July 3, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 53 278 Hiiniuk i jii 11 inn NOBEL' GLASGOW -''' ' £, ~ ■* ’ ’ , , , ' t ’ T . ■ * • { ‘ 28 OUNCES BEST COMBINATION OF SWING & CHARGE LIMIT on New Permitted List of Explosives No Thawing Required Fumes Trivial * No Insensitiveness Defect INDISPENSABLE TO STUDENTS. THE Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. By T. CAMPBELL FITTERS, M.Inst.M.E. This Important Work consists of :— Vol. I.—Bound in Cloth. Price 21s. net. Part I.—Boring, Sinking, Surface Arrangements, Head gears, Shafts. 128 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7£ in.). Illustrated by 294 Diagrams and Illustrations. Part II.—Winding. 169 pp. Crown 4to (9J in. by 7^-in.). Illustrated by 337 Diagrams and Illustrations. Part III.—Heapsteads, Screening and Washing. 177 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 427 Diagrams and Illustrations. Separate parts in Paper Covers. Price 5s. 8d. each net. Vol. II.—Haulage, Pumping, Power and Coke Ovens, and a Complete Index to Vols. I. and II. 294 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7£ in.). Illustrated by 585 Diagrams and Illustrations. Paper Covers, Price 8s. 6d. ; Bound in Cloth, 10s. 6d. net. SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.—Ventilating Fans, Coal-Cutting and Conveying Machinery, Ambulance and Rescue Appliances. 238 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 294 Diagrams and Illustrations. Paper Covers, Price 8s. 6d. ; Bound in Cloth, 10s. 6d. net. Publishers: THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.