August 7, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 301 n LOWER STEADILY RAISE STEADY RASE TOP “ NON-GUMULATIVE ” WINDING SIGNALS complying with Rule 95, General Regulations 1913. ___________ SIMPLE. EFFICIENT. INEXPENSIVE. Patent No. 7638, and Patents Nos. 7241, 17607, and 11780 applied for. _____________________ Davis’s Electrical Bell and Indicator can be worked off existing electrical or mechanical wires. ______________ INDICATOR BEFORE MEN SIGNALLED. MEN LOWER STEADILY RAISE STEADILY RAISE TOP LOWER INDICATOR AFTER MEN SIGNALLED. Davis’s Mechanical __________________________ The Non-cumulative Indicator is designed to overcome the objections expressed by colliery managers and winding enginemen of having an indicator which accumulates (3 & 1) and (3 & 2). The indicator now offered has two plungers (not illustrated). It is otherwise similar to our original indicator. __________________________ Send for List 41V, JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD All Saints Works, DERBY, and 17, Victoria Street, WESTMINSTER, S.W. from the Makers: CUTTER PICKS, HOLLOW DRILL STEELS TWIST DRILL STEELS READY FOR USE IN ALL MAKES OF MACHINES. Buy THE HARDY PATEHT PICK CO. L° SHEFFIELD. THE PATENT UNDERGROUND ROLLER CONVEYORS ___ SYSTEM HINSELMAN -___ They are distinguished by their Simplicity, Easy Handling, Durability, and Greatest Efficiency. were the first of its kind on the market, and are known to be superior to others in existence. Cause Uniform Advancement of the Working Face by Cheapening and Largely Increasing the Output. Above 120,000 yards of Hinselman Patented Eccentric Roller Conveyors are at work in a great number of mines, giving complete satisfaction, even in the lowest workable seams. Unique method for facilitating the transport of coal from the seam to the tubs in loading road and simplifying the hauling by avoiding unnecessary gateways. ______________________________________________________________ Conveyors are obtainable from— THE NEW MIGRATING PITPROP AND MINING OUTFIT CO., Chester Road, Erdington, BIRMINGHAM, who will be pleased to supply further particulars.