1392 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19 1914. MATHER & PLATT, LTD. Messrs. Mather and Platt Limited show a variety of turbine and centrifugal pumps. These include an axial- flow turbine pump direct coupled to a Zoelly steam turbine. The pump is capable of delivering 3,600 gallons per minute against a total head of 60 ft. when running at 3,000 revs, per minute. This type of pump is of a new design, and constructed to deal with large quantities of water against low heads at comparatively high speeds. The high speed compared with the normal type of centrifugal pump enables this type to be direct driven ( * 11 ■.—.- ■— Fro. 1.—Axial-flow Turbine Pump coupled to Zoelly Turbine. Fig. 2.—Multi-stage High-lift Turbine Mine Pump. (Mather and Platt Limited.) Fig. 3.—’Section through Multi-stage High- lift Turbine Pump. Fig. 4.—Diagram of Connections of Turbine Boiler Feed Pump. (Mathex and Platt Limited.) by high speed motors and steam turbines with a con- sequent reduction in first cost and space occupied. The pump is designed as a two-chamber pump, each chamber being fitted with a propeller of special design, and working in parallel. The water enters in a central suction chamber, and is then distributed equally to the right and left hand pump chamber, from whence it is delivered through a breeches pipe into the common delivery main. Guide passages of special design at the entrance and exit of the propellers ensure the correct flow of the water through the channels of the propellers. It is characteristic of this type of pump that the load becomes larger when the output for which they are designed is reduced, and this load is a maximum when the delivery is stopped altogether. A by-pass arrange- ment is therefore fitted to the pump between delivery branch and suction chamber, so as to short circuit the water in proportion as its delivery through the delivery main is restricted. The by-pass arrangement also enables the plant to be started up with the minimum load, a feature which is of great advantage when the pump is driven by squirrel cage A.C. motor. This type of pump is also arranged to be fitted with an air extracting pump, gear driven from the main shaft to exhaust the air from the suction pipe and pump casing on starting up. The small pump is automatic, so that in the event of the main pump losing its water it imme- diately comes into action and reprimes the latter. Fig. 5.—Centrifugal Sludge Pump. (Mather andJPlatt Limited.) There is also multi-stage high lift turbine pump for mine work capable of delivering 700 gallons per minute against a total head of 720 ft. at 1,160 revs, per minute. This pump absorbs 210-b.h.p., and is arranged to be driven by a three-phase high-tension motor. The pump is divided into vertical sections securely held together by external bolts of ample strength, this con- struction giving the greatest ease of dismantling, and allowing the addition of an extra section should it be desired to increase the head at any time. Feet are provided on each middle body of the larger sizes, rest- ing on the planed surface of the bed, and allowing each body to be drawn clear of the shaft without damaging the latter. The whole of the working parts of the pump, both rotary and stationary, can be constructed of gun metal, and are easily renewed. The axial thrust is balanced by an improved automatic compound differen- tial balancing arrangement. This consists of a balance disc with two active throttling surfaces floating between two fixed seatings with minimum clearance. Both the working faces are arranged vertically so as to be inde- pendent of all possible vibration of the rotary system. The high pressure water, escaping from the rim of the last impeller, passes through the holes H into the pres- sure chamber M, from whence it escapes along the larger throttling surface of the balance valve into the regulating pressure chamber K, and from there past the smaller throttling surface into the escape pipe P, leading back into the suction chamber of the pump. A multiplication of the balancing effect is obtained by the closing up of the larger throttling face causing an open- ing out of the smaller one, and a movement of a few thousandths of an inch only is required to balance the most extreme and sudden changes of the hydrostatic equilibrium of the pump. The other, and most impor- tant feature of this auto-plate balance is that it main- tains the central position of the impellers, even if the throttling surfaces have become worn, as may be the case when pumps are working on gritty water. A multi-stage turbine pump for boiler feed coupled direct to 15-b.h.p. direct current motor is capable of supplying 2,400 gallons per hour to high pressure boilers at a pressure of 1601b. per sq. in., and simultaneously 3,600 gallons per hour to low pressure boilers at 80 lb. per sq. in. when running at 1,700 revs, per minute. Both discharges can be taken through the economisers or direct to the boilers. Alternatively the whole quantity of 6,000 gallons per hour can be delivered to either the low or high pressure boilers. The outstanding feature of the boiler feed pump is the possibility of arranging three separate circuits for the water delivery. One circuit is taken from the suction through the valve A, part of the turbine pump B, valve C, through the economisers D, valve E, to the low pressure boilers. Part of the delivery from the same circuit is taken through valve F into the remaining portion of the pump, and through valves H and J, and delivered into the high pressure boilers. Should it, however, be necessary to shut the economisers down, or should a breakage occur in the pipe line from the pump to the economisers it is pos- sible by closing valves C and F and opening valves G, to pump from the suction through valves A, B, G, H, and J direct into the high pressure boilers. A feature of this arrangement is that any of the valve connections might be closed or opened at any time, thus changing the circuits without stopping the plant. The motor is of the latest design and fitted with a sliding cover at the commutator end, so as to enable the brush gear to be inspected when necessary. A standard centrifugal pump is shown coupled to induction motor for dealing with 1,700 gallons per minute against 60 ft. head at 1,150 revs, per minute. There is also a 6 in. belt driven centrifugal pump of special design to deal with sludge, sewage and the like. The capacity is 600 gallons per minute against 30 ft. head at 1,000 revs, per minute—the features of interest on this pump are the swing cover on the suction side to facilitate inspection and the open type of impeller. TILGHMAN’S PATENT SAND BLAST CO. LTD. This firm show one of their vertical high-speed enclosed air compressors, fitted with patent multiple plate valves. The compressor is direct driven from motor shaft, and has a capacity of 400 cu. ft. of air per Vertical High-speed Compressor. (Tilghman’s Patent Sand Blast Company Limited.) minute. This type of machine is arranged to compress the air in two stages, each stage being complete in a separate double-acting cylinder. The machine is entirely automatic both as regards oiling and air pres- sure, any required pressure of air being maintained in the air receiver, irrespective of the quantity of air being used. The design allows of every portion of the motion work and valves being readily inspected and taken apart. The air cylinder valves run quietly at all