xxii July 24, 1914. Supplement to THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table A. Description. Number driven by Statute tons cut by Elec- tricity. Compressed air. 1 Electricity. i Compressed air. Coal. Ironstone. Coal. Ironstone. Disc Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 29 13 315,115 — 229,300 — Bar 20 6 131,244 10,241 88,855 2,156 Chain 21 7 217,103 49,240 86,090 12,665 Percussive — 74 — — 149,558 19,104 Rotary Heading — 5 — — 2,386 — Totals 70 105 663,462 59,481 556,189 33,925 only a period of somewhat less than 11 months. The figures relating to the non-fatal accidents reported are of little value for purposes of comparison, as owners and managers are year by year adopting to a greater extent the practice of reporting a large number of accidents of a more or less trivial nature, such as pinched fingers, sprained wrists, twisted ankles, etc., which are not required to be reported at the time of their occurrence. The owners and managers are required to report to the companies with which they are insured for compensa- tion purposes every accident which occurs, however trivial it may appear to be, and they erroneously con- clude that it is advisable that these accidents should at the same time be reported to the inspector. Two accidents due to falls of roof and one shaft accident each caused two deaths, and two shaft accidents each caused three deaths. The following is a summary of fatal and non-fatal accidents, classified Fatal acci- dents. Non-fatal accidents reported to inspector.* cause :— All non-fatal accidents disabling for more than 7 days. Place and cause. fl IT CQ 02 c3 02 A