1356 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19, 1914. 4 COAL '7 «4 H LUMINOUS APPARATUS ENGINE ROOM INSTRUMENT. SHAFT SIGNALS TO COMPLY WITH THE NEW REGULATIONS. SIEMENS BROS. & CO. LTD., Apparatus Department, WOOLWICH, LONDON, S.E. Telephone: City 6400 (7 lines). Telegrams: “Siemens, Woolwich.” BELL INDICATOR. 7 av W ON su-T-.r ' A CONVEYOR SEND FOR PRICES. BELTS or George Angus & Co. Ld., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ALL DESCRIPTIONS. AND AT London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, and Cardiff. FRANZ SCHLUTER Telephones : 756, 757, 758, 759. Dortmund Telegraphic Address : “ Spezialbeton.” GERMANY. Specialist in Concrete and Monier Building. SPECIAL WORK for MINES. Every style of concrete and steel concrete SHAFT and PIT-EYE. Distance between walls 6 tn. Pit-eye 8 tn. wide. work undertaken. Complete contracts entered into for constructing superstructures, under= ground work, bridges and mining work at home and abroad. Fine Coal Tower on Shaft 3 of the Rhein. Stahlwerk Centrum Pit, Wattenscheid, Germany.