1416 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19, 1914. COAL, IROH AHD ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Blaenavon Company Limited.—No interim dividend is declared on ordinary shares. A year ago 2J per cent, (actual) was paid. Brown (John) and Company Limited.—The net profits for the year ended March 31 were £377,498, after providing for debenture interest, and .£89,722 was brought forward. Final dividends of Is. 6d. per share on the fully paid and Is. ljd. on the partly paid ordinary shares are recommended, making 10 per cent., subject to income-tax, for the 12 months, applying £100,000 in reduction of capital expendi- ture, and carrying forward £97,420. The output of the collieries has been considerably affected by a dispute with the men on the question of the minimum wage. Work was resumed towards the end of April, and the conditions are now normal, but costs continue to be very high. Sinking operations have proceeded at Rossington Main Colliery with- out serious interruption. Bullcroft Main Collieries Limited.—Interim dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the half year. Cooke (Wm.) and Company Limited.—The directors in their report for the year ending March 31, 1914, state that after providing ample depreciation the net profit for the year is £13,872, to which is added £9,004 brought forward, making £22,876. Less dividend already paid on the 5 per cent, cumulative preference shares for the year, £3,250, the balance is £19,626. The directors recommend that this sum be appropriated as follows :—Pay a dividend of 5 per cent, for the year on the ordinary share, £6,750; transfer to reserve fund (bringing this fund up to £40,000), £5,605; carry forward to next year’s account £7,270. Davy Brothers Limited.—The report for the 11 months ended March 31, states that the balance brought forward from last account was £1,414 6s. 9d., and the gross profit for the 11 months £14,257 19s. 8d., from which has to be deducted interest on mortgages and other loans £2,452 16s. 3d., transferred to reserve £2,500, transferred to land and buildings, fixed plant and machinery, £3,500, leaving £7,219 10s. 2d. From this is deducted interim dividend on preference shares, paid in February, £828 13s., leaving an available balance of £6,390 17s. 2d. The directors recom- mend that this be appropriated as follows, viz. : In the pay- ment of a final dividend on preference shares, for five months, to March 31, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, less tax, £690 10s. lOd.; in the payment of a dividend on the ordinary share capital for 11 months, to March 31, at the rate of 5 per cent-, per annum, less tax, £4,125; balance carried forward to next account, £1,575 6s. 4d. East Indian Coal Company Limited.—Final dividend of 8 per cent., free of income-tax, making 15 per cent, for the year ended April 30. Haggle (R. Hood) and Son Limited.—The directors have decided to pay the usual interim dividend of 5 per cent, per annum on both classes of shares. Howard and Bullough Limited.—For the year to May 31 trading profits were £163,066. After deducting interim dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on preference and three quarterly dividends of 2J per cent, on-ordinary shares, and providing debenture interest to May 31, in all £73,750, there remains £89,316, and £31,464 was brought forward. Directors recommend final dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on preference shares, £7,500; fourth quarterly dividend of 2J per cent, on ordinary, making 10 per cent, for the year, £18,750. They have decided to defer declaration bonus, and add to special contingency reserve fund (making it £120,780), £64,530; forward, £30,000. Kynoch Limited.—The report for the year ended March 28, states that the balance-sheet shows a net profit amount- ing to £122,475. To this has to be added £29,348 brought forward, making a total of £151,823. The interim dividend of 21 per cent, paid on the preference shares, debenture interest, etc., paid and accrued, and debenture stock redemp- tion fund amount together to £54,600, and the directors’ fees will absorb £5,000. The directors now recommend that a final dividend of 2J per cent, be paid on the preference shares, making 5 per cent, for the year; that a dividend of 5 per cent, be paid on the ordinary shares (both these dis- tributions being free of income-tax); that £17,000 be written off capital expenditure and investments; that £3,000 be placed to bad debt reserve; and that the balance, £40,348, be carried forward. Rickett Cockerell and Company Limited.—The directors recommend a dividend of 4 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year, carrying £10,729 forward. Transvaal Coal Trust Company Limited. — An interim dividend of 71 per cent. (Is. 6d. per share) has been declared. Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Company Limited. —The directors announce an interim dividend of 4s. 6d. per £2 10s. paid share. NEW COMPANIES. Central and Conglomerated Coal Mining Company Limited.—Registered June 8. To acquire, obtain grants of, and work all mines containing coal, anthracite, minerals, and stone, and to seek for, extract, procure, crush, reduce, amalgamate, and prepare the coal, anthracite, or other com- bustibles of all kinds, etc. Nominal capital, £40,000 in £1 shares. Minimum subscription, seven shares. First directors to be appointed by subscribers; no persons have yet consented to act as directors. Qualification of directors, £100. Subscribers (one share each) :—H. Newman, com- pany registration agent; R. J. Lloyd, gentleman; N. C. Newman, printer; J. W. Parker, clerk; W. Pearson, clerk; A. E. Douse, clerk; and C. W. Chapman, clerk; all of 66, Chancery-lane, W.C. Electro Steel Foundries Limited.—Private company. Registered June 8. Iron and steel founders, casters and moulders, metal workers, mechanical engineers, manufac- turers of machinery, tools, boilers, etc. Nominal capital, £45,000, in £1 shares. Qualification of directors, £100. Subscribers (one share each) :—A. E. Owen, The Lawn, Streetly, near Sutton Coldfield, engineer; F. V. Bornand, 12, Upper Grosvenor-road, Handsworth Wood, Birming- ham, electrical engineer. Green (Geo. VI.) and Company (Feltham) Limited.— Private company. Registered office, Q.Fel Works, Feltham, Middlesex. Registered June 11. To acquire the business now carried on at Q.Fel Works, Feltham, Middle- sex, as Geo. W. Green and Company, and to carry on business of mechanical and electrical engineers, iron founders, and contractors, manufacturers of and dealers in agricultural implements, machinery, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers :—Geo. Wm. Green, Q.Fel Works, Feltham, Middlesex, engineer (one share); R. O. Pickmere, 74, Disraeli-road, Forest Gate, electrical engineer (1,000 shares). Holmes Farm Colliery Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 21, Bridge-street, Bradford. Registered June 6. To acquire and carry on the business of colliery proprietor now carried on by Andrew Holmes Hutton, at Hucker-lane, Bowling, Bradford, and to carry on business as manufacturers of bricks, tiles, pipes, earthenware, quarry owners, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in £1 shares. Permanent directors :—Andrew Holmes Hutton, Iveson House, Cookridge, Leeds, worsted manufacturer (100 shares); James Lee, Manor View, Ecclesfield, Bradford, colliery manager (30 shares). Irwin and Jones Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, London House, New London-street, E.C. Registered June 9th. To enter into agreement with H. A. Jones, and to carry on business of engineers, engineering contractors, agents, factors, commission agents, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—H. A. Jones, of above address, engineer (permanent director); H. H. Sharps, Sonning-on- Thames, engineer; T. Stevens, of London House, consult- ing engineer. Qualification of directors, one ordinary share. Qualification of a permanent director, 500 ordinary shares. Lucas’s Low-Pressure Oil Cracking Process Limited.— Private company. Registered office, 11, Haymarket, London, S.W. Registered June 10. To enter into agree- ment with O. D. Lucas and O. H. Valpy, and to carry on business of electrical, hydraulic, mechanical, manufacturing, civil, and mining engineers. Nominal capital, £4,000 in 3,800 £1 “A” shares and 4,000 “ B ” shares (Is.). First directors to be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) :—H. G. Clark, 53, Oaklands-road, Hanwell, W., law clerk; E. W. Church, 35, Durlston-road, Upper Clapton, N.E., law clerk.’ Metal Heat Treatment Limited.—Private company. Registered June 9. To acquire the business heretofore carried on by Metal Heat Treatment Limited, at Sheffield, and to carry on business of assayers, metallurgists, iron masters and founders, steel makers, bridge builders, and locomotive engineers, shipbuilders, etc. Nominal capital, £7,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—J. Allen, Box Ridge, Purley, Surrey, director; A. Smallwood, 1, Holyhead-road, Handsworth, Birmingham, director; S. Russell, 40, Upper Albert-road, Sheffield, director; J. H. Freeborough, 25, Figtree-lane, Sheffield, incorporated accountant. Mitchell and Company (Manchester) Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 500, Corn Exchange-buildings, Hanging Ditch, Manchester. Registered June 13. To enter into agreement with R. Johnson, and carry on busi- ness of wire and metal merchants, brass founders, iron founders, engineers, steel and iron merchants, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 2,500 8 per cent. £1 preference shares, and 10,000 Is. ordinary shares. Director :—R. Johnson, 114, Dudley-road, Whalley Range, Manchester, metal mer- chant. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. Sims (A.) and Company .(Cardiff) Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, 38, Charles-street, Cardiff. Regis- tered June 11th. To carry on business of railway contrac- tors, builders, builder’s merchants, quarry owners, brick makers, plumbers, electricians, artificial stone manufac- turers, and property owners, steel manufacturers, iron masters, colliery proprietors, engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in £1 shares. Director :—Arthur Sims, 38, Charles-street, Cardiff, railway contractor. Qualification of directors, £500. Wildey Manufacturing Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, 33, Amberley House, Norfolk- street, Strand, W.C. Registered June 8. To acquire letters patent, brevet d’invention, licences, etc., to sell or grant same, to manufacture, produce, trade, and deal in all machinery, plant, articles, appliances; and carry on business of engineers, founders, smiths, electricians, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in £1 shares. Directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—E. M. Wildey, 75, City-road, E.C., engineer; F. H. Watts, Sandleheath, Salisbury, surveyor. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Exmouth, July 6.—The directors of the Exmouth Gas Company invite tenders for the supply of 7,000 tons of best gas coal (screened' or unscreened) and nuts to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as may be required from August 1, 1914, to August 31, 1915, and to weigh 20 cwt. to the ton over the Gas Company’s or Dock Company’s weigh- bridge, the coal to be fresh wrought, dry, and free from hards, smudge, shale and pyrites. Tenders to be accom- panied by practical works analysis. Prices may be quoted c.i.f. or f.o.b. by sailing vessels or steamers, and f.o.r. Exmouth Railway Station (London and South Western Railway). Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for Coal ”, to be sent to the under-signed not later than Monday, July 6, 1914. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Special tender forms are not provided. James T. Foster, secretary and manager, Gas Works, Exmouth. Horsham, June 24.—Tenders are invited by the above- named Council for the supply of 700 tons of rough nutty slack steam coal of, alternatively, the following varieties, namely :—Glyncorrwg, Oakhill (Somerset), or Newbury (Somerset), required at their electric lighting station during the period ending June 30, 1915. The coal to be delivered, free of carriage, at Horsham Railway Station in such quantities and at such times as shall be directed in writing by the Council’s electrical engineer. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for Coal,” and giving analysis and calorific value, with the price per ton of 20 cwt., must be delivered to the undersigned not later than 5 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, June 24. Forms of tender are not supplied. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. S. Mitchell, clerk, Council Offices, Horsham. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abercarn, June 30.—About 3,000 tons of gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Particulars from Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, engineer and manager. Alverstoke, June 23.—About 100 tons of best quality house coal, doubly screened, and 50 tons best Welsh steam coal, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. F. B. Bulmer, clerk, High-street, Gosport. Ashford, June 22.—From 180 to 200 tons of good hard steam coal (colliery to be named), and from 40 to 50 tons of good household coal (both screened), for the East Ashford Guardians. Forms from Mr. Julius Kingsford, clerk, 7, Bank-street, Ashford. Ballsbridge (Dublin), June 27.—Steam coal for the Pem- broke Urban District Council Electricity Works. Particulars at the Town Hall, Ballsbridge. Bantry, June 23.—About 42J tons of Newport best red ash round coal, and 42J tons of Staffordshire best house coal for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. R. Croly, clerk, Board Room, Workhouse. Barnoldswick, June 30.—About 7,000 tons of gas nuts, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. J. W. Thompson, engineer and manager, Gasworks, Barnoldswick. Basford, June 22.—Best hard coal and engine slack (screened through 2 in. bar) for the Rural District Council. Forms from Mr. Henry Stone, clerk, Public Offices, Basford, Nottingham. Belfast, July 8.—About 1,500 tons, more or less, of best Welsh steam coal from a South Wales Colliery, for the Royal Victoria Hospital, and of 120 tons, more or less, of best English house coal for the Throne Hospital. Particulars from the Superintendent at the Hospital, Grosvenor-road. Bishop’s Waltham, June 22.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. H. Godfrey Pearson, clerk, Bishop’s Waltham, Hants. Blackpool, June 23.—Gas coal and nuts, for the Corpora- tion. Tenders to the Chairman, Gas Committee. Bodmin, June 26.—Best large household coals (double screened), good steam coals, and broken coke, to the Cornwall County Asylum, for the Visiting Committee. Forms from the clerk to the Asylum, Bodmin. Bradford, June 22.—For the Guardians of the North Brierley Union, 800 tons of screened engine coal and 400 tens of best house coal for their institution of Clayton, near Bradford. Forms from William G. Cooper, clerk to the Guardians, 4, Town Hall-street, Bradford. Brighton, June 26.—Coal for the Education Committee of the Corporation. Forms at the offices of the committee, 54, Oldsteine, Brighton. Chatham, June 23.—Double-screened, good household coals, for the Medway Guardians. Forms from Mr. A. Reynolds Norman, clerk to the Guardians, Medway Workhouse, Chatham. Chatham, June 25.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the Borough Surveyor, Town Hall, Chatham. Cheltenham, June 25.—About 36,000 tons of best gas coal, for the directors of the Cheltenham Gas Light and Coke Company. Tenders to Mr. J. Paterson, engineer and general manager. Chichester, June 23.—House and steam coal and coke, to the West Sussex County Asylum, Chichester, for the Visit- ing Committee. Forms from Mr. J. R. Newman, clerk and steward at the Asylum. Colchester, June 23.—Coal and coke to the Essex County Hospital, Colchester, for the committee. Forms from Mr. Alfred G. Buck, secretary. Connah’s Quay (Cheshire), June 25.—About 1,500 tons of gas coal (screened or unscreened, nuts or slack), for the directors of the Connah’s Quay Gas and Water Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. Thomas Pennington, secretary, Gas Offices, Connah’s Quay, near Chester. Coventry, June 24.—House coal and engine coal for the Corporation. Forms from the town clerk, Mr. George Sutton, 10, Hay-lane, Coventry. Coventry, June 25.—Coal and coke for the Governors of Bablake School. Forms from Mr. John Herbert, General Charities Office, Coventry. Coventry, June 25.—Coal and coke for the Governors of Sir Thomas White’s Girls’ School. Forms from Mr. John Herbert, General Charities Office, Coventry. Coventry, June 29.—About 90,000 tons of gas coal and nuts, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Fletcher W. Stevenson, engineer and general manager, Gas Works, Coventry. Derby, June 26.—Coal for the Shardlow Joint Hospital Committee. Forms from Mr. J. W. Newbold, clerk, Becket- street, Derby. Devonport, June 24.—Coal and wood for the Corporation. Forms from the borough surveyor’s office, Devonport. Dorchester, June 25.—House and steam coal for the Town Council. Forms from the borough surveyor, Mr. H. D. Strange, 21, North-square. Dungannon, June 25.—About 300 tons of coal, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. William M’Guffin, clerk of the Union, Workhouse Board Room. East Dereham, June 29.—About 2,200 tons of screened gas coal or nuts for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. B. H. Vores, clerk to the Urban District Council. Eccles, June 22.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Cawdor- street, Patricroft. Ellesmere (Salop), June 23.—Coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. H. R. Giles, clerk, Ellesmere. Epsom, June 22.—Coal and coke, for the Surrey Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Theodore Bell, clerk to managers, High-street, Epsom. Finchley, July 3.—From 70 to 90 tons of coal, Bidding’s best bright or other coal. Tenders to the clerk, Mr. V. Wells, Ballards-lane, Church-end, Finchley. Gourock (Scotland), June 23.—Gas and splint coal, for the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. A. Douglas Murray, town clerk. Great Yarmouth, June 23.—House and steam coals, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. Frank Burton, clerk, Guardians’ Office, 11, Queen-street, Great Yarmouth. Glin (Ireland), June 29.—Coal for supplying the Glin District School (carriage free) with 180 tons of best 4 ft.