June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1417 “ MAXA ” For BELTS and ROPES OF ALL KINDS UNDER ALL CONDITIONS It enables slack Belts to transmit full loads. It can be applied cold to all Belts. It Water-proofs and Climate- proofs Belts and Ropes. It trebles the life of Belts and Ropes. It prevents static electricity. It saves its cost many times over. A little goes a long way, and stays there. ■v'y- .u> We Guarantee— That MAXA is made in Great Britain. That MAXA requires no heating. That MAXA is made from purest and best materials. That MAXA contains NO RESIN, TAR, WAX, PARAFFINE, or CASTOR OIL, and is not inflam- mable. That MAXA contains NO ACIDS or ALKALIES, and has NO ACID ACTION. That MAXA will not injure the most delicate materials. That the ingredients are preservatives of the high- est recognized merit for skins and fibres of all kinds of Belts and Ropes .co Leather Belt 5 in. wide. Fromjl4in. to 42 in. pulleys treated with “ MAXA ” only ; transmitting 25 h.p. at the WHARRAD ENGINEERING CO. LTD, Redditeh. i I. L >■ , - L Belt 4 in. wide, from 24 in. to 20 in. pulleys, JO! ft. centres, transmitting 13 h.p, at the works of THE BROOK PLATING CO, Birmingham. This Belt is treated with “ MAXA ” only and since running slack belts in their works, the gas consumption has been reduced nearly 50 per cent. WHY PAY MORE? “ It Is better than what you are using Because It is the BEST.” We have hesitated to give our own opinion before, but now we have the endorsement of so many of the most im- portant firms in this Kingdom, we hesitate no longer. We will give you a letter accepting your order on the distinct understanding that we abide by your own verdict and you do not pay unless you say—■ ‘ MAXA ’ is better than anything you have tried for your belts.” Let us send you a 7 lb. tin at 1 0/6 or a 2 8 lb. tin at 3 5/- for 3 0 days’ practical test. Carriage paid to your address. Larger quantities at still lower prices. I 'F I -a JiE . II Belts Running Slack at Messrs.l Edward Greaves & Sons, Ltd, of Sheffield, speaking of “ MAXA ” say:— “ It may be of interest to you to hear that the above material is giving great satisfaction. One large belt caused constant trouble, now works perfectly.” COLLIERY USERS. The following well known mining companies have kindly given us permission to insert their names as users of “MAXA.”:— BALGONIE COLLIERY CO. LTD, Thornton, FIFE. BULLCROFT MAIN COLLIERY LTD, nr. DONCASTER. CAMBRIAN COMBINE, RHONDDA VALLEY. D. DAVIS & SONS LTD, FERNDALE. GRANVILLE COLLIERY CO. LTD, SWADLINCOTE. GREAT WESTERN COLLIERY CO. LTD, PONTYPRIDD. LILLESHALL CO. LTD, (Engineering Dpt.) OAKENGATES. MICKLEFIELD COAL & LIME WORKS, MICKLEFIELD, nr. LEEDS. TINSLEY PARK COLLIERY CO. LTD, TINSLEY PARK, nr. SHEFFIELD. WASS & SON, MILL CLOSE MINE, DARLEY DALE, MATLOCK. WELSH NAVIGATION STEAM COAL CO. LTD, TONYREFAIL. '?7. -v • Belt 10 in. wide. 31 ft. in length treated with “ MAXA” only, running slack and giving great satisfaction at PRICE’S LAUNDRIES LTD., Smethwick. MAXA Ld, 43, Cannon St, London, EC.“V.