332 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 7, 1914. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 17686. Compound for making watertight the joints of covers of boxes for underground electric mains and dis- tributors and similar joints of boxes fixed in exposed positions. W. H. Walker. 17687. Gas producers. H. J. Green. 17688. Ambulances. F. J. Stockall. 17689. Hydraulic rock and the like drills. J. Hanson. 17719. Miners’ safety lamps. V. Bohar. 17731. Brick making machines. T. 0. Partridge. 17786. Tunnelling machines. H. A. Becen. 17787. Cutter heads for tunnelling machines. H. A. Becen. 17833. Skip or bucket trolleys. E. C. B. Marks. (J. Pohlig Akt.-Ges., Germany.) 17837. Mechanical stokers. G. Bell. 17864. Apparatus for the manufacture or production of gas suitable for heating and illuminating purposes. C. B. Tully. 17875. Belt pulleys. Pintsche’s Electric Manufacturing Company Limited, and C. H. Vidal. 17876. Manufacture of bricks, tiles, and the like. G. Hidoux and J. Bernheim. 17882. Manufacture of peat fuel and ammonia from crude peat. B. F. Halvorsen. 17909. Electric furnaces. J. L. Dixon. 17919. Arrangement of the vanes of centrifugal fans. G. M. Capell. 17930. Visible signal indicator. B. Shepherd. 17933. Destructive distillation of bituminous mineral sub- stances, as coals, shales, and the like. A. Sauter. 17934 and 17935. Paraffin oil cracking. A. Sauter. 17961. New explosive body and methods of producing and utilising the same. E. von Herz. 17972. Apparatus for artificial respiration. C. Christiansen. 17973. Means for signalling in mines. E. Alexander. 17999. Construction of wrought metal wheels. J. A. Chal- liner and T. H. Challiner. 18012. High-speed ratchet drilling machine. E. E. Cam- miss. 18030. Treatment of peat. T. Bigby and Wetcarbonising Limited. 18036. Steam condensers. D. B. Morison. 18041. Treatment of slag from blast furnaces. E. Bichard- son. 18138. Divers’ helmets. Dragerwerk Heinr. and Bernh. Drager. 18174. Haulage gear. P. C. Bird. 18215. Betorts or ovens for carbonising coal. F. L. Slocum. 18216. Collection of products of combustion in boilers, economisers, flues, or the like. A. U. Merrylees and W. H. Lewis. 18232. Process of treating coal. F. Bergius. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on August 30.) 1913. 2578. Gas producers. Boak. (Boak.) 16903. Process for producing ammonia. Newton. (Farben- fabriken vorm. Frerdich Bayer & Company.) 16953. Push rods for brake work on railway wagons. Green and Spruce. 17205. Manufacture of gelatine explosives. Verge. 17722. Betorts or distillation apparatus. Sykes. 18166. Means for detecting inflammable gases, especially adapted for use in mines. Manley and Sandy. 18944. Separation of ore. Primosigh. 24516. Centrifugal pumps. Taylor and Weil. 25588. Beversing regenerative furnaces. Knox. 25682. Apparatus for impregnating wood and other porous materials under pressure. Berk. (Moll & Kossel.) 27822. Means for supporting the central buffer couplings of vehicles. Akt.-Ges. der Eisen-utod Stahlwerke ’ vorm. Georg Fischer. 1914. 960. Centrifugal fan. Cattaneo. 3152. Percussion tools. Christiansen. 6557. Shunting yards for railways. Prenoszil. 8290. Core barrel for ingot moulds. Bagley. 10298. Fluid operated percussive tools. Mellersch-Jackson. (Ingersoll-Band Company.) 10537. Apparatus for cutting sectional iron. Berliner Erfurter Maschinenfabrik Henry Pels & Company. 10850. Bolling pf sheet metal. Wetcke. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1914. 12246. Construction of sheet iron for use more particularly for building purposes. Miller. 16012. Conveying mechanism. White. 16437. Air compressors. Ateliers de Constructions Elec- triques du Nord et de L’Est. 17285. Treatment of steel. Hethey. 17379. Automatic protective devices or cut outs for electric circuits. Siemens Schuckertwerke Ges. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Consular Beports : Philippine Islands, 3|d. ; Alexandria, 4|d.; Caracas, 3d.; Corea, 2|d.; Trade of Austria-Hungary, 2£d.; Turks and Caicos Islands, 2d.; Boston, U.S.A., 4d.; Finland, 5|d.; Seistan and Kain, 2jd.; Lisbon, 4d. Trade Boards Act : Provisional Order Bill, Beport and Special Beport with Evidences, Is. lid. Bills : Finance, 3|d.; Trade Marks, Id.; Bills of Exchange Amendment, Id. Boyal Commission on Civil Service : Minutes of Evidence, May 22 to June 11, 1914, 8d. Bailway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Com- mittee : 4th Day’s Evidence, July 14, Is. Id. Trade, Commerce, and Conditions of the People : Beturn, Id. Statutory Bules and Orders : No. 1076, Trade Boards Order for Chainmakers, l|d. Trade Marks Bill Beport, Id. Merchant Shipping Bill Beport, Id. Emigration Handbook for Victoria, l-|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Safety and Efficiency in Mine Tunnelling. (Bull. 57, U.S. Bureau of Mines). By D. W. Brunton and J. A. Davis. Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining, March to December, 1913. (Bull. 79, U.S. Bureau of Mines). By J. W. Thompson. International Conference of Mine Experiment Stations, Pittsburg, September 1912. (Bull. 82, U.S. Bureau of Mines). By G. S. Bice. Belative Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Small Animals. (Tech. P. 62, U.S. Bureau of Mines). By G. A. Burrell, F. M. Seibert, and J. W. Bobertson. Weathering of the Pittsburg Coal Bed*at the Experi- mental Mine Hear Bruceton, Pa. (Tech. P. 35, U.S. Bureau of Mines). By H. C. Porter and A. C. Fieldner. Gases Found in Coal Mines. (Miners’ Circ. 14, U.S. Bureau of Mines). By G. A. Burrell and F. M. Seibert. Guide Pratique des Mines et de leur Mine en Valeur. By M. Lecomte-Denis. Paris : Dunod and Pinat. Price-, 25 fr. “ Problems of the Petroleum Industry ” (Technical Paper 72 of the United States Bureau of Mines), by I. C. Allen; “ Monthly Statement of Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States,” April, by A. H. Fay; “Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 19, No. 5), May, price 50c.; “ Beport of the Council of the City and Guilds of London Institute ”; “ Annuaire de la Societe de 1’Industrie Minerale, 1914-15”; “Wigan and District Mining and Technical College Calendar, 1914-15,” price 2d. ; “ Summary Beport of the Canadian Geological Survey Department of Mines, 1912”; “ Cassier’s Maga- zine,” August, Is.; “ Concrete and Constructional Engi- neering,” August; “ Journal S. African Inst. Engineers,” July; “ Annales des Mines,” 7th Livr., 1914. Grimsby Coal Exports.—The quantity of coal exported from Grimsby during the week ended July 31 is shown by the official returns to be as follows :—Foreign : To Antwerp, 846 tons ; Ballen, 133; Christiania, 72; Dieppe, 948; Esbjerg, 419; Gothenburg, 788; Hamburg, 1,431; Horsens, 2,008; Lulea, 3,541; Malmo, 5,155; Bonne, 781; Botterdam, 256; Savanella, 254; Skien, 1,672 ; Trelleborg, 2,543; and Wismar, 1,526—total, 22,373 tons. Coastwise : To Lerwick, 600 tons ; London, 101; Myasound, 106; and Bohnasvoe, 360—total, 1,167 tons. The totals for the corresponding week last year were 25,166.tons foreign and 737 coastwise. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. Messrs. Du Croo and Brauns (82-3, Fenchurch-street, E.C.) send a list of light railway material and rolling stock for all purposes. These include rails, sleepers, rail fastenings, turn-tables, switches, tipping and other wagons, etc. “ Becent Developments in Machine Stoking ” is a publication by Messrs. Ed. Bennis and Company Limited (Little Hulton), recording the advance of the Bennis chain grate. A feature is a number of inset photographs of smokeless chimneys at establishments employing this economical appliance. The results of nine separate tests, which are tabulated, testify to its efficiency. Messrs. Bennis desire us to say that they will be pleased to send a copy of the pamphlet to any engineer interested in the subject. Messrs. Crompton and Company send us a catalogue dealing with main winding engines, some of which have been fully described in our columns. It is interesting to note that engines equipped with the C.M.B. system of control have not been installed at the following collieries :— Kenmuir Colliery (J. Dunn and Stephen Limited), Park Mill and Emley Moor Colliery (Stringer and Jaggar Limited), Waterloo Main Colliery, Bowden Close Colliery (Pease and Partners Limited), Mount Vernon Colliery Com- pany Limited (2 Winders), Shropshire Lead Mines Limited, Minsterley, Salop. The Pyrene Company (19-21, Great Queen-street, W.C.) forward particulars of their “ Pyrene ” fire extinguisher. The device in which Pyrene is used is a double-acting hand pump (of one quart capacity), built of brass and white metal throughout, which will throw a continuous stream to a distance of 20 ft. Pyrene itself contains neither acid, alkalis, salts or moisture, and is therefore an absolute non- conductor of electricity. It will break an arc caused by short circuit, and when broken the arc will not re-establish. It is already largely used at collieries, and has special claims in dealing with fires of electrical origin. Messrs. James Baldwin and Company (Keighley) are the makers of the “ Isothermal ” (electric control) valve, which automatically regulates temperature within 1 deg. Fahr. With the apparatus a specially constructed mercury column thermometer is used, with terminals for electrical connec- tions. One of the terminal connections is made into the bulb, the other end of the tube being left open to the atmosphere. In this open end is inserted one end of a platinum wire, the other end of which is connected with the other terminal. The end of the wire which is in the tube can be set to any required temperature. On a rise in temperature the mercury comes in contact with the platinum wire, thus completing the circuit and cutting off steaTm. The firm have now adapted this device—minus the thermometer—as a cut-off gear for winding engines. In this case the steam flowing to the engines is cut off when the pointer on a dial exceeds a predetermined limit. Electricity is the energy used to control or maintain the flow of steam to the winding engines, whilst the pressure or flow of steam to the engines is the actual energy used to cut off or stop the flow by automatically closing the main valves instantly the electric circuit be broken by the pointer exceeding the limit. As long as the electric circuit is com- plete, the valve is full open. Bulletin 63M, issued by the Sullivan Machinery Company (Chicago), includes a description of two new types of coal cutting machines. One of these, the “ C E-7 ” electric chain cutter, is for use in room and pillar mines. Amongst its features are a reversible cutter chain, and feed chain and friction gearing; the friction clutch is set, by means of a dynamometer, to slip at a certain pull, slightly greater than that needed to cut the average coal and well within the limit of strength of the feed gears. The machine is mounted on a pan or frame extending its entire length, which serves as a guide for the machine in making the sumping cut, and enables a straight room or entry to be driven. A sumping bar is also supplied, which permits sumping the cutter bar at an angle with the face, then swinging the body of the machine round at right angles, away from the sumping bar, and making the face cut, as usual, with the machine between the props and the coal. The motor with which these machines are equipped is arranged so that it may readily be changed from the open type to the totally enclosed, or to the flame-proof pattern, by alterations which may be made in the field. The same bulletin describes a longwall chain machine (class “ C H-8 ”) that may be driven by electricity or compressed air; this machine, which is adapted for seams under 18 in. in height, is also reversible and equipped with the same mechanical devices as the pillar machine. THOMPSON AND CO., WIGAN, IRON MERCHANTS, METAU MINERAL AGENTS. RAILS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WITH FITTINGS COMPLETE, FOR COLLIERIES, CONTRACTORS, &o. Sole Agents in the District for the Sale of— Wigan Coal and Iron Co.’s Siemens Steel Billets, Blooms, Bars, Angles, Rails, M SPECIALITY: STEEL FOR WAGON COUPLINGS. K. H. FORGE, FOUNDRY & BASIC PIG IRON. Also Spiegeleisen, Ferro-Manganese and Silico Spiegel NOBEL’S EXPLOSIVES CO. LTD, Gelignite, Polarlte, Dynobel, Ajax Powder, Monobel No. 1, Cambrlte, Suntierite, also Detonators, Electric Detonator Fuses, and all Blasting Appliances. Haggle Brothers Ltd. Wire and Hemp Ropes POOLEY’S PATENT WEIGHING MACHINES. Telegraphic Address—“ SPIEGEL, WIGAN.” FERRO-CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIONS. Buildings of every description, Water Towers, Bridges, Pile Foundations, Headgears. the —— Yorkshire Henneblque Contracting Co. Ld., Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. D. Llewellin Evans PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, 120, BUTE ST. CARDIFF. AGENT FOR Hotel’s Explosives,