1404 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19, 1914. adjustment is free from backlash, and the operating hand wheels or ratchet spanners on the side shafts are in the most accessible and also the safest position. On the older type of machines accidents due to the necessity of getting dangerously close to the bar while adjusting it, were of frequent occurrence. The adjustment being made from the end of the machine—well away from running bar, it is practically impossible to have an accident. The machine cuts right down to the pave- ment. A re-arrangement of the gear case enables the cutterbar to be set on a lower plane than heretofore, and, by the improved facilities provided for its adjustment, the cutter bar is more easily kept on the pavement level, while the absence of any backlash in the adjusting gear does away with the unevenness of pavement which was possible with the original design. The machines are made in three sizes, and are adapted to be driven by compressed air, alternating, or direct current. MATTHEWS & YATES LTD. An attractive feature of this stand is a working model of a coal dust collecting plant. The dust is collected by hoods or hoppers, and conveyed through trunking. A small steel plate exhauster, fixed on one side of the stand and driven by belt from an electric motor, sucks the dust through the galvanised sheet steel trunking, discharging it to a “ Cyclone ” separator fixed on the a multivane runner. The firm construct some very large mine ventilating fans, and a photograph is shown of a 20 ft. diameter fan which has just been completed. A “ Cyclone ” induced draught fan, which is exhibited, is heavily stayed, and of sound construction, for handling the flue gases from steam boilers. It is fitted with special water cooled ring lubricated bear- ings. The “ Cyclone ” oxy-acetylene welding and cutting process is demonstrated. Metal of any section, from a thickness of in. to in. to 2 in. can be welded, and the strength of the weld is as great as the original material. Steel and iron of any thickness up to 6 in. can be cut by the standard apparatus, but by the larger special apparatus metal up to 15 in. thick can be cut much more cheaply than by any machine tool. HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD. This firm shows one of their single-drum “ Windy Putters. ” This machine has two cylinders, 4 in. diameter by 7 in. stroke, controlled by “ Wood’s ” patent reversing valve, for steam or compressed air. The reducing gear is provided with machine-cut teeth, and the drum is made to hold 450 yds. of f in. rope, the whole engine having recently been re-designed with many attractive alterations. The working of these engines is controlled by hand levers in easily accessible positions. The band CEAG ELECTRIC SAFETY LAMP CO. The exhibit of the “ Ceag ” Electric Safety Lamp Company Limited includes a complete “ Ceag ” lamp- room equipment, showing a complete installation, of which they now have over 90 in British collieries, aggregating over 60,000 lamps. This model ‘installation includes “ Ceag ” lamps of standard type—as awarded the first prize in the Home Office competition— charging stands, lamp racks, magneto openers, acid fillers, etc., also a lamp wagon and cleansing machine, and all the smaller accessories used in a lamp room. Two framed photographs of the “ Ceag ” lamp installa- tion of 3,000 lamps at Hickleton Main Colliery are shown on the stand, which are reproduced here. Another interesting feature of the exhibit is a series of models showing the gradual development of the “ Ceag ” lamp, from the original type as manufactured in 1906, through the various improved models, to the latest type as now supplied. In addition to the stan- dard type of lamp, with the’well-known “ Ceag ” lead accumulator, this company are exhibiting their latest model of the “ Ceag ” alkaline lamp, which represents the very latest developments in this type of lamp, the accumulator including many patented and other improvements, and the other parts of the lamp contain- ing all the special features which have gained for the “ Ceag ” lamp the foremost position. They claim that I. t, -•‘MS Figs. 1 and 2.—Coal Dust Collecting Plant at the Brackley Colliery. (Matthews'and Yates Limited.) a Fig. 3.—Mine Ventilating Fan. (Matthews and Yates Limited). opposite side. This separates the dust from the air, allowing the air to go out at the top, and the coal dust drops into a receiver beneath. Messrs. Matthews and Yates have fitted up a number of collieries with installa- tions on these lines, and are showing plans of some of the plants. There are on view plans of the plants they have fixed at Brackley, Tyldesley, Altofts, and Clock- face collieries. We give some illustrations of the plant recently installed at Brackley. The tipplers and screens are covered in at all the dust making points, but in such a manner as not to interfere with their normal working. From these covers branch pipes lead to a main air duct connected to a “ Cyclone ” steel plate exhauster, which by its strong suction, effectually prevents the escape of dust from beneath the covers, and carries it all to itself, eventually delivering it to a battery of “ Cyclone ” separators, which deposit the dust into receivers, and allow the cleansed air to go free to atmosphere. Alternatively, the separator battery is placed between the screens and the exhauster, and thus intercepts and deposits the dust before the air reaches the exhauster. Their other exhibits consist of .both open propeller and cased type fans, for all purposes; five “ Cyclone ” electric propelled fans are shown in operation; and a number of centrifugal steel plate fans of various types, including a small electric forge blower as fitted direct to the tuyere. Their electric fans are made in a number of standard sizes, and are fitted with direct or alternating current motors; they can be wound for any frequency, single-, two-, or three-phase. The makers call attention to the blade construction, which, owing to its open type, does not obstruct natural ventilation. Their standard steel plate fans are fitted with straight bladed runners, but they are also exhibiting a fan with brake is extremely powerful, giving instant control over heavy loads, and is lined with special “ Ferodo ” com- position. A double-drum “ Windy Putter ” is shown also, this machine being similar to the single-drum type, except that it is provided with two drums taking 300 yds. of f in. rope each. The clutch is made in one piece, so that it is impossible to get both drums into gear at any one time, and also allows one drum to run loose when required. A single-drum electric haulage gear shown is fitted with a 7-horse power motor of special design, totally enclosed, and fitted with a reversing controller. The gears are all machine-cut, so that there is a minimum noise and maximum efficiency. The drum is of very- large capacity, being 12 in. diameter and 12 in. wide, and capable of taking 650 yds. of f in. wire rope, fitted with powerful hand brake and clutch, both operated by- hand levers. A double-drum gear on view is in all respects similar to the single-drum machine, but is provided with two drums each, having a capacity of 300 yds. of f in. rope on each drum, which is worked by a clutch operated by hand lever and controlled by a powerful band brake, which is operated by an easily accessible hand lever. The speed of rope is three miles per hour, but smaller or greater speeds can be obtained as may be required. The base is of cast iron in one piece, forming a rigid and compact foundation, and special attention has been paid to the strength of same. All the bearings are lined with white metal, and carefully fitted, whilst an excellent lubricating system has been designed, ensuring smooth and easy running. The machines are made of various capacities and powers, and the motors vary to suit local conditions. ALFRED ALLEN & SON LTD. The exhibits of this firm comprise an iron colliery tub, with galvanised body plates; a wooden pit tub, with tongued and grooved boards throughout; a tub tippler, and examples of ventilating pipes. CROSTHWAITE ENGINEERING & FURNACE CO. LTD. This exhibit shows the patent furnace made by this firm, which is designed for the consumption of all kinds of inferior fuel, and can be attached to all kinds of boilers with either steam or air blast. The chief feature of the invention resides in a novel shape of fire bar. The company also undertake the erection of light buildings, manufacture all classes of hydraulic machinery, and carry on the business of general engineers and iron founders. APPLETON & HOWARD. On this stand are shown samples of cylinder drain cocks for simple and compound engines, gun metal gland taps, wheel valves, sluice valves, steam unions, etc., as well as samples of phosphor bronze, gun metal, and wagon steps in eastings. this lamp has an efficiency 40 per cent, higher than that of any other miners’ alkaline lamp on the market. Other novel and interesting exhibits by this company include a miners’ electric cap lamp, which is largely used in the United States, and has been approved by mm] (tuWl iifFlif-,! ;•' a 4 itedii'm nm “Ceag” Battery-charging Racr at the Hickleton Main Colliery.[ I.! ’ I Rack of “ Ceag ” Lamps at the Hickleton Main Colliery. the United States Bureau of Mines, and which is also being introduced into this country, and some gas-detect- ing lamps of the latest type. Electric lamps for sinking and pit bottom lighting purposes, and special hand lamps, both bull’s-eye and standard type, in brass and steel, for officials’ use, etc., are also shown.