.—About 400 tons of best double screened Wigan coals for the District Asylum Com- mittee. Forms on deposit of £1 (returnable) from Mr. J. F. Higgins, clerk of Asylum. Dublin, August 17.—About 1,200 tons of house coal for the directors of the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland Company. Forms from P. A. Hay, secretary, Broadstone Terminus, Dublin. Glasgow, August 17.—Coal dross and triping for the Corporation. Forms from J. Lindsay, town clerks City Chambers, Glasgow. Hampton, August 31.—Best double screened coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from S. H. Chambers, surveyor to the Council, Public Offices, Hampton, Middle- sex. Haverfordwest, August 18.—About 2,000 tons of double screened gas coal for the Corporation. Forms from R. T. P. Williams, town clerk, Haverfordwest. Ipswich, August 26.—Coal and well broken coke for the Guardians. Forms from L. W. Greenhalgh, Guardians' Offices, 19, Tower-street, Ipswich. Kinsale (Ireland), August 19.—About 130 tons of best red ash Newport coal for the Guardians. Forms from E. Murphy, acting clerk of the Union, Board-room, Workhouse, Kinsale. Limerick (Ireland), August 21.—About 400 tons of best double screened Wigan coal for the District Asylum Com- mittee of Management. Lymm, August*22.—300 tons cannel and 3,000 tons gas coal for Gas Works; also 300 tons steam slack coal for Water Works. Particulars from Gas Manager and Water Works Engineer respectively. Mold (Flint), August 22.—Coal and coke for the Flint- shire Education Committee. Forms from J. B. Evans, County Education Offices, Mold. Mossley, August 26.—15,000 tons of gas coal for the Corporation. Forms from J. Taylor, Gas Works, Mossley. Newport (I.W.), September 10.—Fuel for the Isle of Wight County Council. Full particulars from Mr. J. Dufton, clerk of the Council, Newport (I.W.). Os sett, August 25.—14,000 tons of screened coal or nuts for the Corporation. Forms from A. E. Mottram, engineer, Gas Works, Ossett. Rathmines (Co. Dublin), August 17.—100 tons of steam coal for Rathmines and Rathgar Urban District Council. Forms from Electricity Works. Rochester, September 1.—Coal {inter alia) for Corpora- tion. Specifications, W. Banks, city surveyor, Guildhall. Rotherham (Yorks), August 19.—Coals and nuts for the Corporation. Forms from J. S. Naylor, Gas Works, Rotherham. Sunbury, August 31.-150 tons best Derby bright coals for the Parish Council. Tenders to C. E. Goddard, vestry clerk, Sunbury. Ware, August 17.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Particulars from Mr. G. H. Gisby, clerk, Union Offices, Town Hall, Ware. Winsford (Cheshire), August 19.—About 500 tons of cannel and 3,000 tons of gas coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from J. H. Cooke, clerk, Council Offices, Russell-street. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. Hull Coal Exports.—The official return of the exports of coal from Hull for the week ending Tuesday, August 4, 1914, is as follows :—Amsterdam, 440 tons; Antwerp, 132; Copenhagen, 418; Cronstadt, 19,707; Christiania, 894; Drontheim, 232; Dunkirk, 299; Ghent, 501; Hamburg, 1,041; Harlingen, 2,008; Helsingborg, 1,642; Hasle, 537; Halmstadt, 1,339; Horten, 369; Kiel, 1,810; Kirkennes, 2,740; Malmo, 834; Monte Video, 1,011; Newfairwater, 733; Pernau, 2,779; Rouen, 4,514; Rendsburg, 182; Reval, 2,791; Riga, 8,205; Rotterdam, 4,413; Stockholm, 851; St. Petersburg, 4,974; Sandjeford, 561; Trelleborg, 1,627; Wasa, 350—total, 67,934 tons. Corresponding period August 1913—total, 128,348 tons.