98 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN Juki 10, 1914. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of June 1914, compared with the corresponding month of 1913.* Port. June 1914 June 1913. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase Decrease. Increase. Decreas* Tons. Tons Tons. Tons Tons Tons. Tonb 'Ions Newcastle 896.422 14,628 787,775 18.792 108,647 — — 4,524 North Shields 89,954 1 527 80,445 2,121 9,509 — — 594 South Shields 149,502 1,501 153,234 1,999 — 3,732 — 498 Sunderland 257,104 280 272.322 2,430 — 15,218 — 2,150 West Hartlepool 126,496 454 83.763 1,414 42,733 — — 960 Goole 1'2,303 1,801 118,599 2,144 — 6,296 — 343 Blyth 337,322 1,168 398,926 1,464 — 61,604 — 296 Newport 374,461 1,402 387,4’4 1,665 — 12,943 — 263 Liverpool 27,748 148 37,731 329 — 9,983 — 181 Methil 217,002 53 218,726 — — 1,724 53 — Glasgow 150,118 1,832 165,893 4,026 — 15,775 — 2,194 Kirkcaldy 7,595 — 8.979 — — 1,384 — — Burntisland 134,452 234 131,794 — 2,658 — 234 — Cardiff 1,424,281 9,142 1,582,'22 7,710 — 158,241 1,432 — Borrowstoness 41,547 100 39,662 157 1,885 — — 57 Llanelly 19,041 — 20,085 z — 1,042 — 2 Middlesbrough 3,142 1,764 169 1,669 2,973 — 95 — Seaham 86,754 — 98,737 — — 11,983 — — Swansea 235,727 733 264,358 62 — 28,631 671 — ______________________ Granton 11,906 882 7,133 1,067 4,773 — — 185 Port Talbot ; 117,944 65 190.151 16 — 72,207 49 — Alloa 10.879 — 7,704 — 3,175 — — — Grangemouth 94,94o 1,903 126,039 6,101 — 31,099 — 4,193 Neath ..... — — — — — — — — Hull 427,219 3,129 501,778 3,035 — 74,509 94 — Immingham 135,695 — — — 135,695 — — — Amble 39,278 — 43,433 — — 4,155 — Troon 15,749 — 13,558 — , 2,191 — — — Grimsby 95,038 29 102,258 502 — 7,220 — 473 Ayr 9,037 ’ — 11,226 — — 1,919 — — Greefiock — — 2,126 — — 2,126 — — Leith 105,867 — 144,371 — — 38,504 — — Ardrossan 3,324 — 2,263 — 1,061 — — — Stockton — — — — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM/' Port. June 1913 June 1914. Port. June 1913 June 1914. Coals. | Coke. Coals. I Coke. Coals. | Coke Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 3 7,131 28 170,270 944 Ayr 62,211 62,724 North Shields ... — — — — Irvine 10,924 11,026 South Shields ... 225 — 220 — Alloa 2,551 — 810 — Blyth 11,821 30 15,235 — Whitehaven .... 18 061 — 18,776 — Amble 5, <*45 — 4,154 — Liverpool 174,397 90 c 67 pf 125,291 214 c 730 pf Sunderland 112,286 — 95,213 — Grimsby 5,329 — j 4,297 — Seaham 86,085 — 96,791 — Granton 15,358 — 27,826 — Hartlepool 75,318 — 52,505 — Borrowstoness .. 22,770 — 13,682 — Stockton — — — — Burntisland 21,745 — 31,200 — Middlesbro' 2 40 138 15 Kirkcaldy 6,365 — 5,377 — Hull 88,909 — 79,890 500 Methil 40,870 — 27,983 — ! Goole 106,280 — 113,720 — Port Talbot 14.789 528 p.f. 12,053 500 p.f. I Swansea 33,341 — 16,131 — Glasgow 37,406 570 37,843 815 i Cardiff 264,645 120 270,556 90 Grangemouth 8,133 15 11,853 651 Llanelly 5,950 — 6,545 — Greenock 708 — 2,303 120 Newport 69,411 22 54,351 — Immingham — — 18,544 — Troon 16 978 — 17,452 — Leith 15,443 9,889 5 i \ vdrossan 5,346 — 5,090 — * From Browne’s Export List. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.. Bordeaux, 3,300, 6s. ljd., 500; 3,500, 6s., reported; Calais, 1.500, 3s. 9d.; 1,500, 3s. 7|d.; Constantinople, 4,200, 8s. 9d., 400, two loading places; Cronstadt, 3,000, 5s. 4|d.; 2,500, 5s. 4Jd., reported; 3,500, 5s.; 2,700, 5s.; 1,800, 5s. 4Jd.; 4,000, 5s. ljd.; 1,900, 5s. 3d.; 3,000, 5s. lid.; Caen, 850, 4s. 9d.; Girgenti, 3,200, 8s. 6d., 400, lOd.; Genoa, 3,800, 7s. 6d.; 4,200, 7s. 6d., from Pelaw Main; 5,000, 7s. 3d.; 6.500, 7s.; 6,000, 7s.; Hamburg, 1,700, 3s. 6d.; 2,700, 3s. 7id.; 2,000, 3s. 9d.; 1,750, 3s. 7|d., from Pelaw ; 2,100, 3s. 6d.; Holtenau, 2,000, 4s. 6d.; Havre, 1,200, 4s. 4id.; 2,000, 4s. 3d.; Leghorn, 3,800, 7s. 9d.; 4,200, 7s. 6d.; London, 3,000, 3s. l|d.; Marseilles, 4,500, 7s. 6d., 600; 6,000, 7s. 3d.; 5,000, 7s., from Dunston; Memel, 4,800, 4s. 7|d., 800; Monaco, 1,200, 10s.; Porto Vecchio, 5,000, 8s., from Dunston; Port Said, 5,000, 7s. 6d. ; Palermo, 2.800, 8s. 9d.; Porto Ferrajo, 5,600, 7s.; 4,700, 7s.; Piraeus, 6,300, 7s.; Rotterdam, 1,700, 3s. 3d.; 2,100, 3s. 3d., from Jarrow; Riga, 2,100, 5s.; Savona, 4,500, 7s. 9d.; 4,000, 7s. 9d.; St. Nazaire, 2,000, 5s. 10|d.; Stockholm, 1,800, 4s. 7|d.; Spezzia, 4,100, 7s. 6d.; St. Petersburg, 2,800, 4s. 9d.; 5,000, 5s.; 4,000, 5s. IJd. Cardiff to Alexandria, 5,800, 7s. 6d., 700; 5,700, 7s., 700; Algiers, 4,300, 7f fr., July 13; 4,600, 7f fr. ; Barcelona, 6,200, 8s.; 4,000, 8s. 3d.; 3,300, 8s.; 4,000, 8s.; Bahia Blanca, 15s.; 6,000, 14s. 6d.; 15s., July; Braila, 4,500, 8s. 6d.; Brest, 1.500, 4s. ; Bjorko, 2,150, 6s. 6d.; Cherbourg, 1,300, 4s. 6d. ; Civita Vecchia, 4,400, 7s. 6d., 500; Campana, 5,000-5,500, 14s.; Cadiz, 2,700, 6s. 9d.; Chatham, 2s. 10|d. ; Cape Verds, 5,000, 8s.; Constantinople, 4,800, 7s. 6d., July 15; Cronstadt, 4,000, 5s. 7|d.; 2,500, 5s. 7id.; Dakar, 5,000, 8s. 6d.; Devonport, 4,000, 2s. 4id., Admiralty; 3,000, 2s. 4M., Admiralty; Derindje, 4,200, 7s. 10|d., 500; Genoa, 6,300, 7s. 6d., July 14; 5,500, 7s.; 5,500, 7s. 3d.; 5,300, 7s. 7id.; 5,000, 7s. 3d.; 5,200, 7s. lid., 500; 3,800, 7s. 9d.; 5,000, 7s. l|d.; 6,300, 7s.; 5,200, 7s., July 15; 3,600, 7s. 3d.; 3.800, 7s.; 3,300, 7s.; 4,200, 7s. 3d.; Galatz, 4,500, 8s. 6d. ; Granville, 2,400, 4s. 9d.; Gibraltar, 1,500, 7s. 9d.; 3,200’ 3s. 10id., Admiralty; Havre, 1,800, 4s.; 1,450, 4s. 3d.; Huelva, 1,700, 6s. 3d. ; Haida Pasha, 2,000, 7s. lOJd. ; 4,200, 7s. 10id., 500; Haulbowline and Queenstown, 2,200, 2s. 9d., 600, Admiralty; Haiffa, 5,000, 9s.; Ibicuy, 5,000, 15s. ; Kustendje, 4,400, 7s. 9d.; Lisbon, 2,200, 6s. 9d., 350; 2.500, 6s.; 3,600, 5s. 9d., 350, July 18;'Leghorn, 3,700, 7s. 6d., 500; 3,800, 7s. 9d. : 4,000, 7s. 3d.; La Pallice, 3,800. 5| fr.; 3,000, 5Jfr., July 20; Libau, 1,500, 5s., nett; Las Palmas, 3,500, 7s.; Malta, 4,500, 5s. 9d., option Malta and Alexandria, 7s. 9d., Admiralty; Monte Video, 5.200, 3s. 10|d.; 5,200, 13s. 9d., mid July; 5,000, 13s. 4|d., Julv 25; Marseilles, 4,400, 8f fr.; Malaga, 2,000, 8s.; 2,000, 7s. 9d.; Milazzo, 2,700, 8s. 6d.; Naples, 3,800, 7s. 6d , 800: 3,800, 7s. 9d.; 4,000, 7s. 3d.; Nantes, 2,200, 6i fr.; Nieu- dicpne, 1,600, 4s. 4|d.; Portland, 2,800-2,900, 2s. 6d.; 2,500, 2s. 6d., Admiralty; 4,000, 2s. 6d., Admiralty; Ports- mouth. 400, 2s. 6d., Admiralty; 1,700, 2s. 7|d.; Piranis, 3,800, 7s. 6d.; River Plate, 4,000, 14s. 6d.; 4,500, 14s. 6d.; 6,000, 15s. 3d.; 6,500, 14s. lid.; Reval, 1,500, 5s., nett; Rosario, 5,000-5,500, 14s. 6d.; 3,800-4,200, 15s., July 18-25; Rosario and Ibicuy, 15s., July; St. Petersburg, 4,000, 5s. 6d.; St. Mala, 400, 5s.; 1,400, 4s.; 1,450, 4s.; Sheerness, 2s. 10id.; Savona, 3,800, 7s. 9d.; Shoreham, 470, 5s. 3d.; Spezzia, 4,000, 7s. 3d.; Teneriffe, 3,500, 7s.; Venice, 5,500, 8s. lid., 500, July 15; 3,800, 8s. 3d.; 5,000, 8s. lid.; 4,400, 8s. 3d.; Valencia, 2,200, 8s. 6d., 400; Villa Constitucion, 5,000-5,500, 14s.; Waterford, 250, 5s. Newport to Naples, 4,500, 7s. 6d., 800; Milazzo, 2,700, 8s. 6d., 400; Buenos Ayres, 14s. 9d., July; Boca, 14s. 9d., July, La Plata, 14s. 9d., July; Marseilles, 3,000, 8i fr. Emden to Algiers, 4,000, 8fr.; Port Said, 5,800, 7s. 3d.; Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 14s. Swansea to Rio de Janiero, 5,000, 14s. 3d., fuel; Valencia, 2,000, 8s. 6d. ; Dieppe, 1,900, 4s. 4id.; Uddevalla, 600, 5s. 9d.; 14s. 3d. fuel, mid July; Tunis, 1,900, 12 fr.; Leg- horn, 2,100, 8s.; Venice, 4,100, 8s. 7id., 500; 5,600, 8s. lid., 500, 3,800, 8s. 6d., 400; Stettin, 1,800, 6s.; Charente, 1,500, 12| fr.; Calais, 2,100, 4s.; Boulogne, 2,100, 4s.; Havre, 1,100, 4s. 6d.; Rouen, 1,400, 5s. lid.; Stettin, 1,200, 6s.; Spezzia, 8s.; 1,600, 9s.; La Pallice, 1,250, 6i fr. ; Bordeaux, 2.300, 7i fr.; Trouville, 740, 5s.; Dover, 1,100, 4s. lid.; Venice, 8s. 6d. coal, 9s. 3d. fuel, 500; Genoa, 1,500, 8s. 3d.; Sables, 1,600, 7 fr.; La Rochelle, 1,250, 6i fr. Blyth to Constantinople, 4,700, 9s.; Bandholm, 2,200, 5s.; Calais, 1,500, 3s. 7id.; Havre, 1,200, 4s. 3d.; St. Peters- burg, 5,500, 5s.; Boulogne, 1,700, 4s.; Caen, 850, 4s. 9d. Methil to Sundswall, 1,850, 5s.; Rouen, 2,500, 5s. 9d. Hull to Ancona, 4,500, 8s.; Buenos Ayres, 14s., 250; 13s. 9d., 300; 4,600, 14s.; Reval, 1,650, 5s. 6d.; 2,100, 5s. Oid.; River Plate, 4,500, 14s.; Neustadt, 5s. lid.; Genoa, 3,000, 7s. 9d.; 5,000, 7s. 9d.; Barcelona, 2,200, 9s. 6d.; Nykjobing Falster, 2,200, private terms; Pernau, 1,350, 5s. 3d.; 1,450, 5s., 600; Cronstadt, 4,800, 4s. 7id.; 3.300, 5s., July 5; 2,200, 5s.; 2,200, 5s. 3d. • 5s. lid.; 4,500 4s. 10id.; 4,000, 5s. 3d.; 4,700, 5s., July 13; 4,500, 5s.; 3,500, 5s. 3d.; 2,800, 5s. Fredrikstadt to Melbourne Wharf, sail, 40s., September 1. Ayr to Cronstadt, 2,500, 4s. 10id. Manchester Ship Canal to Genoa, 1,800, 7s. 6d., early July; Dieppe, 1,100, 4s. 9d. Newport River to Valencia, 1,850, 8s., fuel. Troon to Genoa, 400, 7s. 10Id. Weser to Savannah, 8s., July-August. Llanelly to Rotterdam, 650, 4s.; Rouen, 900, 5s. 3d.; Dieppe, 750, 4s. 9d. Partington to Buenos Ayres, 4,300, 14s., 250, July 23. Rotterdam to Barcelona, 5,500, 8s. 9d.; 3,000, 8s. 9d July 14; Algiers, 3,100, 8i fr.; Port Said, 4,100, 7s. 6d.; La Rochelle, 3,000, 5s. 101d., July 13; Chantenay, 2,000, 5s. 9d., Julv 13; Bordeaux, 3,300, 5s. 9d. coals, 6s. 6d. fuel; San Francisco, and home to U.K.-Continent, sail, 2,729 reg., 41s. 6d. on the round; Rochefort, 3,000, 6s., July 13; St. Nazaire, 3,500, 5s. 6d.; Fremantle, sail, 11s., super phosphates, August 15, days. Hamburg to Charleston, 6,200, 8s. l|d., kainit, July- August; Norfolk and Jacksonville, 8s. 6d., kainit. Grangemouth to North Norway, 1,800, 5s. Immingham to Reval, 1,650, 5s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 4,750, 8s. Hartlepool to Palermo, 3,500, 7s. 9d.; St. Petersburg, 2,800, 4s. 9d.; Genoa, 6,000, 7s. 3d. Goole to Malmo, 1,100, 5s. 6d. Wear to Genoa, 4,800, 7s. 3d., 500; Bordeaux, 4,800, 6s.; 2,500, 6s.; 3,500, 6s. l|d.; Cronstadt, 2,700, 5s.; Monte Video, sail, 13s. 9d. Bo’ness to Cronstadt, 2,700, 5s.; Riga, 1,750, 5s. 4id. Wales to Monte Video, sail, 12s.; sail, 12s. 6d. Fife port to Cronstadt, 4,500, 5s. ; Wismar, 1,700, 5s. 3d.; Pernau, 1,500, 5s. 3d.; Stockholm, 2,000, 4s. 9d. Burntisland to Sundswall, 1,850, 5s. Forth to Cronstadt, 2,500, 5s.; 4,200, 5s. 3d.; Copen- hagen, 1,000, 5s.; Helsingfors, 2,150, 5s. l|d.; Rendsburg, 1,700, 5s. Seaham Harbour to Hamburg, 2,000, 3s. 9d.; Cronstadt, 1,900, 5s. ljd. Grimsby to Wismar, 1,200, 5s., mid July. Burry port to St. Malo, 650, 5s.; Guernsey, 800, 4s. 6d.; Rouen, 1,800, 5s. Glasgow to Chantenay, 2,300, 6| fr. Port Talbot to Rochefort, 500, 6| fr. THE HULL COAL TRADE. According to the official returns compiled by the Hull Corporation's coal inspector, Mr. W. H. Truman, 611,878 tons of coal were imported into Hull during June—572,820 tons by rail and 39,058 tons by river—as compared with 729,830 tons in June 1912. This brings the total for the half-year just closed to 3,123,583 tons, as against 4,041,649 tons in the corresponding period of last year. The following table shows the quantities consigned in the periods mentioned from the principal shipping collieries:— January to January to Name of Colliery. June. June. 1914. 1913. Allerton By water ......... 52,770 ... 62,101 Allerton Main (Bowers) ___ 9,229 ... 28,929 Aldwarke Main ........... 50,497 ... 115,157 Ackton Hall .............. 21,649 ... 58,950 Askern Main.............. 27,934 ... 3,585 Barnsley Main............ 9,938 ... 11,470 Birley .................... 16,260 ... 42,089 Bestwood ................ 10,731 ... 18,456 Brods worth .............. 130,258 ... 98,051 Barrow .................. 17,503 ... 26,594 Bentinck ................ 9,408 ... 18,742 Bentley .................. 145,792 ... 174,883 Bullcroft.................. 168,775 ... 130,939 Cortonwood .............. 21,941 ... 31,750 Carlton Main, Grimethorpe and Frickley............ 258,163 ... 257,894 Clay Cross................ 13,584 ... 15,975 Clifton.................... 2,823 .. 10,378 Dalton Main.............. 68,480 ... 131,981 Denaby and Cadeby Main ... 422,578 ... 476,722 ..... Darfield Main ............ 11,818 ... 24,331 Dinnington .............. 69,655 ... 84,256 ... Elsecar ....'................. 61,406 ... 75,580 Glapwell.................. 43,622 ... 41,368 Garforth.................. 39,245 ... 58,068 Glass Houghton ........... 106,113 ... 163,722 Gedling ________________ 2,437 ... 10,990 Goldthorpe................ 7,001 ... 18,447 Houghton Main ........... 33,931 ... 41,058 Hoy land Silkstone ....... 9,354 ... 21,153 Hodroyd.................. 11,629 ... 11,188 Hardwick ................ 24,169 ... 35,478 Hickleton ................ 84,937 91,191 Kilnhurst and Thrybeigh ... 37,809 ... 50,227 Kiveton Park ............ 21,816 ... 24,187 Lofthouse________________ 6,868 ... 13,906 Low Laithe .............. 32,875 ... 58,802 Langwith ................ 15,977 ... 20,184 Man vers Main ............ 110,944 ... 131,886 Mitchell Main ............ 41,005 ... 53,204 Monkton Main............ 10,717 ... 22,4u0 Monk Bretton ............ 16,380 ... 27,669 Manners.................. 2,736 . 16,932 Maltby.................... 36,262 ... 77,115 Mansfield ................ 32,562 ... 49,307 New Sharlston............ 16,452 ... 22,934 Prince of Wales' Castle ... 46,670 ... 54,570 ..... Park Hill ............ 8,016 ... 14,567 Peckfield ................ 52,967 ... 74,737 Rothervale .............. 22,786 ... 38,612 South Hiendley ........... 9,964 ... 11,386 Staveley.................. 22,403 ... 48,797 Shireoaks ................ 10,985 ... 20,617 South Kirkby, Featherstone and Hemsworth ......... 99,957 ... 124,102 Shirebrook................ 4,515 ... 16,227 Sherwood ................ 16,500 ... 28,661 Shaw Cross .............. — ... 13,846 Thorncliff e .............. 34,624 ... 61,273 Wharncliffe Silkstoue _____ 28,280 ... 30,354 West Riding and Silkstone... 34,472 ... 47,390 Won.bwell Main .......... 52,312 ... 95,776 Whit wood ................ 55,153 ... 86,310 Wheldale .»nd Fryston..... 57,9'6 ... 80,134 Woolley __________________ 7,584 ... 10,210 Wath Main .............. 37, 01 ... 52,182 Yorkshire Main .......... 26,550 ... — Coastwise shipments from Hull during June reached 76,070 tons, compared with 88,909 in June 1913; the total for the half-year was 397,687 tons, as against 554,037 tons. Exports in June amounted to 469,266, compared with 499,772 tons last year; the aggregate for the six months being 1,601,694 tons, against 2,132,890 tons in the first six months of 1913. The Denaby and Cadeby Main were again the largest contributors in June with 69,890. Other collieries con- tributing over 10,000 tons are given as follows in their order of merit:—Carlton Main, Grimethorpe and Frickley, Brods- worth, Bullcroft, Bentley, Glass Houghton, Manvers Main, Dalton Main, South Kirkby, Featherstone and Hemsworth, Dinnington, Aldwarke Main, Hickleton, Elsecar, Maltby, Peckfield, and Wheldale and Fryston. ___________________________ Partnership Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnership :—H. C. Barlow and H. A. Jackson, electrical engineers, Chapel-street, Sal- ford, under the style of H. C. Barlow and Company.