July 17, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 117 Telephone No. 72 Bilston. i j. h [i m BEST YORKSHIRE • — ■ ■ --- . MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. Diploma of Honour, Brussels, 1887. MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. London. Newcastle. Chicago. ■ l.l'l.'W FOR RESISTANCE TO Hr STRAINS OR SHOCKS. wH jgy Specially adapted for I COLLIERIES. | Prices and full particulars from T ancashire & Y orkshire Wagon Company -LJ LIMITED (Established 1862) RAILWAY WAGON WORKS, HEYWOOD, NEAR MANCHESTER. MANUFACTURERS of RAILWAY WAGONS of every description, for cash and on deferred payments extending over three, five, or seven yean. Railway Wheels and Axles, Axle Boxes, Cast and Wrought Ironwork of every sort made to pattern or drawings; Wagons repaired; Wheels turned up or re-tyred. Second-hand WAGKINS Let out on simple Hire. on Application.__GEO. H. ROBINSON, Secretary. THE BRISTOL AMD SOUTH WALES RAILWAY WAGON CO. LTD. NEW OK SECOND-HAND WAGONS PURCHASED AND KE-SOLD FOB PAYMENT OVER THREE, FIVE, OR SEVEN YEARS. wtoiB: BRISTOL. JOHN BICKNELL, Secretary. THOMAS MOY Limited, RAILWAY WORKS, PETERBORO’, BUILDERS OF RAILWAY WAGONS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 702 CASH, PUBCHA8H LB ASH, OB ON SIMP LB HIBN. Makers of Wagon Ironwork, Wheels, Forgings, Iron and Brass Castings. CONTRACTORS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF WAGONS. STEPHEN HUMBLE'S PATENT IMPROVED "KING'S" HOOK. WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORGED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Maker— STEPHEN HUMBLE, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W. THE LOWMOOR CO LTD LOWMOOR IRONWORKS » BRADFORD • THE ROLLING STOCK COMPANY, DARLINGTON, WAGON OWNERS. Railway Wagons of all descriptions Let on Simple or Purchase Hire. Wagons bought and sold. OXYGEN. THE BRITISH OXYGEN CO. LTD., Wigan Wagon Co. Ld., SPRINGS BRANCH, WIGAN. Manufacturers of RAILWAY WAGONS of every description for cash and on deferred payments. Dead buffer wagons converted into self-contained Spring Buffer wagons Colliery Pit Tubs, Wagon Ironwork Cast and Wrought, Brass Bearings, Springs, Wheels and Axles, Bolts and Nuts, &c., &c. Loco and Wagon Wheels turned up and re-tyred. WAGONS REPAIRED PAINTED AND LETTERED. W. C. ALLEH & SONS (TIPTON) LTD., Bradley Lane Works, Princes End, TIPTON. ft I E > SUTCLIFFE’S Patent Universal CONVEYOR For Underground or Surface. 8IJVEPraE29 EFFICIENT and UNIQUE ------------- Illmtrattd in Mat It km. RICHARD SUTCLIFFE, Universal Conveyor Works, HORBURY, WAKEFIELD. be 1 I 0. O 1 The oldest and most extensive Oxygen producing and distributing business in the World. Factories in all Industrial Centres equipped exclusively with modern liquid air plants producing Oxygen of unrivalled purity, the only residual being a trace of Hltrogen, as sanctioned and recommended by the Home Office Order of May 4th, 1912, for use with RESCUE APPARATUS. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY’S WORKS : LONDON... ... Elvebton Street, Westminster, S.W. Jf ......... Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich, S.E. BIRMINGHAM Saltley Works. CARDIFF ... East Moobs. MANCHESTER Gbeat Marlborough Stbeet. SHEFFIELD Celtic Wobks, Savile Stbeet. NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE... Walker Gate. GLASGOW ... Rosehill Wobks, Polmadie. SYDNEY ... N.S.W. Telegrams—“ Wagon. Ghorley.-* Telephone—No. 265 & 266 Private 127. The GHORLEY RAILWAY WAGON GO. LTD., Chorley, BANC A8H1RE. Branch Works—SPRINGS BRANCH, WIGAN. Builders of Railway Carriages, Wagons, & Rolling Stock of every description for Cash, Purchase Lease, or on Simple Hire. Wagon ironwork, Wagon Wheels, Forgings, Stampings, Iron and Brass Foundry Work. Wagons maintained In Repair by Contract or otherwise. H. W. KITCHEN, Managing, Director. Telegrams—“ Buffers, Cardiff.” Telephone—628, 228 Cardiff. The Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld. ------------------ CARDIFF, ------------ BUILDERS OF RAILWAY WAGONS, Contractors* Tip Wagons & Pit Tubs of every description. Wagon Ironwork, Iron and Brass Castings, Forgings, Stampings, Bolts and Nuts. Wheels and Axles, Springs. QUOTATIONS FOB WAGON REPAIRS AND PAINTING. The most convenient firm for South Wales. John Russell & Co. Ltd., Alma Tube Works, WALSALL. The most efficient binding agent for making Concrete and Mortar. KAYE’S GEMENT. A high-grade product, about double the strength of ordinary standard qualities. KAYE & CO. LD., SOUTHAM WORKS, RUCBY. C TUBES AND FITTINGS 3 * For Gas, Steam, Water, &c. WELDLESS STEEL TUBES for ENGINEERS, Ac. COLLIERY HAULAGE. “THE COVENTRY” SPEED REDUCTION GEAR-BOX. THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT & GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings, Turntables, Water Cranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Works: NEWPORT, MON. London Office : 16 & 17 Devonshire Sq. Bishopscate St., E.C. for SAFETY LAMPS, LAMPROOM FITTINGS, Enamelled Notice Plates, -- APPLY - PROTECTOR LAMP LIGHTING CO. LTD., ECCLES silent. Vibrationless, Dust-proof, Enclosed in Oil-tight Cast Iron Case, fitted with Inspection Lid, 98% of Power Transmitted through the CHAINS They are the last word in speed reducing gear. Treatise C/2 free. “THE COVENTRY” CHAIN CO. LTD., COVENTRY, ENGLAND. Telegrams—“ Furse, Nottingham.** Phone— | LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS MANUFACTURED AND ERECTED. Furse’s Improved System SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS. collierFghimneys Built, Raised, Straightened, Pointed, Banded, Razed. Wo Stoppage of Works. Wl El I El Q E Traffic Street, ■ Ji rUllwEj NOTTINGHAM. Also LONDON, LINCOLN. BRISTOL YEADONS’ Latest PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Lignite, Iron and other Ores. YEADON, SON & CO., Engineers, LEEDS, Have a World-wide Reputation, They have supplied MORE BRIQUETTE PLANTS and 38 Years’ Experience. than any other firm in this country.