June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement ix.] «|ci 1449 REGISTERED TRADE MARK. to the Miner Lamp Manufacturers of Great Britain If you wish to have the best lighted collieries and reduce cost of maintenance, use exclusively APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DON’T BE SATISFIED with AS GOOD AS, but insist on getting APPROVED Resisto Glass Miner Lamp Glasses APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES are the clearest Miner Lamp Glasses on the market, and owing to special composition of the glass there is no loss of light. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES ensure therefore the highest possible lighting efficiency of your lamps. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES are always of uniform quality and, therefore, never fail. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES can be supplied promptly in large quantities at the rate of 20,000 pcs. per week. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP GLASSES are always to be relied on, and all consignments conform with the Home Office regulation. The Genuine Glass bears this Trade Mark. Insist on having it. SAVE TIME and MONET by doing your own WELDING and CUTTING The “Auto” Portable Oxy- acetylene Welding Plant. It is difficult to estimate the usefulness of a welding and cutting plant from a purely financial stand=point, since a few hours saved in effecting a repair may be of infinitely more importance to the colliery management than the actual cost of the repair. For example, in the case of a fracture in either the steam, air, or water mains, the colliery engineer has generally no alternative but to take out and replace the fractured section. To do this, he will more often than not have to cut out the bolts ; though assuming that they can be started with a spanner the joints have to be re=made and such a repair cannot be other than a lengthy job. With our plant, however, a wholly satisfactory repair can be effected with the pipe in position in less time than would be required to start the bolts. Oxy=Acetylene Welding is a cheap process and distinctly less costly than rivetting—a feature of importance at every colliery and where steel tubs, etc. are in service. The advantages of cutting away with this process for dismantling areinow too well known to need comment, but you can do it yourself and save the fancy prices charged by contractors. COMPLETE PLANTS for Welding from £23. Welding and Cutting from £33. As one of the Pioneers of the Oxy-acetylene Welding and Cutting Process, we are well qualified to advise on the choice and installation of suitable plant for any purpose. We number amongst our customers many of the largest Constructional Engineers and Machine Shops in the world. -- CONTRACTORS TO1.H.M. WAR OFFICE. ---- J. C. LYELL & Fully Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue sent on Application. CO. LTD., Engineers, 113, GREAT PORTLAND STREET, LONDON, W. 9leuO Permitted HxpfariOetf. Swale Powder. For Stone Work & Hard Coal. Faversham Powder No. 2. For Ripping and Coal. Melling Powder. All-round Work. Kent Powder. For Round Coal. ISAe Cotton PouOder *€o. £td. 24, WALBROOK, LONDON.