1354 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 19, 1914. CROMPTON & CO. LTD., CHELMSFORD, = ENGLAND. Telegrams:—“CROMPTON, CHELMSFORD.” Telephone :-No. 2 CHELMSFORD. Regd. Office and Export Dept.—SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON WALL, E.C. Telegrams:—CROMPTON, AVE, LONDON.” Telephone :-488 CENTRAL, 86 LONDON TRUNK. MAIN WINDING ENGINES. r Sty I i ■ ■ - '■fc-r ■ ’ y ,1 ■ I ei1 ■■fl! V T » " •-^7 ADVANTAGES OF “C.M.B” SYSTEM OF CONTROL: Lowest Power Consumption per ton of Coal Raised. Reduced Maximum Demand from the Supply Mains. Ease, Simplicity, and Reliability of Control. Minimum Wear and Tear on Brake Blocks. Crawing Speeds for Shaft Inspection obtained Economically. Steam Engine Characteristics with all the Advantages of Electric Drive. Impossibility of Overload by indiscreet handling of controller. Efficient Safety Devices for Preventing Overwinding. Unity Power Factor at all Loads. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. GLASGOW—50, Wellington Street. BRISTOL—28, Baldwin Street. MANCHESTER—42, Deansgate. BIRMINGHAM—27, Paradise Street. NEWCASTLE 21, Pearl Assurance Bdgs. Also at PARIS, CONSTANTINOPLE, BOMBAY, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, SINGAPORE, and SYDNEY.