1500 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, June 26, 1914<. in contact with the air heating flues. Fig. 1 is a longitu- dinal vertical section through the lower part of a retort, to which the invention is applied. Fig. 2 is a horizontal section on line 2—2 of fig. 1; and fig. 3 is a vertical on line 3—3 of fig. 1, as to its right hand half, and on line 4—4 of fig. 1, as to its left hand half. (Two claims.) 12419 (1913). Improvements in or in connection with Conveyors or Screens for Coal or other Minerals or Materials. S. Berrisford, of 52, Grove-road, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, in Staffordshire.—Has particular reference to that type of screen composed of a single trough or a trough made in separate sections substantially in line with each other and driven by the usual mechanism from a power source and balanced by suitable and well-known means. The invention also has reference to conveyors or screens in which one or more troughs are superposed and adapted to convey in the same or in different directions, the object being in connec- tion with all these forms of screens to provide improved means designed to give a better screening or a better convey- ing action than has hitherto been obtained. Fig. 1 is a side elevation showing one form of the invention as applied to superposed screens -working in opposite directions; fig. 2, side elevation showing the improved means applied to super- posed screens operating in the same direction; fig. 3, side elevation showing the invention applied to screens of a //e Jqi A V \7^ / /Oz A _\ V® superposed type and comprising three screens, two working in one direction and the other one in the opposite direction; and figs. 4 and 5, side elevation and transverse section respectively showing enlarged details of the modified means connected with the operation of the screen. The arrange- ment is such that in fig. 1 the upper trough moves in one direction and the lower one in the opposite direction, and both have a lifting and lowering movement transmitted to them, and likewise a movement in a horizontal, or substan- tially horizontal, direction, by means of which the material in the troughs is conveyed from point to paint and likewise screened or assorted when the troughs are provided with perforated bottoms. In the modified form of the arrange- ment shown in fig. 2 the position of the levers f with rela- tion to the rolling supports may be such that both troughs are arranged to convey in the same direction. In the further modifications shown in fig. 3 the lever or arms f are arranged in conjunction with the rolling supports e so as to give the upper and lower troughs c and h a movement in opposite directions, and be so modified as to give an inter- mediately arranged trough j a movement in the direction of the lower trough. For this purpose the intermediate trough is either connected directly to the arms aforesaid or is coupled to projections k arranged in suitable positions on the rolling supports. In the arrangement shown in figs. 4 and 5 the lower ends of the levers or arms f are provided with curved supports or bosses m projecting inwardly beneath the trough h, straight or curved paths n of suitable length and width resting upon the curved supports. The paths are secured to the underside of the trough. In this case the lower ends of the levers f are connected together by distance bolts as previously described so as to move in unison. In some cases the upper side of the screen frame is provided with straight or curved paths o, engaging with curved bosses p of a similar character to those just referred to, the whole forming a sus- pension arrangement of a simple and efficient kind adapted to give the required movement to the trough. The latter is supported by similar means to those indicated in figs. 4 and 5. The flat paths or curved paths or rolling supports may either be plain, roughened or be provided with engaging teeth, which may be straightened by shrouding. The paths which engage with each other may be straight or curved, and in case of the latter type of path the curves may be struck from different centres. The troughs may likewise be balanced by weighting the lower ends of the levers, or by securing weights to them, or by the use of springs attached to the levers and the screen frame respectively. (Six claims.) Partnership Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnership :—J. L. A. E. Schnakenbeck and J. D. P. Maas, metal and machinery merchants, Old Broad-street, London, under the style of Schnakenbeck and Company. MEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 14306. Hoists, pulley blocks, winches, and the like. B. Millward, trading as R. Priest, and W. Morrall. 14325. Moulds or dies for the manufacture of bricks from plastic or semi-plastic material. W. G. Swann, J. Walmsley and W. E. Swann. 14354. Turbines. A. E. Tompkins. 14363. Grabs. L. Vincent. 14369. Governing mechanism for rotary compressors and pumps. Akt.-Ges der Maschinenfabriken, Escher Wyss et Cie. 14379. Implement for laying cables or wires in the ground. R. H. Fowler (W. Turner, Germany). 14404. Method for the destructive distillation of coal, slack, cannel, shale, peat, and all other organic matters, and for the production of smokeless fuel and the recovery of the by-products therefrom. J. F. Wale and J. Nicholas. 14409. Throttle valves. Lancaster and Tonge Limited, J. Butterworth, F. Prout and A. Smith. 14420. Appliances relating to shields or bonnets for protect- ing timbermen from falls of roof underground. D. Douglas. 14435. Automatic visual signal indicator for mine signalling. W. E. Bear. 14437. Process of and apparatus for smelting and purifying iron. G. R. Gehrandt. 14449. Means for operating and securing the bottom doors of railway wagons and the like. W. Wentworth, •I. Slack, and A. E. Pitman Cornish. 14504. Metallic insulated nipple or bush with or without bonding or earthing connection for electric metallic conduits. T. Topping. 14568. Conveyors for use in coal mines. J. L. Kershaw. 14575. Signalling apparatus for colliery and like winding engines. L. G. F. Pokes. 14589. Fuel blocks. J. E. G. M. de Jouffrey. 14590. Devices for producing undercut drill bits. H. Flottmann and Company. 14598. Methods of building blading. Beiliss and Morcom Limited and R. K. Morcom. 14599. Construction of turbo air compressor impellers, fans, and similar apparatus. Beiliss and Morcom Limited and R. K. Morcom. 14614. Audible and visual signalling apparatus for use in and about mines. R. Sutcliffe. 14648. Detection of gas. F. J. Turquand. 14654. Treatment of nitrogenous and bituminous fuels for the manufacture of gas and by-products there- from. R. Maclaurin. 14661. Side tipping wagons used for mining or other pur- poses. E. Ridgill. 14668. Apparatus for automatically coupling and uncoupling railway vehicles. J. Z. Flory ano wicz and T. M. J. Kicinski. 14673. Turbines. H. L. Bickerton. 14726. Draught installations for furnaces. James Howden and Company Limited and J. H. Hume. 14748. Safety apparatus for shot-firing in mines, quarries, and the like. E. M. Bythway. 14760. Railway couplings. J. Berryman. 14763. Means and appliances for giving a smooth surface to iron sheets for tin plating. C. F. Mason. 14764. Apparatus for the treatment of shale and like materials. W. M. Gimson. 14801. Distillation of shale, lignite, coal, and the like. O. H. Valpy and O. D. Lucas. 14826. Steam generators adapted to be heated by means of liquid slag, incandescent coke, or the like. C. Semmler. 14854. Opening out and ventilating coal mines. E. Moxon. 14883. Ventilating fans. H. Erbe. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published July 9. 1912. 21705. Fluid pressure apparatus. Walker. 1913. 8490. Process for casting ingots or other castings. Melaun. 13548. Axle trucks for railway, tramway, and like vehicles. Peckham and Thomas. 13578. Manufacture of wire and other ropes. Dickson. 13683. Gripping devices. Bullivants’ Aerial Ropeways Limited, and Vallance. 14000. Hoisting and lowering appliances. Tabulo. 14222. Crushing and grinding mills. Mohs. 14753. Refuse destructors. Scorer, and Meldrums Limited. 20746. Pit-bottom decking plant for collieries and the like. Leech, and Rother Vale Collieries Limited. 24823. Manufacture of ammonia. Johnson (Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik). 29139. Valves, particularly for high-speed compressors. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nurnberg Akt.-Ges. 1914. 129 Contrivance for automatically detecting the presence of certain gases and vapours. Williams and Williams. 3703. Mine door closers. Ramsay and Tonge. 4718. Label slips for railway wagons and the like. Eggar. 7206. Walls and tuyeres of furnaces. Piernay. 8291. Apparatus for making ingot moulds. Robinson. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1914. 13689. Automatic lubricating device for compressors. Akt.- Ges. der Maschinenfabriken Escher, Wyss, et. Cie. 13845. Automatic slack adjuster for the brakes of railway vehicles and the like. Rose. 13930. Process and apparatus for purifying gaseous fluids by means of a centrifugal fan or centrifugal com- pressor. Soc. d’Exploitation des Appareils Rateau. 14004. Explosives. Spica. 14138. Steam and other elastic fluid turbines. Bonom. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions for 1913 (Vol. 1), 6s. 2d. Foreign Trade and Commerce Accounts up to June 15, 1914, 6-Jd. Trade Report : China, Ichang, 1913, 2d. COAL MINES (NORTHUMBERLAND) BILL, l|d. Housing of the Working Classes Bill Report, ljd. MINES AND QUARRIES REPORTS FOR 1913 : Scot- land (Cd. 7439), Is. 6d.; Liverpool and North Wales (Cd. 7439-4), 8Jd. Railway Accidents Commission : Evidence, First Day, June 9, 1914, 2s. Id. Royal Commission on Civil Service : Minutes of Evidence, April 29, 1914, to May 7, 1914, 9d. Explosion of Nitro-Glycerine at Factory No. 7, Kent, lid. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Journal of the Institute of Metals ” (vol. 11, No. 1), price 21s.; “ Catalogue of Exhibits at the Third Annual Mining Exhibition, Johannesburg”; “Publication de 1’Association des Ingenieurs de 1’Ecole des Mines de Mons” (tome 7); “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (vol. 46, part 5), price 6s. ; Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Mensuels de la Societe de 1’Industrie Minerale ” (tome 5, No. 5), May; “Review of Reviews” (vol. 49, No. 294), June, price 6d.; “ The Mining Magazine ” (vol. 10, No. 6), June, price Is.; “ The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers” (vol. 19, No. 4), April, 50 cents; “ Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (vol. 177, No. 6), June; “ The Engineering Review ” (vol. 27, No. 12), June, 6d. ; “ Le Mois Scientifique et Industriel ” (No. 177), May, price 2 fr.; “ Journal of the American.Peat Society vol. 7, No. 1), January, price 1J dollars; “Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society ” (vol. 33, part 13); “ Concrete and Constructional Engineer- ing ” (vol. 9, No. 6), June, price Is. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. Bulletins have been issued by the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, descriptive of the “ Giant ” fuel oil and gas engines, and the “ Chicago Pneumatic ” gasoline and fuel oil engine driven compressors. The Brush Budget for May gives a selection of special types of motor. One of these is a motor for mining work fitted with flame-proof slip-rings (135-horse power, 3,000 volts, 700 revolutions per minute, 40 periods). There is also a standard D.C. enclosed ventilated motor, with speed varia- tion of 400 to 1,200 revolutions per minute. The AEG Journal for June contains a short article by W. Kieser on turbo-generators for high outputs and speeds. Two forms of construction are adopted, viz. :—(1) Increasing considerably the diameter in the last portion of the low- pressure turbine; and (2) employing two wheels in parallel in place of the last low-pressure runner. Messrs. W. T. Glover and Company Limited (Trafford Park, Manchester) send us their 13th almanac for the 12 months from July 1. The almanac is a novelty in that the slip for each day gives an obiter dictum relating to some electrical matter. Collectively these form a very useful sum- mary of technical opinion, and the mind is relieved from the painful monotony of merely reflecting on the flight of time. A handsome booklet, entitled “ Power : its Economical Distribution,” has reached us from the British Aluminium Company Limited (109, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.). . It deals with the use of aluminium insulated cables, and gives an analysis of comparative costs, with notes on jointing problems, the rating of cables, low and high tension cables. The pamphlet is well written and illustrated, and contains much useful data. “ All about Edison accumulators ” is the title of -an interesting pamphlet issued by Edison Accumulators Limited (Edison-buildings, 2-3, Duke-street, Piccadilly, S.W.). The chief advantages claimed for this accumulator, which is now being used extensively for locomotion, are that it may be discharged at any rate or even short-circuited many times without injury; it may actually be improved by occasional overcharging, and can be charged at a high rate; the electrolyte requires no attention; the cell may be worked at any temperature up to 115 degs. Fahr., and is insensible to vibration. As is well known, the Edison accumulator is a combination of nickel and steel with an alkaline electrolyte. The catalogue of the fuel section of the Baltic Exhibition, Malmo (published by O. Spamer, Leipzig) contains a full description of the exhibits of 22 firms. The Maschinenbau- Anstalt Humboldt, Cologne, is showing machinery for classi- fying and dressing ore and coal; Gebr. Korting A. G., Kortingsdorf, exhibit motors for oil and gas fuel, boiler-feed heaters, injectors, pulsometers, etc. ; grates of various kinds are shown by A. Schmidt, Bremen, Seyboth and Company, Zwickau, and the Deutsche Prometheus Hohlrost-Werke G. m.b. H., Hanover. Several makers are exhibiting apparatus for testing flue gases : The Ados G. m.b. H., Aachen; J. C. Eckardt, Stuttgart; Dr. R. Hase, Hanover; and Dr. Siebert and Kuhn, Cassel. The Cremer Lamp and Engineering Company Limited (31-32, York-place, Leeds), send us two new catalogues. The first deals with miners’ safety lamps. Various special features of the Cremer lamp are described, including the magnetic locking device,, electric, paraffin friction, or pyrearthum metal igniter, etc. Illustrations are likewise given of the Cremer No. 11 and No. 1c lamps, No. 1 and No 15 lamps (Wolf type), deputies’ lamp No. 32, Cremer- Patterson No. 12 lamp, Cremer-Marsaut No. 16 lamp, Pieler and Chesneau testing lamps, Clowes hydrogen lamp No. 23, Cunynghame-Cadman gas-detecting device, and a wide variety of lamp-room accessories. The second list deals with portable acetylene lamps of various types.