1318 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 12, 1914. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The outward freight market is only moderately active this week. On the North-East Coast rates show some little ease. Coasting business is being done at from 3s. to 3s. l|d. to London from the Tyne, and from 3s. 3d. to 3s. 4Jd. to Ham- burg. The Baltic is represented by 4s. 9d. to Cronstadt, and 5s. to St. Petersburg, whilst from 5s. 3d. to 5s. 7^d. for Bordeaux is a typical rate for the Bay. The Mediterranean is being done at from 7s. to 7s. 4Jd. to Genoa. At South Wales rates for the Mediterranean are substantially steady, whilst those for the River Plate are weak. The Bay and coasting ports are fairly steady. The Humber market is unchanged. The Clyde is quiet and easy. Homewards, Black Sea rates are weak, with business exceptionally dull owing to small arrivals of grain from the interior. Tonnage is in considerable excess of requirements. The Azof market has practically collapsed, there being little demand for cargo carriers. The Eastern enquiry is improved, and the tone is steadier. Australia is dull and easy. The Mediterranean and ore trades are unchanged. The Baltic is quiet, but firm. America is slow, and inclined to weaken. Tyne to Antwerp, 1,600, 3s. 9d. ; 2,900, 3s. 6d.; 1,700, 3s. 9d., from Dunston; 1,750, 3s. 7Jd., from Dunston; Bar- celona, 3,500, 8s. 3d.; Bordeaux, 2,800, 5s. 9d.; 2,800, 5s. 9d., from Dunston; 2,600, 5s. 9d., 500, from Dunston; 2,800, 5s. 74d.; 2,900, 5s. 3d. ; Boulogne, 1,600, 3s. 9d.; Bagnoli, 5,800, 7s. 3d. ; Boucan, 3,500, 5s. 7|d. • Bilbao, 1.400, 6s. 3d.; Calais, 1,300, 3s. 7Jd.; 1,900, 3s. 6d., from Dunston; 2,000, 3s. 6d.; Carthagena, 1,000, 8s. 3d.; Cag- liari, 2.100, 8s. 6-Jd.; Cronstadt, 5,500, 4s. 9d.; 1,900, 4s. 9d.; 3,200, 4s. 9d.: 4,800, 4s. 9d.; Civita Vecchia, 5,600, 7s. 9d.; Carloforte, 2,500, 9s.: Dieppe, 850, 4s. 4Jd.; Genoa, 3.600, -7s. 3d.; 4,800, 7s. 44d. ; 7.300, 7s.; 5,200, 7s. 3d.; 4,000, 7s. 4-ld. ; 4,500, 7s. 3d.; Holtenau, 1,700, 4s. 3d.; Hamburg, 2,100, 3s. 3d. ; 2,000, 3s. 6d.; 2,000, 3s. 6d., from Dunston; 2,000, 3s. 41d. ; 2,400, 3s. 4-Jd., from Derwent- haugli; 2,800, 3s. 4Jd.; Havre, 1,150, 4s. 3d., two loading places; 2,100, 4s.; Helsingfors, 2,000, 4s. 9d. ; London, 1.600, 3s. lid. ; 2,100, 3s. ; Leghorn, 3,000, 7s. 3d. ; Lisbon, 3.400, 6s. 71-d.; Marseilles, 4,000, 7s., reported; 5,500, 7s.; 4,000, 7s., 600; Naples, 3,400, 7s. 4M, 700; Nantes, 2,800, 5s. 9d. ; 2,800, 5s. 9d., from Dunston; 2,600, 5s. 9d., 500, from Dunston; Oporto, 1,000, 7s. 6d., 250; Port Kunda, 2,000, 5s. ; 1,100, 4s. 9d.; Pozzuoli, 3,000, 8s. 6d. coal, 9s. 6d. goods ; Piraeus, 6,000, 7s. 3d., 500; Porto Ferrajo, 5,800, 7s. ; Palermo, 2,500, 8s.; Stockholm, 1,750, 4s. 9d., 350; St. Ubes, 2,300, 7s. 3d.; St. Nazaire, 2,900, 5s.; St. Peters- burg, 2,400, 5s. Cardiff to Almeria, 1,900, 7s. 6d.; Alicante, 2,000, 7s. 9d.; Alexandria, 5,000, 7s., 700, June 22; Barcelona, 3,000, 8s. 7-^-d.; 4,400, 8s. 3d. ; 3,700, 8s. 3d.; Boulogne, 630, 4s.; Buenos Ayres, 13s. 9d. ; Brest, 1,900, 3s. 7Jd.; Civita Vecchia, 5,000, 7s. 6d., 400; Cadiz, 2,000, 7s.; Cronstadt, 3.200, 5s. 4|d.; 2,200, 5s. 3d.; 2,800, 5s. 3d.; Campana, 5,100, 1.3s. 9d., June 15; Dieppe, 2,800, 3s. 9d. ; Eelixstowe, 800, 3s. 3d.; Genoa, 4,300, 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel; 3,300, 7s. 9d.; 6,800, 6s. 6d., 700, 6s. 9d., 500, June 24; 8,200, 6s. 6d., June 22; 6,600, 6s. 6d.; 7,000, 6s. 9d., 500, June 14; 6.200, 7s.; 4,600, 7s., end June; Galatz, 4,400, 8s., end June; Galatz and or Braila, 4,600, 8s. 3d.; Gibraltar, 3,800, 4s., net terms; Honfleur, 1,100, 4s. 3d.; Huelva, 2,700, 6s. 6d. : Havre, 1,500, 3s. 9d.; 700, 4s.; Havre Canal, 1,500, 4s. lid.; Invergordon, 1,000, 4s. Admiralty; Leghorn, 3,300," 7s. 9d.; Lisbon, 1,500, 6s. 4Jd., 300, June; 2,000, 6s. 6d.; 2,200, 6s., 500, 6s. 3d., 350, June 22; 2,000, 6s. 9d., 350; 2,300, 6s. 4Jd., 350, June 15; Marseilles, 5,000, 8| fr.; 5,000, 7J fr.; 6,600, 8|-fr., June 18; Messina, 3,200, 7s. 6d., 400; Nantes, 1,500, 64 fr. ; Nieudiep, 1,600, 4s. 3d.; Port Said, 3,500, 7s.; 5,000, 7s.; 6,300, 7s., June 15; Palma, 2,800, 7s. 9d.; Rouen, 1,400, 4s. 6d.; 2.000, 4s. 3d.; River Plate, 13s. 7-W-, July; 5,000, 13s. 9d.; 4,800, 14s.; 4,700, 13s. 3d., June 18; 6,600, 13s. 3d. ; 7,000, 13s. 3d., June 18; Rosario, 5,100, 14s. 3d., June 15; 4,600, 14s. 3d., June 15; Riga, 800, 7s.; Rio de Janeiro, 4,800, 12s. 9d., 300, June 15; 6,500, 12s. 6d.; 6,000, 12s. 6d.; Savona, 3,300, 7s. 9d.; 8.200, 6s. 6d., June 22: 6,600, 6s. 6d.; 6,800, 6s. 6d., 700, 6s. 9d., 500, June 24; 7,000, 6s. 9d., 500, June 14; 7,000, 6s. 6d. : Santa Liberata, 4,600; 7s. 9d., 400; Spezzia, 5,200, 7s. ; 8,200, 6s. 6d., June 22; 6,600, 6s. 6d. ; 6,800, 6s. 6d., 700, 6s. 9d., 500, June 24; 7,000, 6s. 6d.; 7,000, 6s. 9d., 500, June 14; St. Nazaire, 3,200, 5|- fr. ; Torre Annunziata, 5,000, 7s. 6d., 400: Teneriffe, 6,000, 7s.; Venice, 6,600, 7s. 9d., 500; 5,500, 8s. 3d., 500, June 15; 4,200, 8s. 4Jd., 400, June 16, 6,500, 7s. 9d., 500, June 20; Villa Constitucion, 5,100, 13s. 9d., June 15. Burryport to Rouen, 780, 5s. Port Talbot to La Pallice, 2,100, 5f fr.; Boulogne, 630, 4s.; Nantes, 2,500, 6 fr.; 2,000, 5| fr. Wear to Bordeaux, 2,500, 5s. 6d.; 2,600, 5s. 3d.; Sulina, 5,100, 7s. 9d. ; Cronstadt, 3,000, 5s.; 2,300, 5s.; Oscarshamn, 1.200, 4s. 4yd.; River Plate, 14s.; St. Ubes, 2,300, 7s. 3d. Blyth to Boulogne, 1,600, 3s. 9d. ; Cronstadt, 4,800, 4s. 9d.; Calais, 1,800, 3s. 6d.; 1,000, 3s. 7|d.; Eranno (near Hernosand), 2,100, 4s. 3d.; Manager, 1,700, 4s. 6d. ; St. Petersburg, 6,000, 4s. 9d., 1,000; Sundswall district, 2,700, 4s. 44d.; Fairwater, 2,000, 4s. 6d. Hull to Cronstadt, 3,900, 4s. 9d. ; 2,000, 5s.; 3,000, 5s.; 6.000, 4s. 6d. ; East Norway, 800, 5s.; Rouen^ 2,500, 4s. 4^-d. ; Oscarshamn, 1,200, 4s. 4|d.; Pernau, 2,000, 5s. Sharpness to Sydney, N.S.W., sail, 13s. 6d. Humber to Pernau, 2,800, 5s., 600. Swansea to Rio de Janeiro,. 14s. 6d., 300, fuel; Spezzia, 3,400, 7s. 9d., 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel, June; 2,800, 7s. 9d., June; Rouen, 2,000, 4s. 41d. ; Caen, 650, 4s. 3d.; Sables, 1,250, 6 fr. ; Brindisi and Barletta, 3,500, 9s. 6d.; Genoa, 2.800, 7s. 9d., June. 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel, June; 3,400, 7s. 9d.: 1,250, 7s. 6d.; 2,400, 8s. 3d. coal, 9s. fuel: Leghorn, 3,400, 7s. 9d. ; 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel, June; 2,900, 7s. 9d. coal, 8s. 6d. fuel; Venice, 6,500, 8s. 3d. coal, 9s. fuel, June; Alexandria, 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 6d. fuel; 4,000, 7s. 9d., June 13; La Rochelle, 1,300, 9 fr. ; Calais, 1,100, 4s.; Marseilles, 3.200, Sy fr.; Rouen, 1,700, 4s. 4|-d.; 1,900, 4s. 6d.; Savona, 2.800. 7s. 9d., June; 3.400, 7s. 9d.; 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel, June; 2,400, 8s. 3d. coal, 9s. fuel; La Rochelle, 2,400, 5J fr. Glasgow to Buenos Ayres, 14s. 6d., 250, July; 14s. 6d., 200: Riga, 1,900, 4s. 7jd.; Genoa, 7s. 3d., June; Savona, 7s. 3d., June; Leghorn, 7s. 3d., June; Alexandria, 6,600, 7s. 3d. Imminghani to Reval, 2,500, 5s., 500; Pernau, 2,000, 5s. Cont., two ports, to Honolulu, 5,000-6,000, 23s. 9d., Oct.- Nov. Fife port to Cronstadt, 3,700, 4s. 7|d.; Rouen, 1,800, 4s. 41-d.; Genoa, 4,000, 7s. 6d.; Syra, 3,000, 8s.; Piraeus, 3,000; 8s. Forth to Lulea, contract, 20,000 tons, reported at 4s. 3d.; Aalborg, 1,250, 4s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 3,700, 4s. 9d.; 3,000, 5s. l^d.; Riga, 2,200, 4s. 9d.; Kiel, 2,200, 5s.; Wyborg, 1,200, 5s. 3d.; Kotka, 1,500, 4s. 4Jd. Emden to Port Said, 6,200, 7s. Rotterdam to Barcelona, 3,700, 8s. 6d. ; Wallaroo, sail, 15s., coke; Honfleur, 1,700-2,000, 4s. IJd., end June; Mar- seilles, 3,700, 8 fr. Newport to Marseilles, 6,300, 8Jfr., mid-June; 3,100, 8^-fr.; La Pallice, 1,200, 6J fr.; Torre Annunziata, 2,500, 7s. 9d., 800; River Plate, 13s. 9d.; Lisbon, 1,500, 6s. 4|d., 300, June; 3,000, 6s., 350; Catania, 3,300, 7s. 7£d., 500; Bahia Blanca, 7,000, 14s., mid-June. Hartlepool to Hamburg, 3,000, 3s. 3d.; Bordeaux, 2,100, 4s. lOJd.; St. Nazaire, 2,100, 4s. 7Jd.; Lubeck, 3,800, 4s. 4|d. Grangemouth to Stockholm, 2,000, 4s. 3d.; Cronstadt, 2,700, 4s. 10id. Methil to Genoa, 3,900, 7s. 6d. Seaham Harbour to Boulogne, 1,000, 4s. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aberdeen, June 16.—Coal for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. W. Dy ack, burgh surveyor, Town House. Acton, W., June 16.—Steam coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. F. Sadler, the surveyor to the Council. Ashford (Kent), June 18.—About 6,000 to 7,000 tons of gas coal (screened or unscreened), for the Urban District Council. Conditions from Mr. Turner, clerk to the Council, 11, Bank-street, Ashford, Kent. Basford, June 22.—Best hard coal and engine slack (screened through 2 in. bar) for the Rural District Council. Forms from Mr. Henry Stone, clerk, Public Offices, Basford, Nottingham. ' Birkenhead, June 17.—For the Corporation, screened coal through and through, and coal nuts, for gas making. Finns of tender from Mr. T. O. Paterson, M.Inst.C.E., gas engineer, Gas Works, Birkenhead. Birmingham.—About 2,700 tons of coal, for steam raising purposes, for the directors of the East Worcestershire Water- works Company. Forms from Mr. P. W. Walker, 18, Waterloo-street, Birmingham. Bishop’s Waltham, June 22.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. H. Godfrey Pearson, clerk, Bishop’s Waltham, Hants. Booking, June 17.—Steam coal for the Braintree Guardians. Forms from Mr. Alfred Hills, clerk, Union Offices, the Workhouse, Booking. Bodmin, June 26.—Best large household coals (double screened), good steam coals, and broken coke, to the Cornwall County Asylum, for the Visiting Committee. Forms from the clerk to the Asylum, Bodmin. Bournemouth, June 20.—Coal, coke and firewood for the Education Committee. Forms from the Director of Education, Municipal Offices, Bournemouth. Bradford, June 22.—For the Guardians of the North Brierley Union, 800 tons of screened engine coal and 400 tens of best house coal for their institution of Clayton, near Bradford. Forms from William G. Cooper, clerk to the Guardians, 4, Town Hall-street, Bradford. Bridgnorth, June 20.—Good screened slack, also rough slack, for the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. J. H. Cooksey, town clerk, Bridgnorth. Bristol, June 17.—Coal for the Estates and General Purposes Committee. Forms on application to the City Treasurer, Council House, Bristol. Bristol, June 15.—Good house coal and anthracite, for the Education Committee. Forms from Mr. William Avery Adams, secretary for Education, Guildhall, Bristol. Broadstairs, June 17.—About 5,000 tons of best Durham or Yorkshire gas coal, for the directors of the Broadstairs Gas Company. Forms from Mr. F. Higginson, engineer, manager, and secretary, Gas Office, Broadstairs. Brussels, June 16.—Coal to heat the communal buildings of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode-lez-Bruxelles. Information at the Bureau des Travaux. Bury St. Edmund’s, June 15.—Coal and coke for the West Suffolk Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Fred R. Hughes, secretary to the committee, Shire Hall, Bury St. Edmund’s. Cambridge, June 17.—Engine coal for the Swaffham and Bottisham Drainage District Commissioners. Tenders to Mr. T. Musgrave Francis, clerk, Cambridge. Cardigan, June 19.—About 1,000 tons of best screened gas coal, for the directors of the Cardigan Gas and Coke Consumers’ Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. G. H. Mathias, secretary, 7, Priory-street, Cardigan. Chelmsford, June 15.—Best quality Welsh anthracite beans, washed and screened, free from dust, calorific value, not less than 14,000 B.T.U., and of Bolsover or Mansfield hard steam coals for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. George Melvin, Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, Chelmsford. Cheltenham, June 15.—Household and small steam coal. Forms from J. S. Pickering, borough engineer, Municipal Offices, Cheltenham. Chester, June 16.—House coal, coke and slack for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. G. S. N. Hull, clerk to the Guardians, 161, Foregate-street, Chester. Chichester, June 23.—House and steam coal and coke, to the West Sussex County Asylum, Chichester, for the Visit- ing Committee. Forms from Mr. J. R. Newman, clerk and steward at the Asylum. Chiswick, June 17.—Coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. E. Willis, Town Hall, Chiswick. Cork, June 16.—Best steam coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. D. F. Giltinan, secretary of committee. Coventry, June 15.—Coal for the Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Fredk. Horner, secretary, Education Office, Coventry. Dartford, June 20.—About 5,000 tons of coal for the Council. Forms from W. Kay, clerk to the council, Council Offices, Dartford. Dawlish (Devon).—Best gas coal, for the directors of the Dawlish Gas and Coke Company Limited. Forms from Mr. W. E. Thornhill, secretary, Lansdown-place, Dawlish. Derby, June 16, etc.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. John Ward, Babington-lane, Derby. Derby, June 17.—Coal to the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, for the Weekly Board. Forms at the Infirmary. Devonport, June 24.—Coal and wood for the Corporation. Forms from the borough surveyor’s office, Devonport. Dewsbury, June 20.—About 24,000 tons of screened gas coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. George William Fligg, Gasworks, Savile Town, Dewsbury. Dublin, June 15.—Between 8,000 to 10,000 tons of good Welsh steam coal, for the directors of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company Limited, 27, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin. Tenders to Mr. David Barry, manager and secretary. Dunmow, June 15.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. A. E. Floyd, clerk, Dunmow. Eastbourne, June 15.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. A. Ernest Prescott, borough surveyor, Town Hall, Eastbourne. East Dereham, June 29.—About 2,200 tons of screened gas coal or nuts for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. B. H. Vores, clerk to the Urban District Council. East Preston, June 15.—About 380 tons house coal, 340 tons steam coal, 100 chaldrons coke for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Board Room, East Preston. Eccles, June 22.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Cawdor- street, Patricroft. Edmonton, June 16.—Coal and coke for the Education Committee. Forms from the Architect, Town Hall, Lower Edmonton. Epsom, June 15.—Coal and coke for the Epsom (Rural), Sutton, Carshalton, and Leatherhead Joint Hospital Board. Forms from Mr. W. O. Reader, clerk, Waterloo-road, Epsom. Exeter, June 15.—Bean or pea coal to the Exeter Corpora- tion electricity works. Forms from Mr. H. Lloyd Parry, town clerk. Farnham, June 17.—Steam coal and coke for the Guar- dians. Forms from Mr. Ernest Crundwell, clerk to the Guardians, South-street, Farnham. Folkestone, June 17.—Babbington hard rifler steam coal for the Elham Guardians. Forms from Mr. E. Lovick, clerk, 29, Bouverie-square, Folkestone. Gainsborough, June 20.—About 8,000 tons of best gas coal (screened, unscreened and nuts), for the Urban District Council. Tenders to the Chairman of the Gas Committee. Glasgow, June 15.—Coal for the Parish Council. Fenns from Mr. James R. Motion, inspector and clerk, 266, George- street. Glin (Ireland), June 29.—Coal for supplying the Glin District School (carriage free) with 180 tons of best 4 ft. Wigan, Whitehaven, or Orrel coals, screened and free from slack, for the Board of Management. Tenders to Mr. John Conway, clerk. Grays (Essex), June 15.—Griff, Babbington or other similar hard steam coal for the Thurrock, Grays and Tilbury Joint Sewerage Board'. Forms from the manager at the works. Hammersmith, June 17.—For the Borough Council, free burning Welsh steam coal. Forms from Mr. G. G. Bell, borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, 85, Fulham Palace-road, W. Hinckley, June 20.—Gas coal for the Urban District Council. Full particulars from Mr. Fred Lee, gas manager. Hindley, June 20.—From 9,000 to 10,000 tons of best screened Arley gas nuts for the Urban District Council; also for engine slack. Forms from Mr. H. O. Timmins, engineer and manager. Hoddesdon, June 19.—Hand-picked hard steam coal and small coal, for the Hoddesdon Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. P. R. Longmore, clerk, Council Offices, Hoddesdon. Hounslow, June 22.—About 175 tons of best coal for burning in open grates ; 30 tons of best hard steam coal for burning in laundry, boilers, closed ranges, and stoves; 20 tons of anthracite coal; and 20 tons of coke, for the Rich- mond (Surrey) and the Heston and Isle worth Urban District Joint Isolation Hospital Committee. Forms from the clerk, at 213, High-street, Hounslow. Isleworth, June 24.—About 4,500 tons of steam coal, for the Brentford Guardians. Forms from Mr. W. Stephens, clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, Isleworth, W. Johnstone (Scotland), June 22.—Coal for the Corpora- tion. Forms from Mr. James Dickson, engineer and manager. Keswick, June 17.—About 2,300 tons of best screened gas coals or nuts, for the directors of the Keswick Gas Com- pany. Tenders to Mr. J. H. Brodie, secretary, Otley-road, Keswick. Lancaster, June 17.—Coal for the Education Committee. Forms from the Secretary for Education, Town Hall, Lancaster. Lewes, June 15.—About 70 tons of anthracite coal, for the East Sussex County Council; also about 25 tons of best house coal (screened), and about 30 chaldrons of coke. Forms from Mr. Hugh J. T. Mcllveen, clerk to the County Council, County Hall, Lewes. Lincoln.—Cobbles and slack for the Corporation. Full particulars at the Electricity Works, Brayford Side North, Lincoln. London, S.E., June 16.—Steam and household coal for the Deptford Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, New Cross-road, S.E. London, S.W., June 17. — Coal for the Westminster Guardians. Forms from Mr. W. J. Lickley, clerk to the Guardians, Princes-row, Buckingham Palace-road, S.W. London, E.C., June 17.—Coal for the Guardians of St. Leonard, Shoreditch. Forms from Mr. R. Clay, clerk, 215, Kingsland-road, N.E. London, N., June 18.—Coal and coke for the Islington Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, Upper-street, N. London, S.E., June 18.—Coal for the Guardians of Green- wich Union. Forms from the Guardians’ Offices, Board Room, East Greenwich. London, W., June 18.—Coal and coke for the Middlesex Districts Joint Small-pox Hospital Board. Forms, Mr. E. F. Collins, clerk, Town Hall, Chiswick, W.