June 26, 1914. THE COLLIER! GUARDIAN. 1463 TO COLLIERY MANAGERS. What are you throwing on the dust-tip ? Does your hill show black shaly bats with perhaps a little coal sticking to them ? Why not convert them into steam ? “Bennis” Self-cleaning Compressed Air Furnaces, which can be hand-fired, are specially designed for such work. These furnaces burn slats, bats, pond settlings, belt pickings and many other kinds of unmarketable stuff, with facility, maintaining clear, strong fires without smoke. They are installed under specific guarantees. THE “BENNIS” SELF-CLEANING COMPRESSED AIR FURNACE. Write for pamphlet, Colliery Dividends on the Tip, to :—- Ed. BENNIS & Co. Ltd., Little Hulton, Bolton, or 28, Victoria Street, S.W. ■—MM" as ■HI Alien’s Stone Dust Making Plant has many advantages over other types. Write for full Particulars I Edgar Allen & Co. Limited, Imperial Steel Works, SHEFFIELD. 3 The “EXHALL” OVERWIND PREVENTER (Jackson & Staley’s Patent). Any Engineman can understand it after oxice seeing it ixi operation. (1). Effectually prevents the Cage being dashed into the sump boards when men are being lowered. S,™ SO I’M m*IH| k lii* (2) . The Engineman caniot start in the wrong direction. (3) . The Engineman cannot exceed any predetermined speed in winding. (4) . Steam is shut off if winding at high speed continues too near the end of wind. (5) . There are two independent mechanisms, either of which shut off steam and apply the brakes to prevent overwinding. (G). After the action of the machine in preventing an over- wind It can be set ready for re-use by one man, and Winding can be Continued Within One Minute Adopted by OVER 120 COLLIERIES, among which are The Lilleshall Co. Ltd............ 8 machines. The Weardale Steel, Coal & Coke Co. Ltd. ... 7 machines. The New Hucknall Colliery Co. Ltd. 6 machines. &c Sole Makers- NORTONS (TIVIDALE) LTD., Hecla Works, Tipton, ENGLAND.