June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1365 3 Tons -12 Miles -1 Hour Is Tons - 3 Miles - 1 Hour WHStTp WHStTv? WHEN you realise that one 3 ton Belsize lorry and one man does the work of 8 horse-drawn vehicles and 8 men, you have at once the reason for the popularity of this motor vehicle among the most up-to-date Collieries. you see Compare your present transport costs with the figures for a 3-ton Belsize in your business, find out exactly how much actually are paying now, and what you would save. Belsize 3-tonners will do your cartage cheaper than either horses or do to the month, just as the lorry And it will pay you, over again. railways, and moreover, you not disturb your capital buy one. You pay on instalment plan, month by pays you. over and Besides the great financial relief, Belsize Motor transport is quicker than horses or railways. There’s no time lost in goods yards and sidings, your own man is with the goods all the time. There are many other advantages as well ; in fact, look at it how you like, the Belsize is a business proposition from beginning to end. The easy payment system appeals to you because you haven’t to disturb your capital, and the lorry more than pays for itself every day of its life. Let us send you particulars of this unique offer ; let us investigate your own case and put the Belsize figures before you. It’ll cost you nothing to enquire, and it may save you hundreds of pounds. Bentinck Motor Supply Co. Ltd. 13, SPRING GARDENS, MANCHESTER