July 10, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 99 CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Athlone, July 22.—The Athlone Urban District Council invite tenders for the supply of about 1,500 tons of best screened gas coal, to be delivered in good and dry condition into the coal sheds at the Council’s Gas Works, Athlone, at such times and in such quantities as may be required over the period of one year from the date of the acceptance of the contract. Tenders should be placed in sealed envelopes, marked “ Tender for coal,” and must be sent by registered post so as to reach the undersigned not later than 5 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, July 22, 1914. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. No tender forms issued. P. V. C. Murtagh, clerk of the Council, Town Hall, Athlone. Blackburn, August 1.—The Electricity Committee is prepared to receive tenders for the supply and delivery of steam coal for the 12 months ending August 31, 1915. Specifications and forms of tender may be obtained on appli- cation at the Electricity Works, Jubilee-street, on and after Saturday, July 18, 1914. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Steam coal,” and addressed to the chairman of the Electricity Com- mittee, will be received at the Town Hall up to mid-day, Saturday, August 1, 1914. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. P. P. Wheelwright, M.I.E.E., engineer and manager, Corporation Electricity Works, Jubilee-street. Dewsbury, July 18.—Tenders are invited for the supply and delivery of steam coal for the Electricity Works, Brad- ford-road, Dewsbury, for nine or 12 months. Quantity required, 3,500 or 4,500 tons. Specification and form of tender in duplicate may be obtained from the undersigned, and must be returned not later than July 18, addressed to the chairman, Electricity and Tramways Committee, 93, Bradford-road, Dewsbury. The corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. R. H. Campion, borough electrical engineer. Newport (Mon.), July 21.—The directors of the Newport (Mon.) Gas Company invite tenders for the supply of about 30,000 tons of best gas coals for 12 months, commencing September 1, 1914, to be delivered on the company’s sidings at the Crindau Works, in such quantities and at such times as may be directed by the company’s engineer, from whom further information may be obtained. Tenders will be received for the whole or part of the above quantity. Ten- ders endorsed “ Coals ” to be delivered at the offices of the company not later than Tuesday, July 21, 1914. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, T. H. Hazell, secretary, Newport (Mon.), Torquay, July 20.—The Electric Lighting Committee of the Town Council are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 5,000 tons of coal suitable for use with mechanical stokers of the Underfeed type for a period of 12 months from the date of acceptance of tender. - Specification and form of tender may be obtained from the undersigned. Tenders endorsed “ Tender for Coal ” must reach the undersigned not later than noon, Monday, 20th inst. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Fredk. S. Hex, town clerk, Town Hall, Torquay. Wigan, July 16.—The Gas Committee invite tenders for the supply of screened gas nuts, or cobbles, and screened or unscreened gas coal.1 Forms of tender may be obtained on application to the undersigned. Tenders, sealed and endorsed “ Tenders for Gas Coal,” to be delivered to W. H. Tyrer, Esq., Town Clerk, Wigan, on or before July 16 next. The committee reserves to itself the right to accept the whole or any portion of the quantity offered, and is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender. F. Betley, engineer and manager. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Altrincham, July 15.—Gas coal, slack, nuts, and cannel for the directors of the Altrincham Gas Company. Tenders to Mr. F. R. B. Lindsell, secretary, Gas Offices, Moss-lane, Altrincham. Baltinglass (Ireland), July 18.—About 200 tons of screened Wigan coal and 50 tons of Irish coal for the Guar- dians. Forms from Mr. J. Ralph Dagg, clerk of the Union, Baltinglass Workhouse. Banbury, July 15.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Arthur Stockton, town clerk, Banbury. Belfast, July 13.—Coal to the Belfast District Asylum, for the Committee of Management. Forms from the Clerk, Grosvenor-road, Belfast. Belfast, July 15. — Steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. R. Meyer, town clerk. Bury, July 13.—About 40,000 tons of gas coal, 500 tons of boiler slack, 500 tons of burgy, 250 tons of house coal, 50 tons of Wallsend, for the Corporation. Forms from the Engineer and General Manager, Gas Works, Bury. Clacton-on-Sea, July 14.—House and steam coal and coke for the Middlesex Hospital Weekly Board. Forms from the Matron at the Home. Clitheroe (Lancashire), July 15.—Gas coal and nuts for the Corporation. Forms from the Engineer, Gas Works, Clitheroe. Downpatrick (Ireland), July 17.—Household, steam, and gas coals to the Down District Asylum, Downpatrick, for the Committee of Management. Forms from the clerk, Mr. S. Rea. Drogheda (Ireland), July 14.—Coal for the Guardians. Particulars from Mr. Thomas Dowdall, clerk of the Union, Board-room, Workhouse. Dublin, July 15.—For the Commissioners of the Board of Public Works :—House coal, 7,712 tons; best Scotch steam coal, 1,309 tons; best Welsh steam coal, 1,100 tons; best anthracite beans and smith’s coals, 261 tons; best gas coke, 1,721 tons. Forms at the Office of Public Works, Dublin. Dundee, July 15.—Coal for the trustees of the Harbour Trust. Specifications from Mr. J. Hannay Thompson, general manager. Eastbourne, July 18.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. H. W. Fovargue, town clerk and secretary to the Education Committee, Education Office, Town Hall, Eastbourne. Erith, July 13.—About 8,000 tons of coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. J. Atkinson, clerk, Council Offices, Erith, on payment of a deposit of £1 Is. (returnable). Exeter, July 13.—Steam coal and house coal and coke. Tenders to Mr. H. Lloyd Parry, town clerk. Exeter, July 13.—About 2,200 tons of best screened or unscreened gas coal for the Devon Gas Association Limited. Tenders to the Chairman. Gillingham (Kent), July 17.—Coals for the Town Council. Forms from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Generating Station, Gillingham-road, Gillingham, Kent. Hastings, July 14.—About 400 tons of Cwmaman smoke- less steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. P. H. Palmer, borough engineer, Town Hall, Hastings. Haverhill (Suffolk), July 14.—Supply of 600, 1,200 or 1,800 tons of best gas coal (screened or unscreened) for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. James Beasley, clerk, Haverhill. Hendon, July 14. — Coal for the Middlesex Hospital Weekly Board. Forms from Mr. F. Clare Melhado, secre- tary-superintendent. Kettering, July 13.—Coal and coke for the Urban Dis- trict Council. Forms from Mr. John Bond, clerk to the committee, Education Offices, Kettering. Kidderminster.—About 15,000 tons of gas coal for the Kidderminster Gas Company. Killough (Ireland), July 13.—About 140 tons best Whitehaven coal, to the Charles Sheils Institution, Killough, for the Local Board of Governors. Tenders to Mr. H. Swail, superintendent, Board Room. Lancaster, July 13.—Coal and slack for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Geo. C. Milnes, Electricity Works, Marton- street, Lancaster. Leiston, July 13.—Steam coal for the Leiston-cum-Size- well Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. Harold A. Mullens, clerk, Leiston. Liege, July 16.—Coal to the Civil Hospitals. Informa- tion may be obtained from the Administration des Hospices Civils, 2, Boulevard Piercot. Lincoln, July 18.—About 30,000 tons of gas coal and nuts for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. John Carter, engineer and manager, Gas Offices, Salter-gate, Lincoln. London, E., July 23.—About 250 tons of coal, also for the supply to the Union from time to time of steam and other coal for the Stepney Guardians. Forms from Mr. T. G. Stacey, clerk, Guardians’ Offices, Barnes-street, Stepney, London, E. Londonderry, July 17. — About 400 tons best English house coal and about 700 tons best Scotch steam coal for the Asylum Committee. Forms from Mr. S.' Haire, clerk of the Asylum. Mallow (Ireland), July 17.—Between 100 to 200 tons of coals for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. M. Regan, clerk of the Union. Marple (Cheshire), July 15.—About 2,700 tons of gas coal, nuts, etc., for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. J. K. Law, gas engineer, Marple Bridge, near Stockport. Melton Mowbray, July 15.—About 50 tons of Watnall hard steam coal for the Rural District Council. Tenders to Mr. Arthur H. Marsh, clerk to the Council, Melton Mowbray. Mexborough, July 20.—About 5,000 tons of gas coal for the Swinton and Mexborough Gas Board. Further particu- lars from Mr. J. W. Brearley, engineer, Gas Works, Swinton, near Rotherham. Neath, July 14.—For the Gas Committee, between 12,000 and 14,000 tons of through and through gas coal. Particu- lars from the gas manager (Mr. R. A. Browning), Gas Works, Neath. Newport (I.W.), September 10.—Fuel for the Isle of Wight County Council. Full particulars from Mr. J. Dufton, clerk of the Council, Newport (I.W.). Oakham, July 18.—Coal and coke for the Rutland Educa- tion Committee. Particulars from Mr. E. W. Axtell- Gardener, county education secretary, Education Office, Oakham. Oxford, July 20.—Warwickshire or Leicestershire hand- picked cobbles for the Education Committee. Tenders to Mr. R. Bacon, town clerk, Education Office, Town Hall, Oxford. Portsmouth, July 13.—About 1,200 tons of steam coal, either middle Duffryn, small nut, Pentre small, Powell Duffryn washed peas, Bwllfa washed peas, Bwllfa large, or Bromley small, for the Borough of Portsmouth Asylum; also 100 tons of house coal. Tenders addressed to the chairman of the Committee of Visitors. Salford, July 13.—Particulars, etc., of coal required by the Council from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Elec- tricity Works, Frederick-road, Pendleton. Salisbury, July 13.—From 1,000 to 2,000 tons of gas coal for the directors of the Salisbury Gas Light and Coke Com- pany. Tenders to Mr. N. H. Humphrys, gas engineer, Salisbury. Sheffield, July 18.—Coal and coke required for the Cor- poration. Forms at the office of the Committee, Leopold- street. Smethwick, July 15.—About 45,000 tons of screened gas coal or nuts for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. J. Sturgess, secretary, Gas Offices, Council House, Smethwick. Southborough, July 16.—About 200 tons of steam coal for the Urban District Council; also 40 tons of house coal. Forms from Mr. Philip Hanmer, clerk to the Council, Council Offices, Southborough. Stirling, July 22.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the Governor at the Poorhouse. Stockholm (Sweden), July 13. — Steam coal for the directors of the Gothenburg-Stockholm-Gefle Railways; 100,000 tons of prime well screened locomotive coal.* Stockton-on-Tees, July 24.—Steam coal for the Corpora- tion. Forms from Mr. J. J. Smith, borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Stockton-on-Tees. Stourbridge, July 14. — About 18,000 tons of good screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from the engineer, Mr. Charles H. Webb, Gas Works, Stourbridge. Tewkesbury, July 15.—About 120 tons of coal (kitchen nuts) for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. H. A. Badham, clerk, Tewkesbury. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Todmorden.—Coal and cannel for the Corporation (Gas Committee). Particulars from Mr. F. V. Barnes, engineer, Gas Works, Todmorden. Tunbridge Wells, July 14.—About 1,200 tons of the best large smokeless Welsh steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. C. Cripps, town clerk, Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells. Wallasey, July 13.—About 60,000 tons of screened gas coal, nuts, and cannel, for the Corporation. Specifications from the engineer, Mr. J. H. Crowther, Dock-road, Sea- combe. Ware, July 13.—About 60 tons of old Round wood best * Silkstone house coal, about 40 tons of Annesley best hard steam coal, and about 18 tons of coke, for the Hertford and Ware Joint Hospital Board. Tenders to Mr. G. H. Gisby, clerk to the Joint Board, Ware, Herts. Wigan, July 16.—Arley gas nuts, cobbles, or screened or unscreened coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. F. Betley, engineer and manager, Gas Works. Winchester, July 13.—Best house steam and anthracite coal and coke for the Southampton Education Committee. Forms from Mr. D. T. Cowan, director of education, the Castle, Winchester. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Aberaman, September 9.—Grease and Oils.—The directors of the Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited, invite tenders for the supply of grease and oils. Forms from the Stores Manager, Aberaman Offices, nr. Aberdare. Ballinluska {Ireland), July 15.— Well.—For sinking a well and erecting a pump thereon, for the Kinsale Rural District Council. Specifications at the Council Office, Kinsale Workhouse. Chittagong (India), August 20.—Air Compressors, etc.— The Municipal Commissioners of Chittagong invite tenders for supplying, erecting, and running for one month, air com- pressors, pumps', boilers, etc., with all fittings for the new town water supply. Forms at the Municipal Office, Chittagong, on payment of rs. 5. Dartford, July 20.—Calorifiers, etc.—Installation of new calorifiers, with piping connections, etc., for the Metropolitan Asylums Board. Specifications at the office of the Board, Embankment, E.C., on payment of £1 (returnable). Drogheda (Ireland), July 14.— Well, etc.—For sinking well and erecting pump thereon for the Meath Rural District Council of Drogheda Union. Specification from Mr. Thomas Dowdall, clerk of the Council, Boardroom, Workhouse, Drogheda. Halkyn.—Shaft.—For sinking the Pen-y-Bryn shaft, on the New North Halkyn mine, about 70 yards deeper, for the Halkyn District Mines Drainage Company, Halkyn, near Holywell. This shaft, already in communication with the Halkyn District Mines Drainage Tunnel, at a depth of 200 yards it is designed to deepen, 10 ft. long by 8 ft. wide, with the object of connecting it with the Milwr Tunnel, now in course of extension to it at sea level. Particulars from the Halkyn District Mines Drainage Company, Halkyn, near Holywell. Kanturk (Ireland), July 15.—Well Sinking.—For the sinking of wells for the rural district council. Specifications from the Clerk. London, S.W., July 13.—Engine.—Erection of one triple- expansion steam pumping engine of approximately 600-horse power, together with surface condenser, auxiliary air and circulating pumping engine, and one series centrifugal pump, and other contingent works, for the Metropolitan Water Board. Specifications from the Engineer, Savoy-court, Strand, London, W.C., on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). Manchester, July 21.—Boilers.—Two steel boilers, for heating purposes for the corporation. Specifications from Mr. J. M. McElroy, general manager, Tramways Depart- ment, 55, Piccadilly, Manchester. Melbourne (Australia), October 7.—Air Compressors.— For the Agent-General for Victoria (Victorian State Railways). Motor driven air compressors, electric motors, etc. Specifications at the offices of the consulting engineers, John Coates and Company Limited, 115, Victoria Street, London, S.W. St. Me wan, July 22.—Shaft Sinking.—For sinking the present shaft at the Hill’s Quarry, St. Mewan, to a further depth of about four fathoms, at per fathom, for the St. Austell Rural District Council. Particulars on application to Mr. A. J. Blight, Trelowth, St. Mewan, or Mr. S. R. Hooper, Highfield-avenue, St. Austell. Southampton, July 13.—Coal Conveyors.—Erection of coal conveyors at the electricity supply station, Western Shore, Southampton, for the Corporation. Specification fu-in the borough electrical engineer. OBITUARY. Mr. Robert Dob in son, of New Delaval, undermanager at the Relief Pit of the Seaton Delaval Coal Co., died suddenly on Saturday, after having returned home from his work of inspecting the mine. He was 71 years of age, had been employed under the company for 60 years, and had held an official position for 45 years. Mr. E. W. Taylor, managing director of the Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, died on Wednesday morning at the age of 53. The news was received with general regret on Cardiff Exchange, where he was esteemed a keen business man, above the average in commercial ability. Mr. Taylor had worked his way upward from a junior position in the London office of the company. The death has occurred of Mr. Oswald W. Ellis, director of Robey and Company Limited, engineers, of Lincoln. Mr. George Hindley, of South port, who died on Wednes- day of last week, was well known throughout the South- West Lancashire coalfield. For nearly half-a-century he was associated with the White Moss Coal Company. Skelmersdale. Mr. J. W. Mounsey, Sunderland, an extensive coal owner in Durham county, died at his residence on Saturday, at the age of 70.