July 10, 1914. _________ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 67 ,c" »''»• . For High Speed Driving The illustration shows a 250=h.p. chain drive at Messrs. Pease’s West Colliery Ltd., Crook, Co. Durham. The transmission is by Renold Silent Chain ADVANTAGES. High efficiency. Smooth and quiet running. Adaptability. Large ratio of reduction. For all powers up to 500=h.p. Write for catalogues of Renold Silent Chains. Also of Renold Steel Roller Chains for Screening Plant, etc. Renold Steel Block Chains for Haulage, Conveyors, Elevators, etc. HANS RENOLD Ltd., oe„t. 42, Manchester. THREE-THROW 1AM PUMP "W * •L ■ I. •>* . ci: A X 1 copyRMT For Mining Purposes, Town’s Water Supply, &c. With BELT PULLEYS for driving by “SUCTION” GAS ENGINE, OIL ENGINE, STEAM ENGINE, or with ELECTRIC MOTOR. Fitted with OUTSIDE VALVE SPRINGS for HIGH SPEEDS. Quotations on receipt of particulars of the duty. TANGYES LTP BIRMINGHAM No. 408 D