June 19, 1914. •1454 [supplement xiv.] «======== THE OOLLIEKY GUAKBIAN. _______________________ W. 8. Allen & Sons Bradley Lane Works, Princes Enn, TIPTON. HAULAGE CLIP TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—"ALLENS, TIPTON.’* TELEPHONE—No. 37, TIPTON. 80; .• ' : -: A W G ALLEN i & SONS J A-'- . I - tubs ; NDs ■ • ‘ ■ I HOPTER WAcloN, . .... . OIL EXTRACTORS. STEAM DRYERS. STEAM AIR. METALLIC PACKINGS. PRINCEPS & CO., SHEFFIELD. _________________________________________________ COLLIERY REPORT BOOKS AND FORMS. Registered No. Please quote when ordering. UNOFFICIAL FORMS. “COLLIERY GUARDIAN” SERIES. C.G., 8a. C.G., 9c. C.G., 10a. C.G., 13c. C.G.. 14 C.G., 14a. C.G., 14b. C.G., 15 C.G., 15a. C.G., 15b. C.G., 20 C.G., 24 C.G., 27 C.G., 28 C.G., 30 C.G., 31 C.G., 31* C.G., 31a. C.G., 32 C.G., 34 C.G., 35 C.G., 35a. C.G., 35b. C.G.,42 C.G., 43 C.G., 47 U.G.,48 C.G., 49 C.G., 50 C G., 50a. U.G., 50b. U.G., 50c. C.G., 50c.* C.G., 50d. C.G., 51 C.G., 70 C.G.,71 C.G., 72 C.G., 73 C.G., 74 C.G., 75 Mine Register__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Monthly Record of Ventilation__________________ __________________________________________________________ Fan Record and Readings of Meteorological Instruments. Books of 60 pages ... ... _______________________ Daily Report of Examination of External Parts of Machinery. Books of 200 pages _____________________________ Daily Record of Earth or Fault Detectors. Books of 200 pages _____________ _____________________________ Earth or Fault Detectors. Daily Record. Books containing 400 Reports_________________________________________ Earth or Fault Detectors. Daily Record. Books of 100 Reports, with Duplicates _______ _________________ Report on Electric Power Plant. Books containing 100 Forms of Report, with duplicates perforated ____________ Report on Electric Power Plant. Books containing 100 Forms of Report, with duplicates perforated ____________ Report on Electric Power Plant (Three-phase). Books of 100 Forms of Report, with duplicates perforated Overman’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages ________________________________________________________________ Report of Inspection of Ventilation, &e. Books of 200 pages ____________________________________________________ Foreman Enginewright’s Daily Report to Manager. Books of 200 pages _________________________________________ Foreman Smith’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages __________________________________________________________ Wagon Weighman’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages__________________________________________________________ Authority to Fire Shots and Carry and Use Detonators. Books of 100 Forms, with rules on back__________________ The same as C.G. 31, but without rules on back ________________________________________________________________ Authority to Carry a Lamp Key. Books of 100 Forms ____________ _________________________________________ Authority to have Charge of Detonators. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils_____________________________ Appointment of Deputy, Fireman, &c. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils _____________________________ Workmen’s Contracts and Workmen’s Deductions. Books < f 200 pages, Forms 35a and 35b combined ____________ Workmen’s Contracts. Books of 200 pages______________________________ ___________________________________ Workmen’s Deductions. Books of 200 pages_____________________________________________________________________ Certificated Manager’s Daily Report. Books containing ‘ 00 pages ______________________________________________ Certificated Under-Manager’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages _______________________________________________ Veterinary Surgeon’s Weekly Report. Books of 200 pages ____________________________________________________ Daily Return of Early Riders and Damaged Lamps. Books of 200 pages _________________________________________ Accident Report to Manager. Books of 50 Reports and duplicates ______________________________ ____________ Daily Record of Male Persons above 16 Employed Above and Below Ground. Books of 48 pages, covering 12 years . Abstract of all Persons Employed, to facilitate the making of the Annual and other Returns. Books of 96 pages Register of Officials, with Particulars of Engagement. Books of 96 pages_________________________________________ Register of Persons Employed, with Particulars of Engagement. Books of 96 pages _____________________________ Register of Persons Employed, 24 Hours’ Notice. Books of 96 pages______________________________________________ Book made up of 48 pages 50a ; 24 pages each 50b and 50c; indexed for easy reference_______________________ Coal-cutter’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages __________________________________________ Appointment of Winding Engineman. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils _____________________________ Authority to give Signals. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils ____________________________________ Appointment of Horsekeeper. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils_________________________________________ Appointment of Electrician. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils_________________________________________ Authority to Operate Switchgear. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils__________________________ Appointment of Safety Lamp Examiners. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils_____________________________ 3s each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 6s. each. 6s. each. 6s. each. 6s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 8s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 2s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. By post 3s. 4d._ By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post By post 3s. 4d.. 3s. 4d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 6s. 5d. 6s. 5d. 6s. 5d. 6s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 8s. 6d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 4d.. 4s. 4d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 2s. 3d. 3s. 4d. 3s. 4d. 3s. 4d. 3s. 4d. 3s. 4d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 4d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. 4s. 5d. __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ List and full particulars post free on application to THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.