June 12, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1339 The EXHALL OVERWIND PREVENTER (Jackson & Staley’s Patent). Any Engineman can understand it after* once seeing it in operation. (0. Effectually prevents the Cage being dashed into the sump boards when men are being lowered. 1 - |s i x v ^rxw<' ' ‘ iOVli. St'sT’ • ■ ■ ■■■ *~t 1 PS&Mii I ' ft <2). The Engineman cannot start in the wrong direction. (3) . The Engineman cannot exceed any predetermined speed in winding. (4) . Steam is shut off if winding at high speed continues too near the end of wind. (5) . There are two independent mechanisms, either of which shut off steam and apply the brakes to prevent overwinding. (6) . After the action of the machine in preventing an over- wind it can be set ready for re-use by one man, and Winding can be Continued Within One Minute. Adopted by OVER 120 COLLIERIES, among which are:— The Lilleshall Co. Ltd.............. 8 machines. The Weardale Steel, Coal & Coke Co. Ltd. ... 7 machines. The New Hucknall Colliery Co. Ltd. . 6 machines. &c Sole Makers- NORTONS (Tl VI DALE) LTD., Hecla Works, Tipton, ENGLAND. Allen’s Stone Dust Making Plant 'ias many advantages over other types. Write for full Particulars ! Edgar Allen & Co. Limited, Imperial Steel Works, SHEFFIELD. FOUNDED 1895. THE QUARRY, The Organ of the Stone, Marble, Slate, Lime, Clay and Cement Trades, Circulating amongst QUARRY OWNERS and MANAGERS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, STONE MERCHANTS, &c. Price— 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7 s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). £ g MOST IMPORTANT POINTS to have in mind when purchasing Machine-cut Gearing. THE GENUINE Offices— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Ij DOUBLE HELICAL GEARS Offer all this and more. Made from specially selected material, with teeth accurately cut in one continuous piece direct from the solid—they are an ideal drive for heavy power transmission. SILENT RUNNING. David Drown & Sons