June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1371 ______________________________________ Electrical Machinery for Mines and Collieries. We are in an exceptional position to supply and instal complete plants for the electrification of Mines and Collieries. On our staff are expert engineers who have successfully equipped and reorganised the driving arrangements of some of the largest Mines and Collieries in the World. The services of these engineers are available for you. - . ■ ■ V, 'i ■ K AC Wl ‘W-’ J Underground Electrically-Driven Pumping Installation at the Birchenwood Colliery, B.H.P. of Each Motor, 750 H.P. Each Pump Delivers 1,800 Gallons Against 950 ft. Head. We manufacture all types of alternating and direct current machines including : “ P ” Type D.C. Generators. “ P ” Type D.C. Motors. “ S ” Type Single and Polyphase Generators. “ K ” Type A.C. Motors. and are prepared to submit estimates and specifications for individual machines or complete installations. Please write giving us your requirements. Illustrated Booklet No. 54 showing our Mining Specialities will be sent you free on application. Telegraphic Address : “Mather, Manchester.” Claflm Platt E MANCHESTER and LONDON. Telephone No.: 6200 City (6 lines).