July 31, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 235 GLOBE WORKS, LINCOLN. ROBEY ENGINES 79, Queen Victoria Street, LONDON. i '.. - iff P03EY4 C^L’*'! !’■ Winding Engine, fitted with Drop Valve Reversing Gear and Overwinding and Overspeed Device. AIR COMPRESSORS. WINDING ENGINES. FAN ENGINES. CRUSHING PLANT. STONE DUST PLANT. Motor-Driven Two-Stage Air-Compressor with Disc Valves and Unloading Device. SUPER-EXCELLITE (Permitted Explosive). PATENT APPLIED FOR. 36ozs. Maximum Charge. 2-73 Pendulum Swing. NO HARMFUL FUMES. THE BEST ON THE LIST. Sole Manufacturers : — CURTIS’S & HARVEY LD- London. 5PIKE5 HOWARD ST. SHEFFIELD. TRAM NA 15 5HOVEL5, BUCKETS, WROT.I.PULLEY5, 5IGNRLWIRE. Mellincs’ Patent Controller and Steam Brake. The most complete and reliable apparatus for the AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF WINDING ENGINES as required by the “NEW MINES ACT.” References to some of the most important Collieries in the Kingdom. SOLE MAKERS— WORSLEY MESNES IRONWORKS LT? -------------------WICAN,--------------------------- Makers of WINDING, PUMPING, HAULING, and AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES, both steam and electrically driven, up to the largest sizes. Also makers of MELLINGS’ PATENT STEAM REVERSER and PATENT AUTOMATIC EXPANSION GEAR. Telegrams-"ENGINES, WIGAN.” Telephone—No. 46 WIGAN. 2£ MARKS. STAMPS. BRANDING IRONS. Press Lade/s & Erne Cteec/rs. Sefs of Letter & P/gure PsrcPes, Em boss teg Presses. PressPemePtetes, Etepa/s, PfoMers’LettersiEgt/res. pies. E.PRYOR & SOM, Seals. 68WE5TST SHEFFIELD. ELECTRIC PLANT^ACCESSORIES CABLES &• SWITCHES, CARBON &- METAL LAMPS. .ETC., teleg'tnon TELEP: 2978 (TWO LINES) HASLAM&SCHONTHEIL’L™ ll.WINDSOR PLACE, CARDIFF. . . ci i• • -„ ,'■ ’ ; - ■■■' , f. ■ -. F' r •utb-.J/’V'-'?.- .• ?> .:-’A ■' Climax 3 Haulage Clip. Patent No. 7750. SIMPLE. Adjustable tor wear and tor varying diameters of Rope. FEW PARTS. Renewable wearing surfaces. Climax Tub Pedestals. Patent No. 17852. Plain, Roller, or White Metal Bearings. TMOUSANOS I TV USH. JOHN KING & C? 38, BOAR LANE, LEEDS. Telephone No.: 86 MORLEY. Telegraphic Address: “LAMPS, MORLEY.” ACKROYD A BEST Ltd., The World’s Safety Lamp Experts, Morley, Nr. LEEDS. Makers of all kinds of SAFETY LAMPS and LAMPROOM EQUIPMENT. GLASSES FOR MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS. Try our Special Tower Brand Safety Lamp Glasses made up specially to withstand the severe English Government tests. All makes of New Glasses are very expensive, and you should therefore see that you get same only from a reliable firm. Your orders and enquiries will receive our best attention. Sole Makers of HAILWOOD’S LATEST COMBUSTION TUBE LAMP with guaranteed constant maintained ILLUMINATION of from 1| to 1| CANDLE POWER, at HALF-COST and ONLY HALF WEIGHT of Electric Lamp. THE BEST PREVENTIVE OF NYSTAGMUS, and a FIRST CLASS GAS DETECTOR.