June 26, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1471 GLind \ZEEO Banksman Onsetter MEN ON COWER STEADILY, RELEASE FOR BOTH INDICATORS j.ower\ \OOWN MEN ON RAISE ' ^STOP _ower\ S.DOWN ZERO / \ / RAISE ' STOP APPROVED WINDING SIGNALS complying with Rule 95, General Regulations, 1913. DAVIS’S Self-contained SOLENOID BELL with DIAL INDICATOR. System 102. Patent applied for No. 7241. SIMPLE. EFFICIENT. INEXPENSIVE. MULTIPLE CABLES DISPENSED WITH. Can be worked off existing electrical or mechanical wires. Send for List 41 V. JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. Telegrams—‘’Davis, Derby.” Telephone—240 Derby. KEITH Centrifugal FANS QUICK DELIVERIES. 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. And at Newcastle, Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds, &c. A large single - inlet KEITH FAN with 6 0-H.P. motor and flexible coupling drive. KEITH MINE FANS in hand, single and double inlet, tor delivering up to 400,000 cubic feet of air per minute. “PALMETTO REG.TRAOI MARK PACKING We are anxious to MADE TO GIVE LONG SERVICE. IF you knew of a packing that would positively last longer than the one you are now using, would you not adopt it ? prove to you that *' Palmetto ” has lasting qualities unknown to other packings. What size may we send you as a free working sample ? GREENE, TWEED & CO SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. BOILER HOUSE ECONOMY. The Heywood Patent Furnace Bars and Smoke Burner Combined. . . The illustration shows the Bars’ made in {5 ft. or 6ft. lengths, with ribs cast on. This Bar has been designed to meet the requirements of Collieries, Steel Works, Forges, Locomotives, Steamers, and all other types of Furnaces that are very hard fired. Write for Catalogue and price to— The “HEYWOOD” AIRTIGHT DAMPER CO. LTD., Grove Foundry, Gomersal, LEEDS. Corrosion Permanently Prevented PREVENT COAL MINE EXPLOSIONS by dusting your mine with stone ground in the GIANT GRIFFIN MILL, As supplied to the leading Collieries. Advantages— MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE OF “FLOUR” OR IMPALPABLE MAXIMUM FINENESS. POWDER. MAXIMUM OUTPUT. MINIMUM POWER. MINIMUM WEAR AND TEAR. No Auxiliary Apparatus required for Finishing the Product. Heavy Construction. OVER 3,ODO CRIFFIN MILLS INSTALLED. Also extensively used for grinding COAL. LIMESTONE. POUTLAND CEMENT. PHOSPHATE ROCK. ORES OF ALL KINDS. Write for full particulars to Sole Manufacturers : WAILES, DOVE & CO. LTD., Newcastle-on-Tyne Full particulars on application to— BRADLEY PULVERIZER CO, 37, WALBROOK, LONDON, E.C.