74 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 10, 1914. THE “HARDY SIMPLEX AIR HAMMER DRILL TYPE B6, Costs about 2d. per honr for Compressed Air, and is admitted on all hands to be the fastest, lightest, and most reliable drill in the world. 325 “Hardy Simplex” B6 type have now been bought by two large concerns after months of exhaustive tests of various types. IB 1 to * 'XS ~ - • -. . •A-/ k ' 't-.-x ■ .. '' ■; ' I ' f ® I 1 ft J; ■>, '.Sv ■ ■; ’*• * f ’1' "■ / / • AVt-*. 4^ * • ■ Driving a Stone Heading with the “ Hardy Simplex." You cannot afford to buy other machines without first trying the “Hardy Simplex” FREE OF CHARGE, Write for Catalogue and Price List to the SOLE MAKERS- THE HARDY PATENT PICK CD. LTD., SHEFFIELD.