July 10, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 97 EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AND MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During June and the first six months of 1912, 1913 and 1914 June, 1914. June. Coal—Through- All coal. Value (£). To Coal— Small. and-through (unscreened). Coal— Large. All coak | Quantity (tons). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ ' 1912. j 19J 3. 1914. 1912. 1913 1914 Russia . 112,852 70,171 24,557 15,561 568,306 399,240 538,154 701,764 705,715 338,132 506,087 484,972 Rwa^am ... 85,676 46,176 42,086 26,435 263,771 173,898 • 350,168 354,149 391,533 1 197,216 234,495 246,509 Norwav. 48,016 23,304 4,100 2,577 99,942 64,456 | 155,150 157,619 152,058 ; 83,839 102,419 90,337 Denmark 52,207 28,536 56,760 35,766 111,024 74,427 i ! 244,718 199,486 219,991 i 144,061 131,962 138,729 Germany 267.747 141,002 375,766 221,047 , 180,165 118,744 ! 967,330 772,053 823,978 490,244 460,223 480,793 Netherlands 68,606 38,846 50,467 30,330 44,501 29,822 ' 195,330 147,737 163,574 103,100 92,794 98,998 Belgium 61,997 30,580 28,298 16,637 50,270 33,534 130, >54 135 467 140,565 62,411 79,538 80,751 IPva.n no 449,938 230,195 204,202 122,146 311,186 239,175 944,872 1,062,395 965,326 517,869 674,138 591,516 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 21,559 12,334 16,140 9,995 65,230 53,876 101,327 126,652 102,929 66,153 101,034 76,205 Snain and Canaries 52,778 29,405 49,876 31,989 150,723 120,290 271,942 290,000 253,377 180,547 219,640 181,684 119,052 57,511 193,903 121,799 319,438 258,011 716,113 777,163 632,393 465,948 569,956 437,321 Austria-Hunerarv 9,438 4,920 31,119 18,826 43,335 32,842 68,816 33,732 83,892 38,381 24,914 56,588 10,913 7,309 20,743 12,358 35,008 29,040 23,190 54,749 66,634 13,788 41,040 48,747 7,148 4,483 — — 18,366 15,902 13,498 20,507 25,514 8,541 17,800 20,385 Tn r av 2,744 2,377 — — 57,372 48,519 i 29,575 14,118 60,116 19,444 10,378 50,896 Rcrvnt (includinsf Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 8,612 4,507 35,703 22,824 167,503 136,422 i 180,704 209,995 211,818 118,119 165,532 163,753 Algeria. Portugue 14,548 7,502 37,921 23,621 22,670 17,419 1 80,156 92,552 75,139 46,277 61,819 48,542 jse West Africa 34 42 2,241 1,378 6,983 6 212 5 17,185 15,590 9,258 14,232 14,328 7,632 nhnA 372 431 1,475 922 32,188 ' 26,739 ; 89,334 70,954 34,035 73,407 60,200 28,092 Brazil 1,257 1,131 — — 134,564 125,843 | 147,070 170,564 135,821 119,819 153,321 126,974 TT rn cm av 2,414 1,093 — — 63,920 . 54,825 63,882 60,911 66,334 51,997 54,929 55,918 Argentine Republic TslA>Tl(is 2,399 1,936 — — 207,970 183,492 247,909 297,715 210,369 190,972 251,988 185,428 331 207 696 448 9,009 6,778 11,205 8,672 10,036 7,834 6,595 7,433 CL, . . . 1,829 853 7,937 5,030 4,760 3,936 13,366 19,406 14,526 8,588 13,746 9,819 TVToUo 4,288 2,195 4,738 3,435 26,103 22,725 12,970 35,300 35,129 7,126 25,592 28,355 Aden and Dependencies . — — — — 5,708 5,137 15,482 12,639 5,708 12,357 10,973 5,1-37 R-nif-iah India. 1,295 721 — 11,505 10,346 9,323 14,582 12,b00 5,298 11,878 11,067 ATI — — — — 26,096 23,060 20,406 29,153 • 26,096 16,044 26,981 23,060 Other countries 22,562 14,446 6,220 3,821 70,744 56,461 97,315 120,486 ! 99,526 70,051 99,920 74,728 x fi th racite 101,350 68,622 — 104,336 89,883 189,973 218,814 ! ! 205,686 153,08.) 173,139 158,505 Steam 1,091,864 555,347 196,352 119,819 2,823,851 2,159,685 3,928,199 4,397,791 4,112/ 67 2,457,885 3,177,176 2,834,851 Totals Gas 69,441 37,675 841,010 514,930 82,833 57,161 1,161,590 986,510 993,284 604,223 615,707 609,766 TT on s eh el d 45,680 27,892 429 232 93,321 61,236 154,856 144,792 139,430 88,665 96,895 89,360 w Other sorts 122,277 72,677 157,157 91,964 4,319 3,206 322,026 258,503 233,753 167,943 161,303 167,847 Total 1,430,612 762,213 1,194,948 726,945 3,108,660 2,371,171 5,756,644 6,006,410 5,734,220 3,471,795 4,224,220 3,860,329 Total (June 1913) 1,427,229 812,276 1,188,550 736,173 3,390,631 2,675,771 — — — — — Total (June 1912) 1,379,520 667,774 1,339,536 689,627 3,037,588 2,114,394 -- — — — — — — — — — — 51,139 75,336 * 73,163 43,516 77,339 59,818 Manufactured fuel — — — — . — — 108,649 185,162 1Q2,O34 87,103 164,929 166,686 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — 5,916,432 6,266,908 5,999,417 3,602,414 4,466,488 4,086,833 First half of 1914. First half year. Anthracite Steam 665,009 446,387 — 695,233 615,273 974,193 1,407,097 1,360,242 774,467 1,118,976 1,061,660 6,199,463 3,155,930 1,588,620 980,293 17,306,729 13,412,454 18,720,167 26,034,245 25,094,812 12,104,361 18,425,274 17,508,677 Total- Gas 351,822 198,087 4,856,827 3,036,291 531,196 370,136 4,487,837 5,510,408 5,739,845 2,353,550 3,321,177 3,604,514 Household 231,711 143,415 886 489 509,843 344,464 640,455 855,375 742,440 379,601 554,292 488,368 Other sorts 711,176 426,261 913,201 • 548,948 25,222 18,452 1,350,671 1,719,110 1,649,599 723,723 1,065,691 993,661 Total 8,159,181 4,330,080 7,359,534 4,566,021 19,068,223 14,760,779 26,173,323 35,526,235 34,586,938 16,335,702 24,485,410 23,656,880 Total for six months of 1913 8,373,866 4,798,331 7,189,763 4,346,185 19,962,606 15,340,894 — — - — — — Total for six months of 1912 5,899,291 2,861,182 5,636,455 2,965,542 14,637,577 10,508,978 — — — — — — Coke — — — ' — — — 388,108 499,670 517,609 301,701 486,527 445,135 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 635,283 1,022,232 1,044,360 489,111 867,315 909,441 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — - — 27,196,714 37,048,137 36,148,907 17,126,514 25,839,252 25,011,456 fencing manufacturer; John Henry Mann, 22, Colebrook- avenue, West Ealing, Middlesex, gentleman. Clan Foundry Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Queen-street, Belper, Derbyshire. Regis- tered June 30. To acquire and carry on business of general iron founders and stove grate makers now carried on by A. F. Richards at Queen-street, Belper, Derbyshire, as the clan Foundry Company, and enter into agreement. Nominal capital, £4,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) Arthur F. Richards, Rest Holme, Belper, Derbyshire, ironfounder; Emily E. Richards, 2, Booth-place, Falkirk, Scotland. Consolidated Oilfields of India Limited—Registered office, 155, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C. Registered July 2. To acquire claims, rights, concessions in petroleum and other oil bearing lands, oil fields, wells, shale fields, and any mineral and metalliferous lands, gold, silver, lead, coal, iron ore, and other mines, etc. Nominal capital, £60,000 in 120,000 10s. shares. Minimum subscription, seven shares. First directors to be appointed by subscribers. Qualifica- tion of directors, £100. Subscribers (one share each) :—R. M. Kendrick, 17, Lillian-road, Barnes, journalist; L. W. Lesser, 135, Camberwell New-road, S.E., clerk; G. E. Pike, 283, Salisbury House, E.C., incorporated accountant; E. C. Pike, The Glen, Harringay Park, Crouch End, incorporated accountant; S. G. Bruff, 155, Salisbury House, E.C., secre- tary; G. W. Mallett, 43, Mincing-lane, E.C., accountant; E. E. Edwards, 43, Mincing-lane, E.C., engineer. General Engineering Accessories Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered July 2. To carry on business of supply- ing, repairing, etc., all kinds of engines, boilers, furnaces, smoke consumers, fuel economisers, pumps, steam traps, lifting tackle, shafting, pulleys, belting, etc., used in col- lieries, quarries, foundries, shipping, tramways, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in £1 shares. Directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—Alfred James Bailey, 42, Appach-road, Brixton, S.W., engineer; John Trolley, Deston Park, Thames Ditton, engineer. Hansen Brothers Limited. — Private company. Regis- tered July 2. To acquire business of Hansen Brothers, sbip brokers, coal merchants, and exporters, at Cardiff, and enter into agreement; also carry on business as coal merchants and exporters, shipping agents, carriers, ship owners, steve- dores, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Direc- tors and subscribers (one share each) :—Sven Wohlford Hansen, 81 and 83, Exchange-buildings, Cardiff, ship broker and coal exporter ; Arthur Claude Vyvyan Robinson, 81 and 83, Exchange-buildings, Cardiff, ship broker. ’ Hotton and Hodgson Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 71, Southwark-street, S.E. Registered July 3. To acquire business now carried on at 71, Southwark-street, S.E., by Wm. Hotton, as Hotton and Company, and carry on business as metal workers, mechanical engineers, brass founders, etc.; and to enter into agreement. Nominal capital, £4,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) Wm. Hotton, 71, Southwark-street, S.E., engineer; A. J. Hodgson, 71, Southwark-street, S.E., engi- neer. Qualification of directors, £100. Remuneration of above directors, £750 per annum each. Jenkins’ (Philip) Sons Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Riverside, Neath, Glamorgan. Regis- tered July 1. Phosphor-bronze, bronze, and brass founders, metal manufacturers and merchants, engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £30,000 in 3,000 £10 shares. Directors :— John Ed. Jenkins, Wm. Jas. Jenkins, Philip H. Jenkins; Richard Y. Jenkins, D. T. Jenkins, Ivor O. Jenkins. Quali- fication of directors, £3,000. Lang and Lang Limited.—Private company. Registered July 3. Manufacturers and factors of and dealers in iron, steel, brass, or other metals, machinery, engines, apparatus, etc., manufacturers of and dealers in motor-cars, cycles, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—Ernest Lang, Durlstone Manor, Denmark Hill, S.E., merchant; Chas. J. Marshall, Bruikwood, Monken Hadley, Middlesex, chartered accountant. Reece Machinery Company Limited.—Private company. Registered June 30. Engineers, founders, smiths, machi- nists, manufacturers of and dealers in machinery and appliances of all kinds, especially the manufacture of material used in the manufacture of wearing apparel, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in £1 shares. Directors :—F. A. Shea, F. L. Cady, G. C. Hill, R. King, John Reece. Swinhope Limestone Company Limited. — Private com- pany. Registered July 3. Quarry masters, mine and fac- tory proprietors, dealers and merchants in limestone, granite, coal, coke, clay, bricks, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 500 £1 preference shares and 500 £1 ordinary shares. Directors :—J. T. Monkhouse, 1, Stanley-place, Oswestry, Salop, quarry manager; E. C. Tomkins, Zetland- buildings, Middlesbrough, mineral merchant. Qualification of directors, £10. Remuneration of directors, 10 per cent, of net profits. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The outward freight market manifests a good deal of activity this week. On the North-East Coast Mediterranean rates have receded to from 7s. to 7s. 3d., Tyne to Genoa. Coasting business is stronger, at about 3s. l|d. to London, and from 3s. 6d. to 3s. 7|d. to Hamburg. The Baltic is firmer, at from 5s. to 5s. 4|d. to Cronstadt; and the Bay is moving upwards, at from 6s. to 6s. l|d. to Bordeaux. At South Wales chartering has been moderately busy, and rates for the Mediterranean show some improvement. Those of South America are steady. The Bay and coasting ports are unaltered. The Humber market is firm. Practically nothing is doing at the Clyde. Homewards, chartering is rather quiet. The Eastern and Australian markets are dull and featureless, with a poor enquiry and a weak tone. The Black Sea is slow and easy. The River Plate is weak. The Mediterranean and ore trades are steady, as is also the Baltic. The Indian market shows some improvement. Grain chartering from the South Lawrence is busier. America and Canada generally are active, and rates are well maintained. Tyne to Algiers. 3,500, 7s. ; Aberdeen. 700, 2s.; Ancona, 5.600, 8s. lid., 500; Antwerp. 2.100, 3s. lOId.; Barcelona. 4,000, 9s. 3d., on d.w. ; Bagnoli, 4,700, 7s. 3d.; Boulogne. 1,800, 4s.; Boucan, 3,000, 6s. 41 d-; Bodo, 1,000, 4s. 9d.;