June 19, 3 914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ____ 134t BENNIS MACHINE STOKING ALWAYS PAYS. 0 I SEE STAND 26 AT THE COLLIERY AND MINING EXHIBITION, MANCHESTER. BENNIS MACHINE STOKERS burn unmarketable coal without smoke. BENNIS MACHINES maintain clear, strong fires, and are rapid steam-raisers ; they save time, money and labour. BENNIS ELEVATORS automatically transport the coal to the bunkers and distribute it to the stoker hoppers as required. BENNIS SELF-CLEANING COMPRESSED-AIR FURNACES, adapted for hand-firing in collieries, burn easily large and small lumps, fine coal and waste fuels shale, and pit refuse. Write for pamphlet Paying Steam-Raising for the World’s Collieries, to ED. BENNIS & CO. LTD• 9 Little Hulton, Bolton, or 28, Victoria Street, S.W.