July 10, 1914 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 101 ____ WALKER BROS. 2= Pagefield Ironworks, WIGAN. LONDON Office : New Broad Street House. .....iEEHEE-3ai-~: 'ini-- ..ipn-—7.inr^7777^ap7^..........|BE^ THE accumulated experience of forty years is at the disposal of every Engineer or Mining man who brings his enquiries to us. The knowledge acquired from a long and intimate association with the Mining World has been brought to bear upon the design and construction of all our products, and this in itself is a guarantee of satis- faction to the user. We manufacture Steam Engines of various types, Air and Gas Com- pressing Engines, Blowing Engines, Ventilating Machinery—including the well-known “ Indestructible ” Fans—Winding Engines, Haulage and General Mining Machinery. AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES. HIGHER piston speeds in Air Compressing Plants is a present day development which calls for something different from the hinged, poppet, or mechanically controlled type of valve. These give good service when employed on engines running at moderate speeds, but where a rapid beat is demanded may suffer in efficiency. The NEW PATENT DISC VALVES now fitted to all our Air Compressing and Blowing Engines have the minimum of inertia and there is an ample port opening with an exceptionally low lift. Special grinding and tempering of the valves ensure fluid tightness, and they endure for a prolonged period of active life when working in conjunction with our Patent Valve Guard of resilient form. The Patent Disc Valves can be fitted to existing installations with much advantage, having been supplied, or on order for engines indicating over 100,000 Horse Power during the past five years. AIR Compressors driven by power other than steam, should be supplied with Walker’s Patent Unloading Device which regulates the supply of air in accordance with the demand. JT provides that gradual variation of load which is especially essential where electricity is the motive power. The device is applicable to both single and two-stage compressing engines. *■ . - X- * ** .’V Pair Compound Corliss Steam Two-Stage Air Compressing Engines with Patent Disc Valves.