1378 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19, 1914. * II .■ »■ ■ STANDARD SUPERHEATER AS APPLIED TOiA LANCASHIRE- BOILER. Sugden’s Superheaters PROTECTED BY 12 PATENTS. Standard - Sectional - “ Detachable Tube ” Type. Save IO to 20 7O in Coal. Avoid Condensation in Pipes, Engine Cylinders, &c. Do not interfere with existing working conditions. THOUSANDS IN USE. Adopted by the leading Collieries, Steel, Iron and Tin-plate Works, One Firm alone having installed over 40 of Sugden’s Superheaters. MANCHESTER OFFICE : Cromwell Buildings. Blackfriars Street, Manchester. SOUTH WALES OFFICE : 102, St. Mary’s Street, Cardiff. Write for Full Particulars, Testimonials, and List of Collieries who are using Sugden’s Superheaters. T. SUGDEN Ltd. Representatives in all other Principal Towns. Telegrams— “TUBULARITY, LONDON." Telephone— No. 186 HOLBORN. 180, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. ENGINEERING SUPPLIES LT[! Representatives— DAVID WILSON & CO., 32, King Street West, MANCHESTER. Pyrometers, Thermometers, Heat Regulators, Steam Meters, Recording Steam Meters, Density Meters, Governors, &c. n _t. Cohriu STAND No. 14, Second Northern Colliery and Mining Exhibition, Manchester, June 12 to 27, 1914.