June 19, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1353 ______ WE ARE EXHIBITING AT THE NORTHERN MINING EXHIBITION, STAND Nos. 12-13. 8 * THE PROTO ~ RESCUE APPARATUS Has been Adopted by most of the Principal Rescue Stations throughout the UnitedhKingdom. y i ■ r •1 p i't Rescue Team of the Howe Bridge (Lancs.) Rescue Station. The Safest Apparatus on the Market. NO INJECTORS EMPLOYED K Rescue Team of the Stoke-on-Trent Rescue Station. DEMONSTRATIONS BY TRAINED RESCUE MEN GIVEN SEVERAL TIMES DAILY IN OUR SMOKE CHAMBER ON THE STAND. Send for Bulletin of serious cases where the “Proto” Apparatus (which holds the World’s Record in Mine' Recovery Work) has been employed. Also'Makers of SMOKE HELMETS (all patterns), Oxygen Inhaling Apparatus, BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances for resuscitating work—CONDEMNED BY EMINENT PHYSIOLOGISTS as DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE. Oxygen Compression Pumps, Gas Analysis Apparatus, &c., &c. Group of Rescue Men at the Wrexham Rescue Station/ North Wales. Rescue Men of t-Q e Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics., Rescue Station. SIEBE, GORMAN & Co. Ld. “ Neptune” Works, and 185-189, Westminster Bridge Road, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“ SIEBE, LAMB, LONDON,” Telephone No.—Hop. 251.