June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1359 Glasgow Office— Messrs. EDMISTON BROWN & CO., 219, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Telegrams— ' Telephone No.— “ Economical, Glasgow.” Central 1189 and 1190 (2 lines). Birmingham Office— Mr. B. PARDON, Telephone No. 195. “ Radfords,” Maney Hill Road, Sutton Coldfield. Newcastle Office— Mr. T. H. OUGHTON, Telephone No. 524. 3, Loraine Terrace, Low Fell, Gateshead-on-Tyne. Cardiff Office— Mr. S. R. CLAY, Telephone No. 1096. 38, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. Lancs, and Yorks. Representative— Mr. W. J. HOSKINS, 21, Westfield Av., Oakes, Huddersfield. Some Famous (@> Specialities Mostly in- successfully competitive “Meco” Rescue Apparatus. “ Meco” Percussive Coal Cutter. “Meco” Hammer Drill. 50 n T The proved best apparatus.^ It has been conclusively proved that the wearer of a “ Meco ” Rescue Apparatus can accomplish more work in a given time than any wearer of a competitive apparatus. This is because the “ Meco ” Apparatus is so comfortable, so light, the breathing so easy, there is not the slightest strain on the lungs. The apparatus which is installed at several of the leading rescue stations in this country, stalled after proving, by tests, the superiority of the “ Meco ” Apparatus. The men prefer this apparatus. Drills or Coal Cutters We send either Rock absolutely free trial MAY WE SEND YOU ONE P on Please Write for Illustrated Catalogue and Further Particulars. Head Office and Works— IM Mining Engineering Co. Ltd Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD Telegrams—“Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone—4530 Central (2 lines).