220 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN July 24, 1914. 16801. Shaft, well, and tunnel linings, and the like. W. Peritz, E. L. Hann, and C. Kearton. ' 16847. Nail and method of its production. W. E. Evans. (Atlas Metallindustrie G. m.b. H., Germany.) 16857. Process for the production of oils, suitable for crack- ing, from coal and lignite. W. A. Hall. 16874. Apparatus for collecting and separating dust and detritus from grinding mills. H. Pizer. 16901. Electric furnaces for producing steel and iron. 0. Brackelsberg. 16902. Regenerative furnaces using cold gases. B. Paschke. 16906. Screw brakes for lifting or lowering or like apparatus. A. M. F. Bolzani. 16914. Chain grate stokers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited, and H. E. Metcalf. 16918. Peat gasification. T. Rigby and Wetcarbonising Limited. 16970. Ovens or kilns for annealing iron castings, for burn- ing bricks, and pottery ware, and for other similar uses. Gibbons Brothers Limited, R. Masters, and R. Baker. 16981. Tar separators. Berlin-Anhaltische Maschinenbau- Akt.-Ges. 16984. Circuit breakers. G. Ellison. 16986. Dynamo electric machinery. Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons. 16997. Visual signalling apparatus. J. Richardson. 17000. Signalling in mines. G. J. E. Black. 17005. Gas washers and the like apparatus. G. K. Davis. 17012. Hydraulic forging and like presses. Davy Brothers Limited, and T. E. Holmes. 17015. Manufacture of sulphuric acid. J. Moeller. 17031. Manufacture of ammonia compounds and ammonia. G. F. Thomson. 17037. System for the operation of electric winding motors and the like. S. H. Eckmann. 17039. Picks, pick-axes, and like tools for use in mines and other works. G. T. Jones. 17048. Pump governor. K. A. Kendrick, F. T. Lodge, and C. Blakely. 17063. Signalling devices for use with winding engines of collieries. E. B. Whalley. 17083. Treatment of peat. G. W. Andrew, and Wet- carbonising Limited. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on August 6.) 1913. 10981. Working by-product recovery gas producers. Rigby, Andrew, and Wetcarbonising Limited. 15919. Manufacture of briquettes from iron ore and flue dust. Freiberger. 15923. Melting, furnaces, ladles, and like containers for molten material. Churchward. 15924. Production of steel and the subsequent treatment thereof. Churchward. 16024. Means for shoring excavations. Sinclair. 16179. Thermostatic regulators. Jerram and Barclay. 16199. Water tube boilers. Clarke, Chapman and Company and Woodeson. 16257. Electric miner’s lamp with firedamp indicator. Rigaux. 16456. Method of detonating explosive charges for mining and military purposes. Claessen. 16557. Governing mechanism for elastic fluid turbines. Warwick Machinery Company (1908) (Genera] Electric Company.) 16599. Regenerative coke ovens. Lecocq. 16611. Process for the production of light oils from crude, heavy, or lighting oils. Moeller and Woltereck. 16745. Apparatus for compressing air or other gas. Stokes. 17272. Process for obtaining benzol from petroleum or its distillates. Holcgreber. 18785. Driving chains. Renold, and Hans Renold Limited. 19072. Portable closets or commodes for use in mines and the like. Roberts and Cooper. 21405. Turning and like tools for cutting steel and other metals in machines. Waring. 23387. Drawbar cradles for wagons. Hyde. 26871. Rope grips and the like for haulage purposes. Aspinall. 28049. Regenerative gas furnaces. Siemens. 28533. Crank axles for locomotives and the like. Matthews. 1914. 4242. Method of treating the gas liquor in small gas works. Berlin-Anhaltische Maschinenbau Akt.-Ges. 4669. Valve mechanism for compound steam engines. Heinrich Lanz (firm of). 5437. Grinding, pulverising, and like mills. Kniskern. 7285. Driving chains of the silent type. Eden, and Hans Renold Limited. 8834. Steam regenerative accumulators. Mellersch-Jack- son (Louis Schwarz and Company.) 8929. Method of and means for supporting the roofs of mine galleries. Reinhard. 8975. Electric signalling devices for use with winding engines of collieries. Adlington. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection before Inspection. 1914. 15525. Automatic apparatus for the loading and unloading of agglomerated fuel and the like. Gauduchon. 16290. Valve gear for mixed pressure turbines. Ziegler. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnerships :—J. Ison, W. E. Ison, and W. Freeman, or C. F. Ison, H. H. Ison, Catherine Ison, and W. E. Ison, and W. Freeman, under the style of Eaton and Company, Market Harborough, iron- mongers, so far as regards W. Freeman; F. A. Grainger and J. B. Hargreaves, engineers and steel and general agents, Basinghall-square, Leeds, under the style of Grainger and Hargreaves; A. P. Hill and J. A. Hill, engineers, and ordnance manufacturers, Ordnance Works, Sheffield, under the style of J. and P. Hill; J. W. Taylor, A. W. Taylor, S. Taylor, and D. Taylor, engineers, Marshall Mill, Portland-street, Bradford, under the style of John Taylor ; G. P. Knowles, J. B. Knowles, and K. D. D. Glazebrook, consulting engineers and surveyors and the preparation of candidates for technical examinations, Victoria-street, S.W., under the style of G. P. Knowles, so far as concerns J. B. Knowles. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Modern Practice in Mining — Vol. 3 — Methods of Working Coal. By R. A. S. Redmayne. London : Longmans, Green and Company. Price, 6s. 6d. “ Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 47, Part 3); “Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute,” July (No. 27), price $1; “Military Aspect of the Channel Tunnel Question : an Address by the Right Hon. Lord Sydenham of Combe”; “ Bulletin of the Imperial Institute ” (Vol. 12, No. 2), April-June, price 2s. 6d.; “ University of Illinois Bulletin ” (No. 72); “ Magnetic and Other Properties of Electrolytic Iron Melted in Vacuo,” by Trygue D. Yensen, price 40c.; (Bull. 73), “ Acoustics of Auditoriums,” by F. R. Watson, price 20c. ; (Bull. 74), “ Resistance of a 28-ton Electric Car,” by H. H. Dunn, price 25c.; “ The Resources of Tennessee ” (Vol. 4, No. 3), July. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Dominions Royal Commission : 3rd Report, lid.; Evidence dated January 12 to 23, 1914, 2s. 4d. Consular, Trade Reports, etc., 1913 : U.S.A., New York, 4d.; Japan, Hakodate, 2Jd.; Colonial Report for St. Helena, 2|d.; Russia, St. Petersburg, 8|d.; U.S.A., Savannah, 4Jd.; U.S.A., San Francisco, 3d.; Spain, Seville, 3d.; Russia, Warsaw, 3d.; Turkey, Jerusalem, 2}d.; China, Tsinan and Tsigtau, IJd.; China, Amoy, Id.; Panama, 3d. Explosive Substance Order, June 18, 1914 (No, 907), l|d. MINES AND QUARRIES, 1913 : Report for the Midland and Southern Division, lOJd. Bills : Finance as Amended, 2Jd.; Short Weight : Report of Select Committee, IJd.; Bankruptcy, Is. 3|d. U.S.A. Notes re Oil Properties and Mining Rights in Mexico, ljd. Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for 1912, relating to the Particulars of Valuation Returns, 7Jd.; ditto, for Trade Unions, Is. 4d. Railway Commission Evidence, 29th day, 24/6/14, Is. 2d. Statutory Rule and Order (No. 1,007), Workmen’s Com- pensation Industrial Diseases, ljd. Railway Returns : Preliminary Statement for 1913, Id. Civil Service : Commissioners’ Report, 1913, 7Jd. Immingham Coal Exports. — The exports of coal from Immingham during the week ended Friday, July 17, were shown by the official returns as follow :—Foreign : To Alex- andria, 5,490 tons; Bombay, 441; Bremen, 2,055; Cron- stadt, 11,658; Gefle, 1,757 ; Gothenburg, 1,982; Hamburg, 2,374; Kolding, 1,925; L’Orient, 1,144; Lubeck, 2,202; Norrkoping, 1,449; Ostend, 1,800; Oxelosund, 4,348; Ban- ders, 546; Raumo, 1,173; Reval, 3,108; Riga, 2,218; Rotterdam, 4,569; Rouen, 1,470; and Wilhelmshavn, 2,447 —total, 54,156. Coastal :—To Lerwick, 651; London, 5,910; Ramsgate, 280; and Woolwich, 598—total, 7,439. Last year, in the corresponding week, the figures were :— Foreign, 29,221 tons; and coastal, 2,980. STEAM, MOTOR, BELT, OR ROPE=DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSORS From 50 to 15,000 cubic feet FOR COLLIERIES, MINES, Etc. ADVANTAGES SIMPLICITY. RELIABILITY. SELF-LUBRICATION. SMALL FLOOR SPACE. 466. One of Two 1,400 c.f. Air Compressors in De Beers Mines S.A. J; L> 7 ' ■ ADVANTAGES •- DURABILITY. HIGH EFFICIENCY. BEST WORKMANSHIP. MINIMUM MAINTENANCE BELL1SS & MORCOM LIMITED, Telegrams : “ BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” BIRMINGHAM. London Office : 8, VICTORIA STREET, S.W.