44 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 3, 1914. rotatable with the bolt. The circular portions of the bosses fit loosely in holes k, formed in the side frame c (see fig. 2). The outer faces of the supporting frame c are provided with cam faces m1, against which the cam faces i on the bosses bear when the lever n is forced down towards the horizontal position. This action draws the ends of the supporting frame towards each other, and thereby alters the included *_____e_ ■iff fli angle of the tapered slot in which the jaws b move. The position of the parts mentioned is that occupied when the clip is gripping the rope. On the other hand, the jaws can be released from the rope by turning the operating lever n towards the vertical position, when the cam faces on the bosses rest in vertical slots p, formed in the ends of the sup- porting frame members. The latter are pushed laterally outwards to their fullest extent by the spring m, located between the jaws, as referred to in previous specification, No. 18246 of 1912. (Four claims.) 18572 (1913). Improvements in or relating to Centrifugal Pumps. Siemens-Schuckertwerke, M. m.b. H., of 3, Askan- ischer Platz, Berlin, S.W., 11, Germany.—Has reference to centrifugal pumps, and comprises an improvement in or modification of the invention set forth in the specification of prior British patent application, filed April 21, 1913, and numbered 9354, as improved upon or modified by the inven- tion for which a patent of addition was applied for on May 31, 1913, and numbered 12738. According to this invention, an arrangement is provided whereby the displaced water is automatically replaced without extraneous means, so that the sealing of the pump is still maintained. Before the pump is initially started it is filled sufficiently with water, the inlet pipe f and the collecting chamber b being also filled. Dur- ing each subsequent starting operation the pipe f will first be emptied, and when the air is then drawn in from the suc- tion pipe, a portion of the sealing water necessary for form- ing the floating ring of liquid around the vanes may pass out of the pump with such air. The sealing water thus lost is, however, replaced automatically from the collecting chamber b, which empties more slowly than the space in f, the water contained in the said chamber flowing gradually into / through the lower opening I2, or through the connecting pipe, if such be used, between b and /. The quantity of water thus flowing into f can be regulated at will by means of an adjustable valve situated at the opening I2. As soon as the air is removed from the suction pipe the pumping of water begins, whereupon the chamber b again becomes filled with water. The size of the collecting chamber or reservoir b must, of course, be adapted to the quantity of air to be discharged. (Two claims.) Immingham Coal Exports.—The exports from Imming- ham during the week ended Friday, 26th ult., totalled 45,733 tons to foreign ports, and 1,300 coastal, as compared with 49,871 tons and 2,450 respectively. Shipments :•— Foreign : To Bagnoli, 4,955 tons ; Cronstadt, 15,416 ; Bruges, 2,103; Borgeuse, 579; Delfzyl, 895; Gefle, 2,395; Havne- fjord, 772; Hamburg, 2,337; Igzesund, 1,884; Kiel, 1,665; Oporto, 883; Oxelosund, 3,926; Pernau, 998; Rendsburg, 1,289; Reykjavik, 1,186; Riga, 2,602; Rostock, 1,141; Svaneke, 717. Coastal : To London, 650 tons; and Lerwick, 650. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. MINES AND QUARRIES REPORT FOR 1913 : Part.!., Divisional Statistics, 9d. ; Manchester and Ireland District, 6d. Financial Statement for 1914-15, Id. Board of Education : Reports on the Science Museum, 7d.; Special Grants Regulations, Id. University of Sheffield Bill, Id. Return of Areas, Population, etc., in Scotland, 5Jd. Consular Reports, 1913 : Peru, 3Jd.; Spain, Corunna, 4d.; U.S.A., St. Louis, 3d.; U.S.A., Chicago, 4d.; Spain, Canary Islands, 2Jd.; China, Foochow, 2d.; do., Changsha, 2d.; Greece, Patras, 2d.; Turkey, Beirut, 3d.; Russia, Batoum, 4d.; Portugal, The Azores, 2d.: Gibraltar, 2d.; Congo, Katanga, lAd. COAL SHIPMENTS for each Quarter of 1912 and 1913 (Cd. 7490), 8d. Patents and Designs Bill Report, Id. Pauperism Statement for May, l}d. Trade Board Regulations, June 12, 1914 (No. 875), ljd. Births, Deaths, and Marriages Report for 1912, 6s. 3d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Geology of the Northern Part of the Derbyshire Coal- field and Bordering Tracts. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales. Explanation of Sheet 112 and the Southern Part of Sheet 100; 2 maps. By W. Gibson and C. B. Wedd, with contributions by G. W. Lamplugh, J. R. Hill, and R. L. Sherlock; with appen- dix by L. Moysey. London : E. Stanford. Price, 3s. Electrical Practice in Collieries. (Fourth Edition). By Daniel Burns. London : Charles Griffin and Company Limited. Price, 7s. 6d. “ Oil Facts and Figures,” June (London : Fredc. C. Mathieson and Sons), price Is.: ‘‘Monthly Magazine of the Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool,” June (Vol. 13, No. 6); “ Annales de Travaux Publics de Belgique” (Tome 19), 1914; “Journal of the Canadian Peat Society ” (Vol. 3, No. 1), April, price 25 cents. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 14894. Apparatus for the crushing, disintegration, or pulveri- sation of materials. G. S. Higginson. 14895. Axle boxes and other bearings. J. B. Beadman and H. J. Macklin. 14911. Controlled differential gearing. E. J. Pashler. 14939. Boring mechanisms. C. R. Cadogan. 14979. Blades for turbines, turbo-compressors, and the like. Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons and S. S. Cook. 14981. Fluid motors and turbines. T. Parker. 14984. Method of energy supply and control for wagons or trains of electric railways or similar contrivances by means of variation in the pressure of supply. Right Hon. C. E. H. Hobhouse, W. Slingo, H. C. Gun ton, and C. H. Douglas. 14997. Coal saving and spark-preventing apparatus for loco- motives and similar vehicles. G. Hill. 15028. Furnaces for steam generators. I. C. Dakin. 15077. Piston ring. R. H. Cunningham. 15084. Manufacture of iron and other metals. A. E. Bourooud. 15085. Detection of gas. F. J. Turquand. 15092. Pumps applicable also as compressors. A. A. Humphrey. 15117. Combination of appliances for the automatic manipu- lation of all kinds and sizes of metal ingots at rolling mills. E. W. Davies. 15157. Methods and means for foundry casting. H. Lowe and E. Brookes. 15161. Hoisting appliances. H. H. Ford. 15167. Construction of ovens or furnaces for coking coal for desulphuration of ores and the treatment of other solid materials where the action of superheated steam is required. J. Moeller. 15204. Steam boilers. G. Watson. 15207. Coupling and uncoupling railway wagons. E. Jackson. 15222. Furnace grates. A. W. Bennis. 15224. Electrically operated winch, specially applicable as an ash hoist. G. F. D. Campbell. 15263. Fuel. L. E. Neut and L. J. Leblanc. 15296. Weighing machines. H. Pooley and Son Limited, and J. Dobson. 15324. Apparatus for electrically igniting miners’ safety lamps. V. E. Joyce and Spagnoletti Limited. 15342. Steam superheaters. W. F. J. Casey. 15355. Detonating fuse. J. Harle. 15375. Process for the distillation of coal, shale, or other similar materials. W. A. Hall. 15397. Turbines. E. E. Hauer. 15398. Turbines. E. E. Hauer. 15409. Rope or cable clips for haulage purposes. E. T. Jones. 15444. Steam superheaters. H. A. Stenning and J. H- Stirling. 15455. Electric furnaces. F. J. Machalske. 15481. Trucks or wagons for use in mines. T. J. Watson. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on July 16.) 1913. 7103. Production of metal alloys. Goldmerstein. 9400. Continuous carbonisation of coal in vertical retorts. Toogood and Robert Dempster and Sons Limited. 14206. Method of and apparatus for operating blow-off or return valves for centrifugal compressors or pumps. Guyer. 14432. Furnaces. Cross. (Soc. des Perfectionnements h la Vaporisation.) 14823. Weighing apparatus. Mutlow and Mutlow. 14863. Ventilating fan. Telfer and Boyd. 14964. Atomisers for boilers using liquid or mixed fuel. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 15715. Peat sods which may be immediately stacked, made from partly drained peat. Von Traubenberg. 16039. Ovens. Berry. 16066. Process of producing filaments or wire of tungsten and tungsten alloy. Kruger. 19955. Process of and apparatus for recovery of tar from hot distillation gases. Strommenger. 20964. Treatment of hot gases produced by the distillation of coal. Leech and Edwards. 22874. Utilisation of the heat of slag. Semmler. 24850. Electric furnaces. Rennerfelt. 24923. Destructor furnaces or stoves. Thomas. 25960. Fuel economisers for heating feed water for steam boilers. Green and Slade. 27201. Suction gas producers. Dormand. 29813. Furnaces for melting glass or metals. Lambot. 1914. 793. Utilisation of the waste heat of gas engines. Semmler. 1121. Apparatus for charging coke ovens and the like. Allen. 2386. Steam superheaters. Thomsen. 2542. Superheaters. Ferguson Superheaters Limited, and Ferguson. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1913. 29574. Method of making briquettes with the addition of pitch and the like. Fohr and another. 1914. 14574. Superheating steam. Kose. 14589. Fuel blocks. De Jouffrey. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. The Lennox Foundry Company Limited (Tantiron Foundry, Glenville Grove, New Cross, S.E.) forward a catalogue of “ Tantiron ” specialities. This is a hard, close- grained, silvery white alloy, melting at about 1200 degs. Cent. It does not rust or oxidise, nor is the metal attacked by ordinary corrosives to any significant extent. The fol- lowing physical constants are given :—Density, 6'8; tensile strength, 6-7 tons per sq. in.; transverse strength of 12 in. by 1 in. bar, 1,600 lb.; crushing strength (1 in. cubes), 34 tons; hardness, 1'6 (c.i. = l); heat conductivity, 8 (c.i. = 10): electrical resistance, 10 (c.i. =8). The specialities shown include nitric and sulphuric acid plant, condensers and coolers, nitrating vessels, acid pumps, cocks, valves, pipes, and fittings, etc. On the Rand “ Tantiron ” has been used for lining flushing pipes in connection with stowage instal- lations. Messrs. Sandycroft Limited (Chester) have just issued a handsome list relating to the latest designs of their single- speed cascade induction motors. In these motors slip-rings are absent. The rotor winding is so connected that it can simultaneously produce two magnetic fields of different numbers of poles. In a 12-pole motor the stator is wound so that the supply current produces in it an eight-pole field; this acts upon the rotor, inducing currents in it which produce a field of the same number of poles, and a supplementary field of four poles. The four-pole field provides a back E.M.F. in the rotor windings, limiting the current to that required, and at the same time generates induced currents in the stator winding. The points of maximum potential of these currents in stator windings correspond with positions of tappings connected to stator, and by connecting the starting resistances to these points the current and starting torque can be controlled or the speed regulated as with a slip-ring motor. In other words the rotor reflects back to the stator part of the energy received from it. These motors are especially suitable for mining work, for driving hau'ages, fans, pumps, compressors, etc. They can, if desired, be built totally enclosed : with openings covered with expanded metal or gauze; or enclosed pipe ventilated with air inlet on both end shields, and outlet on top of stator carcase. A suitable type of four-phase enclosed liquid starting switch is supplied with these motors. Smoke Helmet with Telephone. fit: r: ),'V ye. SMOKE HELMETS (ALL-BR1TISH MANUFACTURE) for extinguishing Gob Fires, and for other short distance work in Collieries. A necessary Apparatus for every Colliery to cope immediately with emergencies within short distances from fresh air. Extremely simple. Nothing to get out of order. ALSO MAKERS OF THE “PROTO” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) RESCUE APPARATUS, OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. SELF-CONTAINED DIVING APPARATUS (no air pumps or tubes) for use in difficult situations where the use of air pumps and tubes would be impracticable. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “NEPTUNE” WORKS, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No.—251 Hop. Agent for North America and Mexico :-H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block Chicago. On the Question of “Hot Boxes.” Just Published. Crown Octavo. THE UPKEEP OF PRIVATE OWNERS’ WAGONS. By E. J. H. L. Illustrated by Original Drawings and Photographs. Price 6d. Post free 7d. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival St., Holborn, London, E.C.