_ ._____________ Simplicity and Reliability 1372 _______________________________________ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Jlne 19, 1914. TTHE keynote of the “ Duplex” Valveless Gas Engine is simplicity. There 1 are fewer working parts in this engine than in any other. There are no valves; the pistons act 'as- their own inlet and exhaust valves. It is double acting—every stroke is a driving stroke—and is the only engine built on high speed steam engine lines. Forced lubrication is fitted to every working part, and as all cams, tappets, gear wheels, &c., have been eliminated, absolute silence is assured. With the (Patent) Duplex Valveless Gas Engine •«—D267' 1,000 B.H.P. Vertical Valveless “Duplex” Gas Engine. -[H’PLtX •fwff ZT’'- there are no intricate castings to crack under the high working temperatures; no cast-on water jackets (the simple tube-like cylinders are enclosed in a water-tank) ; no cams and no side-shafts. Power for power, the Duplex is the smallest gas engine made. This compactness of design is of the utmost importance where space is a consideration. The minimum weight, too, permits of inexpensive foundations. For driving alternators, and colliery and mining machinery the “ Duplex ” Valveless Gas Engine is ideal. The extreme simplicity of the “ Duplex ’’—the elimination of valves, cams and gears— means continuity of operation with minimum attention ; in other words, low maintenance charges. reliability and We shall be pleased to send our booklet No. 74 to any reader interested in the economical generation of power for industrial purposes and to place our Staff of Experts at the disposal of all contemplating new works or extensions. Telegraphic Address: “ Mather, Manchester.” ftaflicrOlaitn MANCHESTER and LONDON. Telephone No.': 6,200 City (6 lines).