June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1435 Improved Self-contained Grinding Mills producing correct grade of dust at one operation. A No. 4 size Mill will he shown at the NORTHERN COLLIERY and MINING EXHIBITION (Stand 97), June 12-27, MANCHESTER. WM. JOHNSON & SONS (LEEDS) Send us enquiries for COAL BRIQUETTE PLANT, BRICKMAKING MACHINERY, CRUSHING & GRINDING MACHINERY of all types. LTD., Armley, Leeds. The Patent Safety Mining Gear Co., SMETHWICK, near BIRMINGHAM. PATENT CAGE RETAINING GEAR In the event of an overwind retains the Cage in the Headstock and prevents it falling down the shaft. Is absolutely reliable. Cannot fail to act. Simple in construction. Cannot get out of order. Is always ready—awaiting the overwind. Wants no attention. No rebound or downward drop of cage. No snatch on bull chains. No damage to Cage. No delay in resuming work. PATENT ROPE RELEASING GEAR Vastly superior to any other Rope Releasing Apparatus. No “ snatch ” or “ jerk ” when rope is released. Does not wear out. Does not continually need repair. Cannot fail to act. Saves its first cost by its freedom from repairs. Inspect our Exhibit at Stand 58, NORTHERN COLLIERY and MINING EXHIBITION, June 12 to 27. 'WT’O'WT Recently issued under Full particulars on application. the Coal Mines Acts. THE Merryweathers’ Patent PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol. "HATFIELD PUMP Speciality—TANK LOCOMOTIVES. MERRYWEATHEB LONDON For Fire Protection, Boiler Feeding, Draining, &c. OOMPACT. LIGHT. ECONOMICAL. Can be driven by any motive power. An Engineer writes:—** I am pleased to inform you that the * Hatfield ’ Pump is working splendidly. I have never had the least trouble with it in any way since it was fixed.’1 WRITE FOR PAMPHLET 193p. MERRYWEATHER & SONS, aolo™^,E' ESTABLISHED 1864. Locos, of various sizes specially designed, for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors, &c. always in stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations on application. Telegraphic Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.’ Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds.