1442 [supplement ii.J THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19, 1914. SECOND NORTHERN Colliery & Mining Exhibition, CITY EXHIBITION HALL, MANCHESTER (IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY). NOW OPEN Remaining Open till SATURDAY, JUNE 27th. THE CITY EXHIBITION HALL is filled with the finest collection of up-to-date Colliery and Mining Plant ever shown in the North of England. Many of the Exhibits are shown under power, thus adding greatly to the interest and utility from the visitors’ point of view. Official visits from Institutions, Associations, and Large Works are welcomed, and Secretaries of such should write for full particulars to the EXHIBITION OFFICES : 196, Deansgate, I City Exhibition Hall, Manchester. Manchester. ORDINARY ADMISSION, 6d. OPEN - - - 11 a.m. to IO p.m. SEASON TICKETS, 2s. 6d.